Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 18 Apr 1924, p. 2

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'hw' : ~; ' f ballin in dain it s mt tmb WAAA NA : >A Potbbitireai s ts > / > ~~ 2 t Mn & Apal "te" s¥9 e * " | § g 'fi' Aa 7 } Prl l % * '\ fthe Province had o Ey e lost on t c« * ; . aaed of inscribed stock andn:uc':::;-' omm mremmmmizmmmmmeesnemmmmemncinammmmencanmanamammementinnn smm anmmmmnmmmmmcens~-- * M rou uty--free bands in England, y ' y hrough Messrs. Aemilius Jarvis & Pi#; May 4 a deposit of $1,200 in 'Tta" Jo., the sum of $570,072. Mr. H. G. SWall bills; June 21, a deposit of Mr. Belanger--No deposit from \ Pepall, the Manager of the company,, $3.000. the origin of which the bank Mason to show Mason _ may have i ated to the committee that there T€COrds did not show,; in August taken that out of the Home Bank ' 'was no record of these transactions A"4 September there were emall de-- and deposited it somewhere else? } ' in the Ontario, office, and that the Dosits of not more than $500 and A.--No: 23rd of September, $25,000, 1 nusiness had been carried on entire-- cheques; in : ptember a deposit of he. same-- 3 y in England, and that there was no. $500. consisting of fifty $10 bills; |__Q.----So it would appear that, «un-- w vn(' in Ontario at present who had Oct. 29, ;500. ten '50 bllh; Nov. 1 |'888 Mr. Mason kept it to himself 1 iny knowledge of the details thereof. | $659-- ' g;arsonally :n c:;.:lh, 1thwent Meposit-- } fbarce Commi In 1920, March 7, an $800 cheque; s accounts where he was deposit-- 1 f* missions Paid. *Aprfl 4, $1,000, consisting of two g:gt? A.--Not from any account ' E: '11"he committee has investigated $500's; May 28, $2,100, consisting of at came to our notite. _l:m:;ly l?:o J;(x)x"liblle the method of ;wentys 3100': and one $100; June Brokers Received None. y clal securities, 0, a $600 cheque; Sept. 24, $1,700, | has found that very large comr:?sq four $500's and $300 d%ducted-'; Nov. brg/{cre:rap::;ee;gda Aw tm;.d o nmounty llong; have been paid to Government |80. the account which had previoue-- makifig up' thé ;4'5"0(?0 9t s Amaounts officials and others claiming to have |ly been carried as a trust account, Mr. Oakley--The $1,80 A..._No. Infll!en(~e with the Government to 'marked '"no notices," was closed and || only one? A.--Thlat has (l,)ee" dtlae g;g;rl;:;& suchttransartions, and your |the balance of $2,105 transferred to nitely traced. I think the :he:u; P eport t;e refrains from making any |J. Cooper Mason, with power of at-- that was in exhibit here shows that | !npthre haifi?fii ttlill tlée matter is now |torney issued to R. Virtue was payable to the Central Canada Tesrich. . e Crown for prose-- Kept Confidential. Loan account. ro;c}r(:u:h:torgammee éflso regrets to ' Thte reason ti'or ma;iking an ac-- || Harrls Vaults in Disorder. p essrs. C. A. Matt i lcount '"no notices," r. Nash said, | c and Mason, although subpoe::gja 'was that the principal usually want-- 'cu:;','(','n"'(',',','"g,""'nthf.';' took up dis-- \were not produced before this com.. @4 the information kept confiden-- Harris not haf,,,, s ', ;ndatter, Mr-- ;':};g'; \{::d your rt';)mmlttee recom--| :)"-"-k It was a common thing in that Nash testified thitar%;rrfs':ngaull(;. ' |mends vigorous action against them.| ank. i whe § ' ; f Attached hereto is a list of the| Un Dec. 12%, 1921, there was a de-- :&{e wetrl-': 1?1:01';5,,5,??3"8 ;vere witnesses who were examined on DOSit of one $500; in July, 1922, he had described them fntagfl dl:. oa"';o!:]\- vour n'ct;:nmutee_ | -;h.ere were deposits of $800, $300 and {ordol'. @4 f f ' r committee has hel? during 200, consisting of $100 bills; Dec. Sam Cla the s'esslon eighteen meetings, and '21 1922, a deposit of $6,375, con-- Clarke, Liberal member for' -- submits herewith the minutes of the {sisting of six $1,000 bills and three d f "a proceedings and th: evidence given $100 