\8 ; a é V \ : '2..0 4 8 . Q +. --@d¥san Fe, BP -- a lur » v NO 'WET' LEGISLATION | o ; 1 1. HAS BEEN CONSIDERED, | _ [ C 5 | n 0s f | SAYS PRIME MINISTER C f beiiivieraaca ut t o enc inss © 4* & Will Refuse to Be Questioned. y€ Ferguson Declares O. T. Ao "I might say," he added, ':that it t t | % is not the intention of the Govern-- |\_ _ Will Be Enforced S0 ment to answer improper questions C | o_ in the future, and, with all due def-- nes _ _ Long as It Remains OM erence to the Speaker, 1 do not y think they should be on the order & _ Statute BOOkS, and No paper." . f j f 6 o s * Mr. Raney--Now you have your d 1 _ _New Liquor Bills Have marcning oracrs, Mr. Speaker. i 3 | Mr. Ferguson--Not marching o.r-'- © owe 7 j Been Drafted * ders. The honorable member was * t a member of a Government for a a %C ' o number of years, and he knows as 1y <e PREMIER ANSWERS wel us 3 in eb s d( onA ts +" $0oal B improper. a Cok: 6 C t \, f Mr. Raney--I do not recollect tha' o :nfii MANY QUESTIONS we ever refused to answer any ques-- 'fl'fi" §e tsmesousommememees tions that appeared on the order ds e t § ;"':.*, 4 a papPl'. t , r « ] 'O'J'Ve Sharp Controversy n Mr. F m'g'usolnwl mO r? raid y «lc wl | . . got a very bad memory. . _ _ ~~"~S ce House W!t'l Progresswe Further discussion lt\\c\l\lnh the The < + O.T.A. was precipitated by E. Proulx Leader on Subject Mat« (iimerni. Prescouw), who drew the ' , | * f » * attention of the House to a story "Jpfu o | ter Of Latter 8 Questwns, from Cochrane that when _a qdru')g S i store there had been fined $2,00 8 [ -----Raney Asserts Drury arrangements had been made with | * W the Liquor Commissioners to pay | es ' G'overnment Never Re- the amount in monthly ins'talments. I 0 $ * He wanted to know if this instal-- | s fused to Answer Querles ment payment was a lgoneral !"'gg' o s £ if a crimin: rrears & I + ul smmmanntnemmemeromentoom tice, and if a criminal a e ! #'?fi ' When Opposition members in the. partment would be established _ to o Oe iaanuinaln I VE f 'dax > :t fines. P \ p;fi~ { Provincial _ Legislature _\esxte;da) (UR:;:tvrtx'I:"'.'"G"""'r"' Nickle exp';an}ed | . i continued their attack on the Gov-- that in this case, if the $2,000 fine \ | fw'g,.' ernment on the liquor question, urg-- were collected at once, the tdrl:.l;i : '\ i\l * \®% ing the Prime Minister to show his | company "'('"ml hiz;::m.l;?fin (.F:dit?yrq | » hand, Mr. Ferguson, though not giv-- of business anc i paiday hy " \ fl E ing full and explicit answers to their | would be injured. ; l;xtp qx esf;:)r;nsitb}:g EL & queries, declared that no liquor bill , men had given .seu,}n: jlei)een Placed AI had been drafted, no such legisla-- ; fine, and the store ha« o sell tme AI | . | tion had been considered by the in the hands of a "u'i"gle vaime and || We | Government, and that as long as the | stock at the best possi (i»{'aem ha-- 1 O.T.A was on the statute books it | protect the creditors. l a I k would be enforced. sized that it was an unusual an es _' He gave this information between special _case." ts ¥ 3 Jn iv \ f, 4 the questions launched at him by 4. .. JW. ,""'l'"f"'l,'l ';"'tgreisnl;:; 1 :' w. E. N. Sinclait, Liberal Leader, | Ontari®. Ne# o roacclent had L0 1 and Hon. W. E. Raney, Progressive ;'"1;'" plan théogeor';a'ii;t:;]tencton}:':ol if I °. Leader. Mr. (Sinclair wanted to | bring in on on k A i _'} | kn:i)\wt if C.--HR. .'