Illllllr,r:.,T, 'l . ' -__, 'w..,'-. ' ' Tid _ g i "'"'" A 9 tt -,.rr' t Hi 17 v . ' r i""iiUrselri, f' l . . no record at all. No' record what.. . ' . 3:; fight?" Je, the companies or Appeared as Director. ' ' Mr. Nash. Allfi',htt t,'fif"2,'c' r',tidi During that summer the director: have not examined and trtcolunth of the company, or those in charge . bank account of Mrs 'Cr','.t,I "d as of the management, became involved Harris was a stockholder in the Morr: in the Beaver Tr"le f"1',ty"g,"/u it Des ' - d heav osses . 'PT/y. In1 t'er'2'dr,'i- 't1,',1,c,t,Vt,"e) brokergge firm. He never ' Northey Company an. a; can, as a put a dollar into the Beaver Motor _ Partner of Northey notpgeor e R Truck Company, nor did any member ' Harris. Wo have not examineg her lot his family, he said. He had been L personal account." toffered stock. and later refused it. i There were no records of the In the meantime they had put his _ gig-swims: 'tgifil'/l/t for 192t, but for 'h1.'.%fi'l a pigspectus as a director, l 22 t e pr vate ledger of Browning, r. 88's as . . / Harris & Northey showed that in "My wife transferred the stock to ti,l',t/,"1,',C,rti','er,'t J92?" freer, $3,826, "S"BJXE t1tgre/ytugh,t,huf,oiri; ' ', Mrs. "ii'/J.h'il 'dr'/il3//oAndr,ei1,'pttg,r g state of 'e,iji,i.itii,ieosth hard ft,e,efu'tr,; . 'ghgg.r ' rords, e.vnaamore . . , 3323' aJ1,rihini1h',t,l' thttinHTi,it (,'it1i'it'iiii'iv'iii?) credit. I looked to - ' NorthPy $1 800 approximately "/,' :see that company wound up in the . Dec. M) of that year Mr Nash cont: inear or immediate future. and I did tinned. the sum of 8.13.443 was i not. as a Minister of the (frown. with T 323555? "'ra,0"t 315" 2grii"ptch%1,1 1i"ihii,t,ijii $252? 'e/Yugi),:",',,,"?,,,.') It . ' sum o ' ', - . p - ' ' if?" "Twill" f,itettl, account. itt.y,,,dpif.ygt'toaTr'art2tt,v/1oocu1 2",If . I 103::me 30H." N515: 0:23:43? "HESS. iiiii7iiiG because the stock was not , profits they made in Provincial; worth anything;r atltghgt tirrlnieit "3:: ]bonds .werfh Ptor'l', than offset by! t?e,nindg,"tp'l'tel:ol'l':" heasaid 1 ti _ C' _ a I . . - 0:519: It'll]: 17nttr'i'l'"ly'tje?.t August,l l, "Did you get an allowance for this . Segtember of 1822, and part of 6lci, lilaooo which you lost?) asked Mr. . . _ t er." Mr. N. " l, rice. , Borovvning. rHart};h afo/lt,irntl,"it,) 03ml i "f Rot absolutely no allowance. nor pany kept a Province of Ontario,I !did my wife or I get one cent of divi- . special amount dealing with the is- At',f/, it; 1'r"fi,", 13$;in 'et'i',",','ant: 'ec . . ' '-i uvan j o ,.' , .5 fI'll); JWs1)tn/',nsihr'i9,f,i'rha/'/',,,e1d,1,7: 'Thc shareholders of that company "» . cial accounts were not 'rllll't'ldr"ii, "rre still the shareholders, because I . l the books except that certain profits lunclerstand the company has not r made on, these maturities were Arden formally wound up; therefore tTodite,d f,',":,'.',', ti/Phe, to time to the the te/,'g',e'geartety.owiy,r 306$: 33 wo par ners. ese two ledger use e ' . . . , sheets. I am informed by Mr. Harris. i that company pay a live,e,nda,/gy, ' gally 1rd:g.otthhei,yrcote do with the le lit at "'3'"??? t1//e"eoll7an.',? If, . - arris Nor e JO r. L * s oc 'as , . ' , accounts were neyver 'll,"f/t?,ii gm: I d any business with the Government: -- . auditor of the company." Mr. Har.. I not until three or four months after. 