. L m-----.--- - . _ p"t"T . FRIDAY, APRIL 4/, 1923. 1, NW _ . o o o _ . _ l . Member for thissmg Tells . of Hon. Beniah BOWman auth i House Contractors on; It, .lie1,1t,ynett,c1di.iii7ir'liuea,t,1,ty, i . . . "mm-"e $5,000,000 for New... ouneil Timiahaming a North-l t'i.i/""t'r'hesl"ia,,er Bowman' i'x"Ji'ld'tr o I 'I" k S ' a renewal O . l em Ontario Railway! IN LOCAL DISTRICT I' Ill/yn made In Hire: an??? orl ' Fl d Th . E I it .'T'o'im' The mottry would out: eece ear mp oyees ' {he {Aid to be voted this year if? . . . .'r ' money expend - ---Ifimuter of Labor Says Ti) GET lllalikR) '.Cf Northern tire of 1:15de lop/tri'; H f l rho money would be 1u"1lt.ft?..ti": e Was Unaware o t',"ji2/ris,,',""ii"g,ti system of tru§kcfgggi . . . . " .1 'r' n lng money t . Cond " . 9-, .. ' o some l l it '" Blue Sky Bill Again Signal j";?'-,)..:),",',"',',,",;';",,,;?,',;", these lines, .34 for Baney-Dewart 'fety/! reading was in... PREMIER PROMISES F."- f)m'.yy1iryy the Rural n r2. the Bout "*4?!" Distribution Act h' ydro. , AN INVESTIGATION q ' ' .. thnt tl ' w ich pro. l .______.._...___. , ' . . .1. If bonus, for build! 5 _-__------------- e. '"'.' ""1"," uan be paid only "twang: ' . on . tiriicipa My plan . ll'," at " Prompt investigation into allega- NORTH TO GET $5,0 ;000 ' n~1 to an ndJOiI-flilryg mt,'lnic),tein.j.) tions made in the Legislature last q----.---------- . obtains the consent of such £31:th night as to conditions under which Earnest pleas tor higher salaries 'pality. This makes the law coon: .1 workmen on the Timiskaming & for the, Assistant Crown Attorneys .form with the Public Utilities Aet. Northern Ontario extension were for Toronto and York county were f,1%leu'efrptffeh"g'tcrtt,ijj;" Sud. placed under by the sub-contractors made in the RUBEN" yesterday penditure for rural Hydro "3132.33: ;was promised by Premier Drury,, by H. H. Dewart, K.C. (Liberal. tion Was in the nature of a gift or! Ity, said that he would "have the: Southwest Toronto). and backed up WMr it 2 be WI back. "This. of matter thoroughly investigated, getI by J. walter Curry, K.C. (Liberal, 332mg: te'spt,f"rtdnr.o"g.t?t,U'tttgf. {information and submit it to the; bi)UthMSt Toronto), and w. H. Speaking offhand, he. would say it (House before it rises." i Price (Conservative. Parkdale). shouldinbe chlargeddagainst ordlnary _ e en ure, .1. (capitalizing Contracts. Increases Are Probable. xp 1e Mt t l The statements were made by ti Ir 3"": I can afuriuthe flotilla 'lie',,",,'"', Azosment ll l l . ' . "I- i na we 'rovernmen w recogn " f econ rea ng was gven also to! . _dhh,i1lt'"t'fiy/ 11t'bcrttu)ti'1t'.inti)e' f their services by substantial in- 'Hon. H. C. Nixon's hill to amend my extension had been "sublet and sub-l creases," maid Hon. w. E. Haney. [Assessment Act, which permits a. l t d Grit " ain." and the "M" "t think the ttgures mentioned by lmanufacturer who has part of his e .tan t: a we"? otti'n the mohi Mr. Curry are not out of the way." premises used for retail purposes to [con rack "l "Ida", gm" Atheirl He added that he would be dis- appeal to the Court of Revision to . bzamf or t I', A" , l posed to recommend them to the ,have his 1922 assessment so rectified . ' Government. In reply to further (that the retail portion shall be as- Mr. Marceau t"Cl"')),,,tl", matttor Questions by Mr. Dewar-t. the At- jscsaed only at 25 per cent. V to the attention l' ill hm"?! y torney-Goncral said he. could not i There was considerable discussion asking the Ministet .0. f "/,"i' on. makt- the recommendation until ion the second reading ot Hon. Walter It. Rollo, whp a air-wag" after the session, as there was an Harry Mills' bill respecting certain clause had not been inserted /d the agreement that Ministers should not Canada Company lands, especially in, contract. Mr. .ROHO replied t at ,9! ask for increases for their depart- iElgin county. R. L. Brackin (Lib. had been promised by the T. & N.O. merits during the session. Icral. West Kent) asked if it were Commission that a Claus? Jyould bcl Tho fUrures mentioned by Mr. {wise to pass legislation that enabled inserted t? pay the p.re.va1yy.r 'elt.l Curry were $5,000 a year for Mr. [the company to relieve itself of taxes: of t?.ure'."?. that district. This "Mi McRuer; $4,000 a year for Mr. Mc- owing to towntrhips. Mr. Mills ar-, the first intimation he had that ttei' Fadden, and $3,500 a year for Mr. lzued that the towrwships had not the: clause had not been placed in the Murphy. right to tax minerals. but Mai contract. l A vote of $10,000 was passed for 1:ii'r,:'i,l,etii,tt1rst.eadrtt? {Eat the}; 118de Sam Men Wore Underpaid. , publicity purposes in regard to ventua y .e orney- eneraii if . r Iorurv then took a hand l hotels. to be carried on by the l,iiGi'iiriii that amendments might; remie '\ . 