.I(~I{ed0\\'n (Conserva-- 'the 1924 plebiscite had faxore% T}'fif{ 4 'l ,,' tive, Dufferiny was speaking with |& syst(.'m- "11 ?'Z??Jlssog; !:)tlz;ttein the iA :. 9 the sanction of the Government, anda |the plan was briefly se le at s En Ukp im A a question submitted to the people a if the Government concurred in his i c > final details use i amarlea . at . that time and that the fina Ee remarks, at a public mecting in To-- i had been leff in abeyance. AyR€ ronto on Thursday night when he ld;t had been expéoted that Mr. se t A« s s c C 8 t y3 s2xd ('t':I"lt\ pu!vl.(;iser!txmen't behin(j Ferguson might reply to Hatrold | | es L ie noy Oe Houd be wiped out! |pisrer (Liberal, Oftawa West). who h IF :. s . within a year. had intimated that the Prime Minis-- % > | Will Enforce O.T.A. ter anddCabinet .men'llf)ersmhadhOtz;E EP s ¢ it ee tended dinners in oronto yyy s I do not put restrictions on the where liquor was sorved, but the o se -- speeceh 'of individual --members, and |Premier made no reférence to the I do not intend to take respon-- | Ottawa man's remarks, probably fmt>. -- sibility for it," replied Mr. Fergu-- taking into consideration that he i o e son. "This Government does not |had withdrawn his statements when B "&1 t believe there should be legislation |Cabinet members protested that he aP -- 0. on the statutes that cannot be en-- |.should be more specific or retract y B forced. As long as the O.T.A. is on 'them. <a e the statute books it will be enforced. I[FIM ITTATT; 1 :.3 f If we have anything to say about it | iss the Government will take the House i i 1 > 2 % | and the public into,its confidence." . ns Later Mr. Ferguson came to a x .. question on the order paper by Mr. e es Raney, who asked if the Govern-- f in > uo ment had since last session given 1 5 consideration to a policy on Govern-- \ ment control, beer and wine licens-- 1 ing, or local option, and whether | | any bill had been draited for sub-- > mission to the members or as a basis omm mm mmmemnammen iE 'of discussion for the electors. & I |__ These questions are improper, as Manufacture of L|qu0r and & | an answer to them might be con-- s x 1 | strued as a statement of Government "Smugglmg" to U. S. Vlg- [ -- | policy," objected Mr. Ferguson. "But } |_ | in order that the position of the . orously Condemned | | Government will not be misrepre-- | laimncaiinecth " ' m | sented and misunderstood,; I wish to | | say to the House in this connection f 1 ~ + | that no such bill has been drafted, 'QUESTIONS C 0 N T I N l:l E ': ; o k | no inst;ulcti(imls thavehbeen given, and l smsumesesameneme | no such legislation has b { * 1 t een given. Apparently unrufflied by the sever-- 1 A ity of Premier Ferguson's attack on \ I him Thursday, Hon. W. E. Raney, ' 1 $# Progressive_ House Leader, continues 3 k | to grind his battle--axes with the ' s idea of penetrating, sooner or later, the Premier's defense along the lines * > 'liquor legislatlon.' ' « A ns munuue i ies Smss | | | - e Jnt -- 3z B > -- FWpntdices emace : S | | | | » P 3":'4'_\ e ces m m inz : | | .'l:;?_ 6. Sqnntiren it * 4 *?:'m.'-r ' T be < t Fous: "Aertom, se } f :'. n 3 " ! 1-v:i '. * * ; | J uk). . * . & ' *E J lt ce L.. bcomommemventtrentand ns es cvats Pw. ies > . Spmemn990820000000 ... ues arem mm throommnrmnnarrettee on tete AReeaCirOntre enc amenmemenmamenaror es : ~--Ammaasraemnemmnmmmenrenenmmmennn en ¢ in on rmmadie ocm e / > t en on f on e in im -- m mag