- . fir" boom, and the result of that act, he said, was that thousands of personsI " invested who would pot have invest. ed at all if the f4oiertunerit state-I ment as to the claim had not been on the advertisement. He doubted it the present law would stop "wild- catting." He suggested that a spe. cial official should be named to look into companies which appeared to be questionable and prosecutn them, I "That does not bring back thei widow's money," said Mr. Runny. i "Neither does this law," reiorledI Mr. McCrea. , "It may prevent it from going-i rejoined the Attorney-General. i MORE ON IMMIGRATION -------- Member for Leeds Calls Attention to Exodus I From Canada --.-.-'--- ------- " -, Resuming the Budget debate a: . . . .i l , ifil RtiDAl _ IIA Rk I I N ', the Legislature yesterday, A. iv, _ ---------------_--------'-- Gray, (Conservative, Leeds) declared I t he was opposed to using one cent ot' WILL ST the Province's money to encourage , immigration from Europe at the , present time. He referred, he suid,, RANEY S ARG with regret to the exodus of' ywzng' men from the farms, seventeen huv-, --------- ing left his own district for thoi 'United States. He thought the east- _ .Blue Sky Law, Not Meant ern part of the trounce was not 5:: u' k . ting its fair share of Hydro lunar.- E as Cure, But as He: called on the Premier to divulvn: . self n redistribution I Prevention I mini. K. onnnyes (trim, is": 1i',ucs V ----r-------- inns) praised the (loverrxmvrgt for {'3 legislation, and had hit). cr ':,rt PROSPECTORS PROTECTEDI American tourist carrying (In. rm...) I ---------- expenditure Minion. lie ix-d Irruign also for the Minister of Airt'iv'iitnrw Although the Government had and t'onotn1ndvrl' the stand of ',' some hopes of getting the Blue Sky (y'm'ermneiit in its: radial pol; , lie d reading at yeB- spoke strongly in favor 'Y the 13:- law through secon tario Temperance Avt, and will fix terday's session of the Legislature. the Government's policy in f'rv"'cil.u.rv': the debate wound up in the House reform _,t),"t,.t,,1"s.,lyy1 kt.lj'r'ri:,i;-'rs,',rcr. at 10 o'elock without the desired gineighth~-1X1("h{il:.§ii95:1");""3.a:of: end having been accomplished. With several Mothonist t'tsr,sfeiiritu,.c, ",r.c- I the Easter holiday drawing members year. and gulp-rings of 1-rr'_i,v'rrorrs- to their various homes, 1te,n,1',1"t'i'ii Iat the night eresBion dwindled, until i Attorney-Geneva; and the Hover:- Ithe Premier acceded to the demand i ment in upholding and etifortr.ei,rt'v,., '0! H. H. Dewart, K.C., that ditscusr. IOntario Temperance it". ' sion be adjourned tor fuller Intors , __-----------., __ - _ mation respecting certaiin agmelld; _-_-.----------- ments made to the bill a nce ts 8 Tcrrr, " ' , I, , . ." s. Iappearance in the House. COST OF LIU'"\M' "Ankuh (Three Amendments. when"? T' '§:;,;ff,., 15,31,151? I There were three amendments at- Erica}: sl Thomas Metal 5:13.; corn- Itached to the measure when mem- any a; witnesses, tho rules: Av- ', bers picked up their bill books 3198- pounte iiioriiiifitTlT, of mp Lrcr1s.:ir'ris , terday. One of the Changes. accord- ',i,eh1," furthest- proxy-p.55 Y'):c:r-."i'l'iy ing to the Attorney-General's ex- orning with its inquiry ir.to tho 5-:- planation, was to give latitude in a", of the. contract for 19:" "'i'Ce- dealing with pr08pectors' syndicates. moiile markers. adjournmrhi '/.r.,1. Another clause states that the Blue bein made tor a week. Sky law will not affect securities put tr 'Ar.. -- _ -- ,,.-..-_. " on in Ontario prior to enactment of .iq-_."_...r- the proposed act, Bo tar as the sub- mission of prospectuses are con-I cerned; and another clause would prohibit brokers or agents making representations to the public that their securities had been in any way approved by the Government. I Three Northerners---Charies Mc- Crea, Conservative, Sudbury; R. R. Hall, Liberal. Parry Bound, and Mac. Lang, Liberal, Cochrane-con,. . tributed to Yesterday's discussions, the three of them, curiously enough, representing the extreme divergent views of the House. Mr. McCrea ' was out and out opposed to the bill; Mr. Hall thought it was needed, and Mr. Lang saw certain merits in a proposal to supervise Mock tIota- . tlons, but was fearful of its effects upon Northern Ontario's pre-emin-I ent industry of mining. . Mr. McCrea argued that the one danger in the bill was that investors would get the idea in their minds!, " that the Government in some way' endorsed the imue of securities, or at least gave them written approval. I He cited editorials from papers, w- i ters written to newspapers and other I similar documents to show that that I particular view was being held now _ by those who hoped the law wouldI go through. _ Fears Mom "mrihr-cattimr.', I He quoted the instance of the, Claims and Inspections Act passed in the early days of the CobaltI .