Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Apr 1923, p. 1

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' ESDAY, APRIL 40, 1923 f | o you ask the Legal Commi When J. W. Curry,K.C., explalned' that Toronto regarded present con-- ditions as coercion upon the city, the | [ Kingston member retorted: "My un--| ' derstandi.ng is to be, then, that T0~i | ronto, being coerced as regards pres-- smm iem conditions, seeks to coerce the | f * * county in order to remedy th y" | i Desplte SOIld YOl'k OppO- i _ Mr. Curry--That is )a :aTr' ln-l| ' *4 * * terpretation. || sition, Legislature Approves . | P epmimmnierntninnieen ces | ' f A ® # [ » 4 Amailgamation Bill ' U F 0 AMEND j a 1 a V. MENT | WILL BE NO COERCION| | Sebremmerremenndiinndigrng | Despite the vigorous opposition of CREDITS DOHERTY t T. H. Lennox, K.C., Conservative ' ' member for North York, who sub-- ' mitted an almost unanimous opposi-- ' | tion from York County Council, At-- 4 | | torney--General Raney's bill to amal-- gamate the various Registry Offices GOVernment Membel's Reply % in Toronto and York was given to j | i second reading in the Legislature SmCIal,r Res'()lutlon by yesterday, and sent to the Legal EXtOI'mg Minister Committee. The standing vote was mxusamemmtens I§f to 9. Hon. G. H. Ferguson, Conserva-- | . WHO RA|SED EMBARGO?! _ | tive Leader, professed a little sus-- ' [' | picion as to just who the Govern-- Government members' response to ment had in mind for the impor-- W. E. N. Sinclair's (K.C.) resolution' famee 'Httaan' gls hi) moacs mermalinl voner aon nepl + ment's agri icy * when announcement of the new a §rIeuItural POMGCS .apd Eo ) FRegistrat's name was to be. male. ord is an amendment eulogizing and! | | Attorney--General Raney responded applauding the Minister of Agricul--| | ,| that announcement would be made ture, Hon. Manning Doherty, for lé(ce)l;lonr:erigtzlv(;lelcl:ti(zln, to l\fvl:iichlthi '"his eminent services in bringing eader replied: "Isn' hs 'Eoinge to run>" Fulther cross-- ahout:he removal of the cattle em-- fAoor quips led Hon. Mr. Raney to bargo. '--_| deny the imputation with: "There is The motion, which comes as an | no one in the Government. who amendment to the amendment, was would accept the responsibility of introduced in the House last mght' |. | the post." ;)y J\.\ M. Webster, U. F. O. member ; or West Lambton, seconded by J. | --| No Coercion for York. G. Lethbridge, West Middlesex. It Debate waged for the most part sets out "that this House has learned between Toronto and York members with great satisfaction that legisla-- and the Attorney--General, with J. tion has been passed by the British M. Webster, U.F.O. member for House of Parliament in -- removing Lambton, rising to interject a word the embargo on Canadian cattle, and of opposition to the bill. Mr. Web-- thls'House recognizes the eminent '!| ster said he thought Mr. Lennox services rendered by the Minister of filwas conservative when ho said that Agriculture of Ontario in bringing ' l 45 out of 46 York county members about this result after many years "| had voted in Council against the of previous effort; and this House P measure, ~ He was sure Iwice 45 djesires t()hrecnrd its great apprecia-- Co P s tion of the shrewd and successful iunty Councillors had personally work of the Minister of Agriculture voiced their opposition to him. in this connection.'" The burden of Hon. Mr. Raney's * ' argument on behalf of the measure Henry Makes Complaint. was that it would effect great sav-- Although Hon. G. 8. Henry, ex~ ing to the city and county and to Minister of Agriculture, was under-- ' _ the 'public, to have a unification of stood to have had the floor, Mr. . _ offices as was proposed in the bill. Webster came on at 8 o'clock, and _' He repeated several times that the Mr. Henry, later in the evening, _' Government proposed no coercion complained at the advantage which ; for York county to make them had been taken of his temporary ab-- amenable to the move.. His final plea sence from the House, the result be-- to the House, after the bill had been ing, he declared, that he was de-- hammered somewhat by Mr. Lennox barred from making an amendment and W. F. Nickle, K.C., was.that the which he had prepared for the de-- Legal Committee be left to hear the | -- bate. Mr. Webster's explanation | | argument and modify it to whatever was that it was a misunderstanding. | extent they deemed wise--possibly Spokesmen in last night's agricul-- ! to include only the Toronto offices. tural debate were Mr. Webster, Hon. y { G. H. Ferguson, Premier Drury and York Fears Toronto. F. G. Sandy, U.F.O. member_ for Mr. Lennox opened by reciting South Victoria, with Hon. Mr.«Henry York county's opposition, and read moving the adjnurnmem rather resolutions to that effect. Litigation, ' early in the evening. ; he said, would be the result of the Mr. Webster started at 8 o_clock' agreement between county and city in a semi--humorous vein of discus-- respecting court house accommoda-- sion, which was carried along by tion, and the county did not desire Mr. Ferguson, and, indeed, by the a subsequent recurrence of similar Prime Minister, for the first portion conditions with respect to Registry of his speech. Mr. Webster, while | Office administration. admiring legal members of the Op-- Thomas Crawford (Conservative, position benches for their personal-- Northwest Toronto) expressed sur-- ity and legal "b"m"'};ho"ght.t%i! prise at his colleague's attitude, be-- legal members of the ttouzt;nmlgm leving. he said, that the bill was the [ ) be better emploved . SAODODEDcrrigr result of agreement reached between their legal business than att I) lthe city and count){. A. C. Lewis, to look after the farmers mterc'st.f;. NMortheast Torofnto, said he favored [.--| Attorney--General . Mane? y C /5 !__ _ tently applauded this remark, _ at the bill; but would not vyote to | § a l Derce 'the. county.. J.. W. Curry which Mr. Ferguson and the op '| K.C., Liberal, Southeast Toronto, position leaders raised a laugh. thought there should be no hesitancy Compliments Doherty. to put through legislation deemed to Mr. Ferguson, after paying some be in the best interests of the peo-- h »parent industry and $ tribute to the app ple., F. W. Hay, Liberal Leader, sincerity of the Minister of Agricul-- favored sending it to committee, and ture,. who, he said, if any Minister the Attorney--General . was called of time Drury Government could be upon to explain that the bill arises credlted with taking his responsl- at the particular moment because of bilities -- seriously, -- could be _ so practically three vacancies existing credited. > ' in the Registrarships. | But the Conservative Leaderhwttu b oR y not prepared to accord Mr. Doherty | . City Wants Change. ' all"the credit for the removal of the "If 45 members of the County cattle embargo, and reminded that Counci1 voted against the bill and the first definite promise . was one for it," asked W. F. Nickle, K.C., brought about at 'the instance of "and there is to be no coercion, Why | _ yrGn, Robert Rogers. In .any event,

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