J hurs day, Marek :; t In North Huron, he said, 11 beer permits had been issued; in every case to a standard hotel. John Joynt, the sitting member for the riding, had not been consulted . on the issuance of the same permits. Questions raised by Mr. Bragg re-- garding the Gasoline Tax Act were answered by Hon. Mr. Henry, who said that 1,758 applications for re-- funds from farmers had been made and that these involved an outlay of $19,650. Questions of Hon. W. E. Raney concerning Government policy and intention in respect of the lHquor problem were ruled '"out of order'" by Speaker Thompson, after an hour of informal debating, featured by extensive quoting of Parliamentary authorities and sharp clashes on lega} phraseology -- between Mr Raney and Attorney--General W. E. Nickle. When first put to the Government | Mr. Raney's questions were labelled '"improper" by Premier Ferguson, * l"inasmuch." he declared at the time, "as they might be construed to be a declaration of Government policy regarding the problem of the sale of intoxicating liquors." Questions Answer of Premicr, _T_ Holding théu the Premier's answer 9 +i | was not within the rules of Parlia-- hu rsd a \1' M & re h 1(th 'm(entary procedure, Mr. Raney at 1t'ne time asked the Speaker to rule it | '"out of order."' Befors the Hous© FEW PHYSIGANS ERR | yesterday, Mr. Raney pojnted out ; | that while the Government need not ' answer his queries, he still had a 66 )J perfect right to ask them. In sup-- port of his argument, he referred ' to an carlier ruling of the Speaker, t who had quoted Mr. Lowther as say-- | ing that Opposition interrogation } was permissible. According to Mr. | § 3 Raney. Mr. Ferguson's definition of ¥. "improper'®' should not as a conse» quence be allowed. fst d A * a In the discussion that ensued, At-- Att0| ney General States Only torney--General Nickle declared that questions -- concerning Government , @ One Doctor Has Been + policy, intent and opinion need ;{nt f be answered. He challenged F. PTOSBGUted Under Act § Raney to produce from the records ooo of the British House of Commons a° single case where a question--to R A N E Y CONGRATULATES \ which exception having been taken |--was ever answered._ Mr. Nickle es la'so said that by all Parliamerfxtar}y In the Legis! ' | procedure the responsibility of a!-- W. E. R: g'se.n\-n-e yesterday Hon. \lowing questions rested solely with .& &,. Raney warmly congratulated the Speaker. Attorney--General W. F. Nickle for j In ruling Mr. Raney's questlon the very successful manner in which 'out of order," Speaker Thompson the act respecting doctors' corrected the former's impression ti prescrip-- e \regarding his previous reference to ony appears to be working out. |Mr. Lowther. explaining that what Since the legislation limiting * Mr. Lowther had meant was thntltho foi . siti i § g qauestlons ons | came in Toree Aneve hn o Nes Soveonnant cuve. o9 oouren mont came into force there has those barred by long custom and been, according to Mr. Nickle, but | procedure. 67 11}ff1ngements. with 66 different Seeks to Amend Act. physicians involved. There -- has First reading was given by the been but a single case, Mr. Nickle House to a bill introduced by Hon. told the House, of a practitioner John S. Martin, Minister of Agricul-- exceeding the 40 'mark in a » ture, which will make the corn-- . tim j month's borer. legislation of last year com-- e, and no instance where any ' pulsory instead of optional. _ Under | issuer has gone beyond 50. In addi-- this measure municipalities affiffected _ ;uon. no doctor has exceeded the 40 by the borer must appoint inspectors | mark for more than one month who will have power under the act | But one man has been prosecute(i to order fields cleaned up in ace0t-- under the act. In view of the fact dance with control measures advo-- that there are 4/000 doctors in the |cated by the department. , $ Province, Mr. Nickle considered th | _ Attorney--General Nickle's measi't situation, as represented by th ® to amend the Act respecting l».,ommis- tistice he had gi e ota-- sioners' Oaths was criticized by Hon. M 1ad given, most creditable. Harold Fisher, K.C., (Liberal, Ot-- | 6 _ML, Aaney promptly agreed, awa) and Liberal Leader Sinclair in saying: *"I congratulate you." ;:;,aéctdnof thle penalty of three Nixon Asks Questions. months' imprlsonme;lt it Dl'Q'v';dedBL" : # ongful swearing. PC€-- MrPrel;Il;)e(' I'*'erguson answered Hon. }gfecfisivgs garssefl through commit'- live insur:: s questions regarding tee it was amended, with Mr. Nickle's Electri ce carried by the Hydro-- consent, to eliminate the imprison-- | Electric Power Commission, stating ment provision. lt.hat: for the year ending Oct. 16, |1925, the property of the Commis-- | sion had been insured for 12,258,-- A | 000, and chat premiums paid on that ' sum amounted to $154,000. Attorney--General W. F. Nickle--in-- .. formed Mr. Nixon that since the new beer law had come into force two Ontario breweries had been prosecuted for selling overstrength # beer--one at Smith's Falls, and th other at Fort Frances. § ® ;