'i, .. - f . 'i Board of License Commissioners. ii submitted in committee. to cover. and ttslit-tl Il". il',',".),",',,',,',',' /G I'M?" The veto was anticipatory ot the ac- "rr. Brackin's point. The bill war ticulars. . Nil." .mrccau sa these! tion of the House On the report of 'glven second reading. I yy,tyt?ontt'ar'tot.t' paid the men as," the Hotels Commission, Mr. Raney Second reading was given also to little as possible, and charged tor 3 said. the bill to amend the Guelph Rail- mail sermon. doctors fyat, trans-r . way Act, which brings the act into portiatiog clad I'),'. like. Fm"; "9:58; I 'iale of Ontario Apples. . 'conformity with the agreement. ion ng y to 'remior, in a m or ,1 While discussing the agricultural ' , that on certain work the men were: (Siiiiiates Hon. Manning Doherty int": Bills Withdrawn. paid from $26 to $32 a month with raid that he would like to see the l Three bills were withdrtrwm--the board, but wore charged for hoard Niagara Peninsula Growers' Com- (hill relating to land titles and the the. days they were sick, and for pany go farther and take on the Iregistration of instruments relating baggage, in addition to tho other marketing of apples The only way lto lands. the commercial agree- charges. The Prcniinr nskcd him in which the Ontario apple would intents bill (anti-combines pill) and what wages wore. paid in lumber be put on the market he claimed ilhe bill regarding the boring and cam " Mr. Marceau replied $35 to f . ' ' 'protection of wells. 1 . . ' "as by a marketing organization to l . $40 a month, "but there is not tho take hold of the grading and ack- i There was a sharp clash between same thievery in the lumber camps." mg. and push the sale ot app}; on in. H. Dewart and the Attorney- The Premier asked for proof and a large scale. 'General when the latter: called" to}: asked also what transportation these A vote of 85.000 was passed for 1cfrry'idtyPtittsn of the Blue his" men were charged. Mr Marceau . Ilaw. Mr. Dewart asked if tho , a . A a radio broadcasting station at the l . said they were charged transporta- Ontario A ri ltu l C ll Th (had been reprinted, and Mr. Haney tion for whatever distance they / . tr cu P! o etre. e maid it had not. "It was the un- . . * . . Minister said that it he considered I , the came but had it refunded if thev ' . ' !derstanding of thr. House that . . C q -3 information could be broadcasted- " d M worked for three months The con- - . bill would be printed, claime . r. "". ' to a sumeient number the depart-, i ., 1 e- tractors charged on the railway from went would tro on with the instal-; 'Dewart. The Attorney Genera r l Cochrane north. but Mr. Marceau hm," l plied that the changes in the ty added that the charge was not al- " . , were so trifling that it was not nec- wavs alike. "Hundreds of men told AND-electric Latest. essary to reprint the bill. me they have been t1eeced by the ION. thousand dollars wa v ed --- 'LT::-"------'"-:".'-'"-'.-"." tsub-contractors," he declared. for (in experiment on the8 031.0. A . Would Encourage Hospitals. i Sin: xas to tth? vague of lanmaeroé During the consideration of esti- C'"')' rlc, pan or arm 3 an _ . power. The Minister ex lained that 'p.atttr'enoifurtte, h'gl"gilre1rat"icieyg.: this method w... 'a1'utYn'ti'an/'f, the put in a plea for'the hospitals in. substitution ofawindmill toratraso- small centres. There was a tendency: Fl? y.ylnt in running the generator to make the requirements such that; ll', private farm power plants. In small hospitals could not meet them.; STING places In the American West he claimed. He suggested that thei "ctit' scheme had been tried out. department encourage in the smalll Joseph E. Thompson (Conserva- towns any efforts to build hospitals.,! tum. Northeast Toronto) introduced . Mr. Dewart made strong criticism thr- bill to permit Toronto to acquire . of the Government for not putting; t'lf- .To_ronto Suburban Railway details in the estimates of tho: tithin Toronto. The bill was given building of the T. & N. o. extension, l'l'rf reading. so that the House would know what "Md reading was given to the it was votingdi'or. He wanted some Art to Amend the Judicature Act. record. he a ed. so that the Home , would know how the decision ot the t2,00o,ooo for North. Government was arrived at. The The House adopted the resolution Premier explained that the vote in _ question was to fulfil the contract imade two years atro---to finish the: isecond section of the extension, the? . 'mrst extension being already pracu-l 'cally completed. i