Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1924, p. 4

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'w,?." k, . ' S I _ Affs'r 7uesclaxl' April t - , I; H" ' 1 ' r,,.: " N . .. _ "-". _ g '(, 1'tit/ I I Have No 1E1xptaniusoit." iog H , Nothm' to Tell " witness stated that he did not know a l -9 On May 81 and on June 5 the a. e lt I', . Iwh'eithter the money loaned to Dr. I . g "trm ot Morgan, Dean Harrie & Harris, who was looking steadily ICaidwell had been used for politicali r , Mulvaney sold at, par t") the Gov- at Mr. Currie While he was being .or business purposes. / ". ernment, asked Mr. McKeown. read- thus a,ddfemed, replied: "I have C. R. MoKeown (Dufferin) then ' " ins the item from a Government nothing to tell." showed the witness a copy of a I book. In June, Mr. McKeown con- "Tell US who Mot some of that circular letter which had been sent I _ tinned reading, another ttrm acid the T,-, "w. ' out by Morgan, Dean, Harris & Mul- I . C, same securities at 83. "Any ex- ng'l'ei'-., 'GO on and tell this coma vaney Company on March 4, IMI. l / Jr cry1nttion'?" "1 have no explana- m?et. which stated that the company was . I .r-T :thl'l. I I.hitve.no remarks to make, Mr. in theirnairket to buy rsutwessioto-duty- ' ", ' Then Harris's firm sold at par on Currie." t _tree bonds. Hon. Charles McCrea I 'June 21, Mr. McReown continued" Mr. Finlayson added a word to read from the verbatim report of (not I and a week later the Dominion Se-, What Mr. Currie had said, and' Mr. evidence given by witness at the I . curlties sold the same securities at' Harris replied: "Mr. Chairman, previous hearing to the effect that I . - 9440. On July 6 Morgan, Dean &I lwhaitovcr I did with the money I am (the company was not operating at l, Harrie sold 47's at par, and on July Willing to tell you, to tell Mr. Price Ithe time the letter was sent out. , 4 A. F. Ames & Company sold samel 'ipersonaliy-----" iMr. McCrea asked witnees to recon-I I securities at 93. All these sales were I "We dtyn't want that " replied Mr. otle this statement with the fact that i It? !l1,t, Government, "Any explana- Finlayson. ' the company had been trying to get I'm"? ttslted Mr. McKeown. "I feel that wherever that money new business at this time but the i "No explanations," said Harris. I went is Bomethi I that I.. . to witness was unable to do 'so '. ' Provincial Treasurer Price then I affect th t 1' mg "1' ly; "geingi t . took up the examination. iii-iii, o? ohrerests, the .b,ysiness n- IIn "Hard Straits." at the Time. "Had you in mind buying from"; Chairma. "hr/ine'.,',')',','," - I It was pointed out also that the / . these various companies (on the; that. an n 1.1"hyson. 9'03de 1trii).eiis', had stated that he was in memorandum) when you made the: that "2:2;an thee was the Judge of ivery hard straits financially at the dead? ' " l 't _ w nose. time he had distributed the proftts 'Harlriscan t tell you that, said Mr. Pressed on 330300 Profit. Ion his bond deal with the Govern- ,' . . . _ . ' was N 1 "You went to thcse various cotn- hoe"id'itgiisdir,,aou'/"t'/"if, {$351333 l/tgauntlet),',',',!":",),,'."?",.,,',',',', and panics and asked them to sell stock; profit which hp h d o I do , was ereonall liable on the Beaver - to you?" ' sales mad t e a ma 0 on the p h th t nt of . "Some of them " .. ' e o the Government by the truck transact on to e ex e . (,jiiii'in"tiii't ffintiyi,"aifioe,t,tylvi He "hw,'; 1 1 th fact , h ' . state a e a pa (i, 0tothc "How can you expan e What Pencil lurks Might Mean Bank of Montreal, then the Hamilton Ithat you were loaning money like a Mr. Harritg was not able to ex- branch of the Merchants Bank in :m-llio ire?" he