bills. Northumberiland, discussed at some \| as taken by the stenographer. There were also in the early part | !th&th the propriety of -- Harris's it All of which is respectfully sub--. Of 1923 deposits by cheque of $2,100 transactions, _ stating the opinion . _ |mitted. ' land $900, and Mr. Nash said there that in Harris buying at 80 or 90 ,' (Sgda.) "W. F. Finlayson, i |were records in the Home Bank to and selling to the Government at "Chairman." f show that Mason was buying and 100 there was nothing irregular, if . | The thirty--four witnesses heard| |selling bonds steadily. Harris coud do it The only point |fwere: | | _ He also produced an account in was, Was he in league with some--| . J C. A. Matthews, Assistant Treasg--| the Central Canada Loan and Sav-- body in the department ? lurer: D. K. Ridout, Toront«: G. G.; |ings Company called '"the iEstate of Mr. Currie interjected that if MT. _ _ | [Adam, Bank of Montreal, Toronto:;| |the late James Mason," father of the Clarke wante to ask a <Lueetion. _ IA. Pradley Patterson Bank of Mon--| {late J. Cooper Mason. Mr. Nash to ask it, but not to make long| faiftrea). Toronto: J. Walter Curry. K.C.,|| |went through the details of the ac-- speeches. f | _ [ Toronto; W. N. Douglas Chief Clerk,| |count, but said there was no sig-- Mr. Clarke--I haven't taiked 15; [ [ Treasury_ Department: George PR' 'nificance, so far as he knew. for the minutes to your hour. You would l Harris Hamilton: Fd M. Saunders| committee, There was, however, an think you are the whole brains Ot, i|Canada Life Assurance Co.. Toronto:| item of $24.8%62.55 which momen--| the committee and if you are, GO4; :A A "I"i;!err-s "['rmsnr(e:r. '.\'{'nnufac- tarily aroused the interest of mem-- ih'lp the committee, f mrers' Life Insurance Co., Toronto; bers because of its similarity t «6 * F. (. Hrshand. Pank of Toronto To--| ,.$25,000 amount which has c:};us?sdtgg | Earmarks of Suspicion. ronto: Garnet M. MHart, Toronto:| |much discussion lately, but it was |__Mr. Currie later said Mr. Clarke Alex. Ross. Toronto: George Hurst.| |an amount put into the credit of the must think the committee members I|fncome Tax Pranch. City Hall. To--|, Home Bank and the dates did not were fools to spend all that fln 4 ranto: A. D. Leitch, Standard RBank, correspond. | | Gelving into Harris eaccounts if they' Toront®: C I. Ilan(\pfle.'d. Raval «e ' .dldn't think Somethln" was wronEg, |[r--nk. 'Toronto: J. D. Willlams, To-- | Numerous Deposits in Legals. ' ' and Mr. Clarke said if he was & tooli |ronto:; G. T. Clarkson of Clarkson.| (: "In connection with the estate or| | for making a ten--minute speech, (|Gordon & Ditworth, Toront _ G. A.| James Mason," Mr. Nash said. I, | What must Mr. Currie be fot making | j ||Rrown. Provincial Auditor: Hon. T.| Gdon't know of any significance in ' an hour's speech. Mr. Price said he| || W. McGarry, Toronto: J. C. Whit-- that. I have not gone beyond the never saw a deal that had more eAT--:| Itaker. Home Bank. Toronto; A. E. records of the Central Canada Loan! . PA"k$8 of suspicion than the Provin-- Calvert. Home Bank. Toronto: Miss| Company because I was not in a!| | clal Securities transactions. ' |Ir. Virtue. Home PRank, Toronto; position to do that without authority z Mr. Currie expressed some regret; $ Rohert P. Rogers, Toronto; A. V. to go into the records of the Cana--' ; that he was to be unable to take ; I|young. Toronto: Faward H. Mc.| «dian Bank of Commerce. And the | UP With D. K. Ridout before the Com--| » i Mittan: Toronto: Harry (. Pepal!;| on!y significance of the account or | mittée the matter of some $200.-- I|A. E. Nash, of Clarkson. Gordon & Cooper Mason is that a large num-- | 000 which Mr. Currie said Mr. Rid-- Tritworth: G. L. MachaMe. Manager| ber of deposits have been made in | out had made out of the insurance | 'lPank of Toronto, Stratford branch; lecals. lbusineas in a few months. W. R Fleming, Home Bank. To-- "I have pointed out that th _ iPrro! ews's Bank t rrmto: Paul R. Flemming. Home were bills deposited from time e:g | me Maith £ Accounit« h I f[Fort. Toronto: t F. M. Melghen. [ (fime. but the shniy larce dennsi( of |_ Mr. Belanger suggested, and . 