> ts s conn cce i areavs " oo n hak ..'*.";:;"v;,;fi-k.' ~P4 ';;" : __ _ [ wEDNESDAY, PERRIDVAT o 1928,) 19e e * E' I v ISIOI l' Ill LEGISLA '* "' 'v':'}fii':.:j:v . * | ) | | | ' i * un esn decingean ic tecadniegs ssm o ns 'Sr')uthea.'st Toronto will now present his amendment in the Budget de-- . e _3 @ Defeat of J. A. Currie's Mo-- bate. _ 'of f Debate _ Wants Public Accounts. tion to Ad"ourn c 'Then followed a mirth--provoking Comes After Premger In-- exchange between Provincial Treas-- R fusi Post urer Peter Smith and H. H. Dewart, | ( n ost-- KC._ _commencing in gsg spirit of| sists on e g;: gl M | !healted c;i{tlcism but ending humor-- uesns rles Mc--| ously. on. Provincial Treasurer POnemenl: vi a D : Smith moved that the House do on igorous J¢€-- o Thursday resolve itself into Commit-- Crea Makes 8 ; tee of Supply--which means that fense of Former Govern-- the Budget will be presented--and e T; b Ad 3 . s ' Mrl. Dewta.rt hm-omptly arose to in-- er minls-- quire as to the whereabouts of Pub-- me". § im lic Accqunts, and if they were not io now printed. He understood they tration f had been printed for several days f weetnnunmeestcemmmaemmumente and concluded that the only use-- REPLIES TO CHARGES ful purpose in so abruptly terminat--| ing the debate was to get them be--| MADE BY MR 'RANEY fore the House. | * + | _ Provincial Treasurer Smith, how-' en l accamae e | : e\t:eg,i t"v."a';s tx}ot. t;mpmganttly, g'?s(iirousi & £# + o stributing them before Wednes-- Immediately following the! day, and he started to advance an--| cain} Y Y aame other motion without replying. first d}? ls.mn Off th}: tsl?SSI.(ImA | "I am asking the Minister a ques-- upon the issue of whether J. A.| tion," inter ipted Mr. Dewart, some-- Po + u+ b : what angriiy. '"Does he not hear Currie, Conservative member, me? I am asking him a question, was to have the privilege of ad-- §§e'grf::'e"d'_','.fl' the Public Accounts | journing the debate--the de-- .| Mr. Smith--Sit down and I'll an-- -'swer you. They have been printed bate on the Speech from the |two or three days. . I think I got s s s 'g. ! them on Tuesday. I don't know just Throne wound up in ;hedLeng ; | where they are. They are locked \ép < « H s iscus-- somewhere. If I can find anybody la.ture \ldSt I.llfiht T t? ¢ | to get them I can distribute them sion OCCcuple exactly our tonight. * "veeks' Rfr. Dewan Ins'swnt. 4 * i S f Mr. Dewart--Do I understand an Wind--up Comes Quickly. : | honorable Minister of the Crown, The wind--up and the carrying of 'having custody of the Public Ac-- the motion to convey to his Honor « ?lc(ounts. laa sa%mg that hef dgggrlui'(t: * 4 s a a 'know where ese copies 0o en m al it | ns e P cotriee t wecr oo ies 1 € © cee T : -- it is his business to know? Will he a succession "'bf colorful and inter-- , not endeavor to find out where they estmg gwents, su%h "'Sh";"eh mn:el}f are? Can he not ascertain where crO\;vle 1ntor & c;'iief alf--hour o i the misplaced documents are secret--| Lei&::"é;;:_'k"':e%c?'g:h CokSemvs. ed? Possibly the Attorney--General ' tive member for Sudhurf,'. had con-- y g\ég'gittttlz }gg-gzlé;e)dh;% logts l'ixterast?::; cluded his lengthy and able address, and doe/sn't know where to find which dealt wholly with timber--af-- them'.'" fairs, J. A. Currie, one of the so-- & 2 o called "'ginger group," sought to j Mr. Dewart extended his brillianl&' move the