was asked plahhwm' there were some pencil. repayment of a loan which had been I llVigniss reiterated that 'he had . r Emir ithoJ.stf,t /,t/,t',y'e'te,tt'mti2t 3;". made to the Morgan, Dean, Harris & (loaned to personal friends. He was in - a n u ' e: C m e .Muivaney Co. of Hamilton. The asked if his father-in-law was 2%',"ta'tti', rg,onb/t,t."orm,ggtd"ioeg1 company had secured this loan with- i'eliif,ltyj, . . ' out collateral of any kind. Witness "He'is comparatively well-to-do." matron" or the companies, artists: 2min: transit _ "Then ii" did he come to you for " v t F " . 'Pri .. F '.. " ' " «a persona can?" last/ill')';, "r,i,1C,."" wet this ..tock in 'jf,'i,ies,i,'tte,"oj, by tcheque, but he was not I "He had very heavy land com-, I "fly personal solicitation. I went I Aongtgéc§g tl/Y h id h d :mitments in the West." . to see the insuranco companies, some used for two ' e ' VII , a been 1 Before the committee adjourned hero and some in New York." I35 000 to A RD $50231 fiyll gush!" iProvincia] Treasurer Price informed Mr. Price asked hint if he ever i'in-ylaw former'Dcmutn 2:11.017; acer- Mr. Harris that he would be re- inserted any advertisements in news- era] {6,- 'J?llfJrt1iyll'ne; the othye-r :3; .quired to, appear again on Wednes- papers. "Not that I am aware, of." $4 ooo to Dr Alonzo Caldwell A, Ar..., 'day morning. and that he would have m. Price asked hint if he adver- " c-Y . _.---- . . . to bring the books of the three bond tised in the newspapers under his II'nlted Food Products Company or companies with Whi0h_ ht had been _ own name, the name of the l'rovin- :Dundas, Ont. Both loans had been connected. Mr. Price intimated also cial Securities Company, or anyone made on verso al , , _.. H that he would call represen.tativy.of else "Not that I can remember." li . . na bewuty'. e be-; eight or ten bond companies which When, in answer to another query, ! eved that he had been given two; had either offered or sold tax-free Mr. Harris said he could not remem- Irtotes by Dr. Caldwell, but was not! bonds to the Government. On mo- . her. Mr. Price said: "It's appalling Isure on this point. I tion of Hon. Manning 'Doherty. the how indefinite you can be." A further $2,000 or $3,000 had been) committee agreed to call R. E. tr. Mr. Price then read a letter. dated paid to the Bank of Toronto as part I Meighen. solicitor of the succession I March 4, 1921, with letterhead of of the repayment of a $5,000 loan t0i duty office of the Treasury Depart- iMorgan. Dean, Harris & Muivaney, his brother. which he had mentioned i ment. Istaiing that the firm was in the previously. Another $4,000 had been The committee adjourned at 12 ' market for bonds. and signed "George (paid to the Union Bank in ttpay- o'clock. 'R. gy',1tu" h th t?" ked 'ment of a loan. I I " o "ou remem or a. . (is ' . , er. Prize. "I don't 'itm/y2'itrs',', re- "here": New Home. 53551000 Paymen " to iplied Mr. Harris amid laug ter. ien one of the members re- . . l "You tell us your other company 'r1'),11',endddh1)t, thistleft 'tfilo/l/ttii,"), Ni, I 2'lt, Whose Identity has one out of business. when, by ' 't lor, "ii flees state C at e ' r yourgorwn circular. it is-shorwn that rfgd'itgogght a hiew home. gGive me I I: Not Yet Revealed I it is not a fact. That's right, isn't it? t ' or sp'e'n' mg some o it," i-e . . I IYou were sending out circular: as "gift te ded 2,',2',t,'t' P'tyr.tnet soon as you ot this contract Fty.m . Ter an ex n cross-examina- ' . . Ithe d',',',',?,',',',,,,",',',) ?" "That went out tion he explsaiigigg that the home had "heretics '0' Cabinet . " cost 11m o' o, but for several q q later. . minutes he was unable to ea how Mimuters and