A financial controller for Ontario would be appointed in good time, Mr, Ferguzon declared, but following his announcement of the creation of the post the market for financial con-- trollers had gone up surprisingly. The Government would wait, among other reasons, for this condition +/ right itself. h) He also announced the appoi'}/ ment during this session of a spe7; committee of the House to malaw survey of. agricultural condmomu Ontario in <~nuarticular | relatice, markets and economic condltioxM? In rather severe tones, he twit-- ted Mr. Doherty upon his profession 'of allegiance to hydro development. He recalled the "spectacle" in the last House 'of the member from Centre Grey (Mr. Carmichael) do-- claring that the situation indicated there had been either gross care-- lessness or dishonesty in Hydro °x-- penditures. Mr. Carmichael--Didn't it? Mr. Ferguson--No, it does not. The result of it was that a commis-- sion was hurriedly appointed, known as the Gregory Commission, which is still operating. Mr. Carmichael--That is funny. Mr. Ferguson--It may be funnier to my honorable friend when the re-- port comes in. *'*Within a few days," he said in reference to the O.T.A., '"a bill will be brought down in the Legislature }to provide machinery--because at the present time there is no legal ma-- chinery--to enable the Government to take an expresSion of opinion from the public on a subject of this kind. The Government will intro-- duce it, and I feel sure that the House will accept and endorse the legislative machinery necessary for submission to the public of questions with respect to the handling of cur liquor legislation. When the Gov-- ernment feels that there is suficient public opinion to warrant it in sub-' mitting the question it will be pre-- pared to do it." '"There has been a mistaken idea given to the public,' he said, '"that the development of St. Lawrence power necessarily involves a huge outlay on the part of the Dominion Government or of this Government. That does not follow at all. The development of the St. Lawrence at Morrisburg is comparatively reason-- able in cost." After reviewing the scheme as has already been publicly outlined he showed that the cost would be $37,: 000,000 or $38,000,000 on the On-- tario side, which, with 'a develop-- ment of 350,000 horsepower, would provide "the cheapest power devel-- opment that exists anywhere in On-- tario, and, I think, almost in Can-- ada." Mr. Ferguson unequivocally pledged the best efforts of his Gov-- ernment toward sound development of St. Lawrence power resources, and expressed the conviction that the Federal authorities would come into the scheme. The Premier assured the TLiberal Leader that the local advisory coun-- cils referred to did not, as Mr. Sin-- clair had feared, herald the appoint-- ment of a highly paid representa-- tive, but rather the creation of an advisory council of three members of the Legislature to assist the Min-- Iister in re--establishing activity in the improvement of local highways. Mr. Ferguson----We will have to take the responsibility of gauging it. Tl;'at is a responsibility we must take. Ey C ie Mn iCeene it 2C C The Premier denounced the atti-- tude of the late Government as con-- sistently critical and antagonistic to Hydro. Despite that attitude, he stated, amid. applause, ChippaWwa, with only six out of ten turbines turning, was paying its way. 8t. Lawrence Development. _-- _ Mr. Clarke (Northumberland) How are you going to gauge that? In connection with rural hydro, he said real efforts would be made by his Administration to get additional supplies of power to the rural homes of the Province. Machinery for Referendum. In stressing the importance 0f 1"" Government finding a solution of On-- tario's coal problem, Premier Fer-- guson announced that negotiations were already under way with the Canadian Nationa] Railways, authOr-- ities for a continuation next year of their special $7 freight rate under which 16,000 tons of Alberta fuel had been deposited in Ontario last year. % The Critics of Hydro. into the reaim of the past Adnginis-- tration, "although, God knows, there is lots to reveal." nt) > k of the In announcing his planse to correct conditions which led up to the sui-- cide of the two English farm boys, he sgaid: '"I think the weakness is lack of inspection=of organizations that bring them out, and lack of su-- pervision after they are placed on the farm. We have the organiza-- tion to do it; the Dominion Govern-- ment has not. We propose to licenee these homes before we will 'perimit them to undertake the work of bringing the boys out.'" Feb. 14 ~ He stressed the absolute impor-- tance of satisfying the Old Country public that the matter was being tiken hold of seriously, and that there wore Governmental assurances of proper supervision of young immi-- grants. Hon. W. E. Raney moved adjourn-- ment of the dabate. '""The thought is," he eaid, amid the applause of the whole House, "that these boys should be taken to the open spaces, given schooling and engaged in useful employment, and that their surroundings should be most helpful."' The Government's scheme of a farm cottage detention home for de-- linquent boys and girls, he said, was not to be undertaken as a Govern-- ment enterprise, although there would be Government representa-- tives on its board. It was proposed that its direction would be assisted by philanthropic people who had intimated that they would not only help in its direction, but in its finances. To Help Erring Juveniles.