1 le fi.'"" no explanation, said Mn; Did Not Introduce Harris. A u . l Mr. Biggs said he 'did not intro- t Large Advances Made. li ducc Harris to, Hon. Peter .Sl'lnh- . M (u/gr/ii," to 2/ictg,'pll account, I 3%?!" lri",.foc,1t2,,.e,T?y'/,ic,'ft,.h2 F .r. nee . - '_-. . . f .. "'. ' vancea wet-5:113:59 int li, "in?" ad! I of the profits made on the business. 0 1922. over a vear after 3.3:; flu',', 5 he declared. "I don't see why Harris. " his money from the Provincial amt}. should tell one of his clientele what I i business he was carrying un with ' entities Company. Mr. Nash said he tht, yfyrtyyy1t.: ' . " " cou.d not say whether Harris ad- s,aiF3"/..w/sTiecyortat,?/r,?.,,a 1tr,ltei)er.'t' iggtcoéin 11f,"/T..,ot0the'/.1d1,c?al'aeixgt11t iii"iiie' money, would be able to re- ' ' tion, "Mrs. {Ia-"1.3." and the infer- pay stockholders. he added. "lie F 31108 was that ye. Harris advanced 'JI11 t111,lhth,',',/",,ov,1'Ji"d'"'11rt.: lgitggf tW'hllloll,'ei,1/ytl.d It was charged up He accepted his 'vesayn"siit,"iii'fy, alohg '; t On Dec. 30. 1921, the security with other members of the Uovcrn- ,.." . Ledger of Browning. Harris & ment. q Northey showed, purchased for Mr Not V uainted in Home Bank. ' iBrowning. £6,090 worth of Duluth - Mr gi-ggs said that Caldwell was [W estern & Pacific bonds, and on thc not interested in concerns that wit- same date the sale of the same stock ness was in He did not know one lshowed a loss for the company o official nor one employee of the , .85.840. Mr. Harris could give no ex Home Bank he said hor did he a iplanation. said witness. Answering know anything about, the Ridout ._J. [a Question." to what the t.ransa.c.tio,r transaction He said he would pro- ,. ":01," indicate, Mr. Nash said I tduce his bank book if he could find would indicate. that the company . . . h sl.. it. All his banking had been wit l. desired to show a loss of over $5,000 the Bank of Commerce in Dundas. ' . Earlier in the proceedings a mo. To other questions about Mr. Harris's _ tion had been read by Mr. Haney relations with the Government Mr. asking Mr. Biggs to testify. and Mr Biggs said: "You'll have to talk Riggs had risen in his place anc to the Provincial Treasurer about it. laid he was willing to testify at any I knew nothing about it." His ac- time. He now asked permission tt icount with the brokerage firm had make a statement. lbeen absolutely a clean-cut private . Mr. Biggs's Statement. 'one and a clean-cut purchase and. . sale in ever" Gnctrar- I?. "The principal reason why I want . to make a statement at the present time." said Mr. Biggs, "is in connec- _ tion with the holding or purchase ot stock in Morgan, Dean, Harris a Mulvaney, where my wife's namt has been brought into question. Id the first place, my transactions witt . l, , _ Morgan Dean, Harris & Denmat l .i have been absolutely clean. I haw l '/, been doing business with those firm: . 1 i in partnership, if my memory serve: me right, from 1910 or 1911; pri. 3 vately doing business, the same a: i any other gentleman in this roon is doing business with brokers. - 7 l He became. associated with Har, l ris during the Victory loan cam . i paign, Mr. Biggs said-and when thi . . ilftrrn of Morgan, Dean, Harris d " Mulvaney was formed he was ap . _ _~proached by two gentlemen. late 9directors of the company, to pu . ' ' l some money in it. He bought tio, . . ', 000 worth of stock. he added, whicl _ . was paid for largely by his holding ; of Buffalo Loew's Theatre. Througl _ 4, 1 reasons which were private between . . ' . k" his wife and himself the certificate; . .ry. i were written in her name. i "id id." J', - .'._ " 33:, " . " I Bl th L, cm