Police . Mr. Price asked him if he could 'la-n th i it! y q . _ . remember advertising in the press 'Fi 8:" . e "hm; payment 'lee..', beer}; thriet'ale that he had clients for the bonds. "£3003 he t ought it was possibly ------. " _ i"I may have done BO, but I ean't re- When it was I t " pointed out that the . , mm??? our solicitors here in 1?lt)s, all the items he, had men- QUITE A FLUTTER . I " o were y one eft $3,000 unaccounted for, . . , l . d Toronto ?" I witness admitted that he was unable , AT QUEEN s PARK ' p") "We had no solicitors." l to state where this amount had ---- i ' a igone. I . ' 3 J, Cannot Remember Advertising. i J. A.. Currie evinced a good deal ;) Export examination of the books; . "I am going to bring evidence a . (of curiosity as to the reason for the , of the Home Bank made for Ham; _ the next meeting that you did advent 10311195 of $4.000 to Dr. Caldwell of _ w. P. Nickle, KC., Attorrter-Getteral,', . tise," said Mr. Price. "We may hav! the United Food Products Company. ; by H. D. Lockhart Gordon, auditory _ L done so, but I can't remember." i Witness stated that he had made 'iqttowa that "1.10.000 was paid out Jn" "Why did you want to advent. 1tPs loan because Dr. Caldwell was (;iii'i'r;itil'lGl to Various parties. of _ , in the name of your solicitor instead angryeat personal friend of mine." (which F. H. Richardson. tanner City . i' of your own name?" , V Wasnhe a political agent for the ' Controller and ex-wares of Ontario T yi) 'If it was done, it was done for the! $311.03 ,a'tt/'/1, Mr. Currie. witness t County. trot 813.000. and the late "P, a... ....... tor which we mm Jy1"ihl12u"'l'.he'i'ih1'evtit,1,':on. F. dearth..." "than in: c:),: the bonds." I "You're making a seiioglgistake t 365,000 was in: to parties. whose _id Mr. Currie then took ulp the te.-:, ilir. Currie. He's the President of identity has not yet been revealed .. , mess. He asked who induced his, ithe Liberal Association for Went- through any of the public investiga- ' " (Hamilton ttrm to make the business; gworth." tlone. 'dt Ideal with the Beaver Motor Trucks., I Not P t n, GlobeJmned last night that tHarris said he did not know who IA 3 olltlcian. it in: with reference to this mend ' -A l were directors or shareholders in I A moment or two later Mr. Currie: "6,000 that the Premier. Attoi-ney- . 2 "he company. 'came hack with the suggestion that!. General and Provincial Treasurer . a "Come I think the best thing you I the". had been no opposition to Mr. I tt.tt1 tMt .'m""°"°y Ietftyte4t Jtrttto "s. " . . ,Blgs's s candidature from th ib Premiere oMee lasting most ot you- » can do is to tell the whole story ' eLi erals Ctt ncement" said M 'following the making of the loan. "day and called in Deputy.c°m. f li .Ifrom the comme ' r. iWimess I I missioner Altred Cudd Chief at the , 'ral, iCurrie. "Tell us what you did with t He w cou d not deny nor affirm. T Criminal Investigating" De artment it the money you drew from the bush. Ia'." not a "mica" he said. I _ of the Provincial Police p 's,ssi"s':liit, nee. You might Just as well be-' "what?" Jp,ydn'iUgg, a Liberal .'- At the time of the reyelationl re- it»... realise it's some to come out. Tell , Clarke 1'rorl'h"u'Lt,d.'l' esrg'ected Sam _ carding payments to F. H. Richard- TIrie jug what you know Go on, now." the amusement 'lf 'ri1,f11'ureng1,1.ch to .. son and J. Cooper Maaon for JroU. - ' "" , q Pressed further by 12'..% . minions ostensibly for obtaining . . _ . _ . _ . Ut Irip, Home Bank deposits from the Ptity- ' V into and the city, The Globe was in- _ . ' ' .-ro'rmed that ttt.trrwou" be broutht - wsw THC, . a ' l

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