1h6 j W \|solicitor to Succession Duty Branch;| legals is that $6,00. item. That is 'committee concurred, ChAt Mr. Nesh '\ |C. H. Sproule, Toronto; Hon. F. C. the large item: there is one of $4,-- 'be given authority to go into the ac-- Piggs R. O. Denman. | --0N00, Feb. 7, 1920; the other is Sep-- 'counts of former Deputy Treasurer w 2 "I evamined all the denosits in the | tember. 1922%." I;fzar.'tltet;ewl in any banks or loan com-- 1 # + r * & ?: OC:h?v?:l 'éfm'f,ii {'of{, f,','j"'éal,"; No Trace of Mystery Cheque ! j _ Mr. Nash was called upon to °x-- ® ¢ > a © * | ies I ' t 4 862 f inss Comnanv." Mr. Nosh eaid. when | Mr. Belanger--Along or _ about 'plain the d.wposition of the $24, 6 P sSS Occam an. 1, 19198. until De--| SVE 23 did you find in the Central |Cheaue which was charged to J.| Pn alaana« um nuke atraems . f Canada any deposit of Mason? t Cooper Mason on Nov. 19 in the| cember. 192% there being no further | y del ason? A. I . Mlentries «ince that fay." ! _ There was no deposit in this account \Central Canada Loan Company, and § s \_ from --Oct. 21, 1919, to Dec. 29, 1919. ;he said it was deposited in the Home! ¢ ICoop(-r Mason's Deposits. 1 Q..--But September? A.--The one |Bank, proceeds being crlsditded tlt(" He detailed the deposits. In Janu-- | _ previous to Oct. 19 was Aug. 4. l,tl'.%lgt &gfiflg?;'oic&a::tn'"&:'ina:. ary, 1919, there was one of ten ! _$1,800 of the $42,400. 'coun't'. James Mason current account rlw bills, another of six $100 bills. | Q.--So there is no deposit from _ and Mary Mason's account. R | rrx J':ne. 1919hgmons some deposits Mason, who apparently got $25,000 With no witness before them the Io cheques, there wase one consiet-- on the 23rd of September, 19197 committee discussed _ briefly the 'ing of eight $100 bi.ls and one $1,000 There is no deposit of any money in nature of the report that should be bill. In July ana August there were the company? A.--There is no de-- 'made, and there was general con-- no deposits over $2:00, and in Octo-- posit. ' ourrence that no opinions should be |, ¢ _ ber, 1919, there was A deposit of Mr. Belanger asked if any of the . @*pressed in the fndings. Chair-- f $968.60, consisting of a cheque Central Canada deposits correspond-- 'man Finlayson said the committee _ from A J. Pattison & Co., stock ed with the dates of the items mak-- 'must, however, report to the House , prokers: "On Oct. 21 a deposit of |ing up the $42,400, which originated the fact that two witnestes had ad-- ' $1,150. six $1040 bills, two $50's and | auring the time of Mr. XcGarry as mitted they committed perjur, and Y a cheaue; Dec. 29, three $50's. lProvincial Treasurer. 'the other outstanding matters that / \ In 1920, on Feb. 17, a deposit of "On the %5th of January, 1919," |ha4 been considered. . $4,000. consisting of four $1,000 !|Mr. Nash said, "$1,800 was deposited ? d io uns angeerrpnoeniierniietirennrrontiinetiererrentent | o : Biggs's Bank Accounts. , 'to this account, which corresponds H \to the $1,800 that formed part of ons s ces oc on oiiiils yell on L ff ns | -- Reading over the other items o f * e ex--| ' \ the $42,400, Mr. Nash detailed inat plained uies mesbing home after © |there were no corresponding -- de-- the committee meeting the night I posits in legals; on the 12th of Sep-- 'previous, was delayed by a train * tember, 1919, when the $12,000 wreck near Burlington, and got up , cheque was issued, there was no de-- at d6 o'clock in the morning, so he . ; | posit. ad not had much time to search:. {for his papers. He could not pro-- id i |duce at the moment his 1921 and % .'g' a wl ' -- ; 8 d . a 4 ,d*_______"&__¥

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