adjournment Althourn ly humorous sarcasm at some length, I i tias, -- is) and the House, upon conclusion, he complained of having been ill. roatred in iaugBter and'applauded and announced his intention of mov-- * o P es PP 4 sas About 10.15 Provincial Treasyrer ing an amendment, Premier Drury + - + 4 Smith, having found his Public Ac-- voiced the Goverment's opposition « C to any further postponements counts, strutted across the floor, and, Adj Hef "] with great ceremony, placed one on ournment Request Refused. the desk of Mr. Dewart. Through a chorus of urgings to % 66 a» "go on now" from Liberal and Gov--| % NMr.: Mcotrea B{Ak,?s 4 B,flef' c ols ernment benches the Conservativol Mr. McCrea's "brief" was a Niz member reiterated several times ¢ minous one. He attacked his subject his request to be permitted to speak from the legal standpoint, and left no later, and Hon. G. H. Ferguson, his stone unturned in his effort to refute Leader, supporting «him, declared | the charges made last week by At-- with some vigor that never hefore! torney--General Ranmey with reference had he seen & Government refuse' to the late Government's administra-- that courtesy. Mr. Currie voiced the | j tion of Provincial timber lands. same protest. However, the Premier' Taking up Mr. Raney's analysis of was adamant and suggested divid-- the sale of berth 51 of the Quetico ing the House on the issue, whlch! Reserve to the Shevlin--Clarke Com-- was 'done. v:lith :he g;:sult that Mr. pany, he suggested théa'td the tAttor- Currie's motion to adjourn was de-- ney--General 'had imputed a "frame-- ; feated by 50 to 23. up" on the part of the ex--Minister | . f HB(g:.::elrt::n v%eF ga.sm takben, ;'V - of Lands and Forests, Hon. G. H. k + «F.0. ember for n Dundas, voiced his disapproval of Fe{'fl:?\(i-, Raney denied, stating that the Government's apparent disin-- ; he had intended to show '"negligence clination to grant the adjournment of the grossest character." He had s ,.e.;}uie(:nxt1 O;e' M;;ldCu:ri:.]embIn hhlg, !x;lputed no ikxixotw.ledgfrefi?n the lpat't opinion, + er had | of the ex--Minister of the spurious-- given am\;?li% r:lf:':o?(; atl)reld as thderg' * ness of the letter re'port;inf thehti:ruise re 0 proceede | .. he said. with, he thought the courtesy might P Of'gx'-g ember cbor. "Gudrury _ tnen well be extended. He alope, on the turned to meet his antagonist on his Government d'}'(?j;,;,';fj,?{' 'mth Mr. own ground by pointing out that the Cg:{e':s f;':m"é The whole of 'the con. ; Attorfney-Ge'neral htia.';l"?t.bsol;*ed hmg:- : P 4 * self from responsibility or _ em-- servati;&e io. Sin Cal':g" TootlmtiseMLib- ; x ployment of "thugs'" for the enforce-- ~§§a§',';y c eEwArt: . Coober SracKin j 'ment of the O'T"f"'t };'byfst:tlngAth?t \hin * * 7 he was unaware 0o e fact. "Apply| _: * 'ani t{a:;'nl-t he ~awision" Mr. Currie ' t.l;is 'x;u'le, and tl'}xlere g r;otMon;' tittle | t o T an y of evidence to show tha r._ Fergu--| _ ;.;m:Hoifseth:ee'l'{g"":gb';rf'j':::r n?; 'son knew this man (A.illa.n1 M?,cDonl- the i 'ald) had not been on the limit. All | speaking I W";Eng::'p olt tz'g'.',t 'I'OW- 'I am asking is that this matter be|. Li se o That ~the-- member __for | s judged by the same standards which | . | understood r for| the Attorney--General sets up for him--| e self." ' [ / _ Turning to the disposal of berths } R - > 45 and 49 to the same company, the /. >