P ym * P s _ . * ~ejene: fvs $ * 2 8 y T mews . Sss ' nnedge validecliqsies * -- . es ¥ ' -- e d n1 PP y prointriee ty k _ | |RANEY INTRODUCES |>~-- _ \--MEASURE TO STIFLE | + ' | Bill Designed to Prevent! >. RANEY INIRUDUB[S' _ Publication and Circula-- : j | _ tion of Betting Informa-- : _ tion in Ontario, Except -- j S o | f _ on Premises of Incorpor-' Moxn ioh : y g _ ated Racmg Assoc:atwm; A_in1 is to Suppress Infor-f F y mation Relating to Horse; SEVERE PENALTIES i | PRESCRIBED IN ACT| El | es finrrmeepapenie rronigreener CA f w ] w Hon. W. E. Raney, Attorxlenyen-i NO TRACK EXEMPTED; & eral, introduced in the Legislature, t e es | hos his romised C a 3 « p ~ti ly::;:l:cz?(i' e.lzitee:;)nc?'(:lr:)g ::m ppm)ma': Regarded as Inetfectlve,.i f tion of betting information." He as It Atten]pts to Enlal'ge made no comment on the measure Criminal Code T5 beyond a simple statement that it i j 4 was designed to curb the handbook § c o Ti evil. No further questions were asked, Hon. W. E. Raney in the Legislia-- $ but everyone anticipates a lengthy tux.e yesterday introduced his long-- ; discussion on the occasion of the| ewaited anti--betting bill. It com-- second reading, if not violent and me,,';"'st"'%' declarix-rg th?t' : prolonged opposition. ti> 'n § 1]1: A' t -- bet'tmg informa-- a5 The outstanding feature of the| l|(n'r .s'wa d].m«lfjde' tips, selex,tl'onS. oX bill is that it is aimed at the hand--| © 1.:'%' O. 1( : v«m_mng mone: prtu:s;' -- | 8 pa o w °s -- ' book gamblers. One clause expressly | Tm' 01 't ty "mine.']q' ;?ar "rinu uf | | f nts or any sir & C i stipulates that the publication or| l'.'a; m S Oe 119 ,\ milar inteligonte . keeping on the premises of incorpor-- | relating to, applicable to, or con-- * ated racing associations of any pub--| nected with any horse race, steceple-- lication containing betting informa-- 'chase, pacing, running or trotting tion shall not be deemed unlawful. C *ChnaA o 4 w i "tut In 'other words, the facing associa-- race, \.\ hether held within or without tions in Ontario are not affected by Ontario. this new legislation. 1 " 'Publication' shall include bnard.i Bans Publication of --Odds. tape, sheet, paper, pamphlet, news--| The specific clause prohibiting the paper, magazine or poriodical. I publication of betting odds reads: "'Publish' shall include the actx l"lfivegy pertson who.tby t;'llr;\zelf. his of writing, typewriting, printing and| clerk, servant or agent, publishes any ; ale? C4 publication containing betting in-f otherwise making information leg! formation as defined by this act, shall | Ible, and the act of producing, dis--| ?e gullity of an offense." Punishment playing, distributing, selling or offer--| s fixed at not exceeding $500 fine 4 sale isposing of. | and in addition six months' imprison-- eA o dn;j ,d sposlhe 9f | < ment. A Penalty Imposed. i ; '"Betting information'"' includes "Every person, who by himself, tips, selections, odds, prices and pari-- his clerk, servant or agent, publishes mutuel payments relating to anyi any publicution containing betting horse--race, steeplechase, pacing, run--| information, as defined in this Act, ning or trotting race within or with--| f shall be guilty of an offence and _ |I ou't' Ontario. | shall incur a penalty not exceeding f Publication"' under the bill in--| / five hundred dollars and in addition | 8 cludes board, tape, paper, newspaper, thereto may be imprigoned for a and so on, while the term "publish" f period not excecding six months, and F -- means act of writing, printing or in default of payment of any such making information legible or pro-- penalty shall be liable to imprison-- s ducing or displaying or distributing ment for a period of three months." f or selling such information. In short, Following this sweeping prohibi-- § it is intended that the only method tion there follows an exception Ts by which the betting public can get which permits betting operations #t. racing information is at the tracks & upon licensed track premises, such of incorporated racing associations. i as the Woodbine, Hamilton, Erie and s If the bill becomes law it will be ® Windsor circuits. Then is inserted illegal for a news vendor to handle the following clause: _ papers containing betting informa-- "Nothing in this Act contained ; tion. The Ontario papers will be shall be deemed to prohibit anything | prohibited from publishlng such in-- expressly permitted or declared to formation. Nothing is said regard-- be lawful, or declared not to be un-- ing the publication of racing 'en-- lawful by the Criminal Code or by tries as now seen in the papers any other Statute of Canada." '::33 '3:'63;' ibml éhe heys® of results ¢ Its Vulnerable Point. nciude the price l ; winners paid. News of pbetut:xg t(;;el A prominent legal member of the other events outside of speed con-- Legislature, discussing the bill, saiys tests between horses is not touched in this last clauge Nes .;?% oA oC upon. lation's vulnerable point, which mu render it impotent. To catalqgl{e A Point to Be Explained. certain course of acticmi ais c'.lrxr(n:n:ial Presumably a man could get a > is ip ienlarge the C'rimifial, COUC: paper published outside of Ontaric : which is a matter exclusely for t{}"; containing betting information Federal Parliament's attention. 0] through the mails, and not be liable, saving clause such as the one above) though this point will have to be inserted by . Hon,. Mr. Raney .Cai"| explained. The bill is primarily and . * preserve the integrity of the Crimi--,. solely aimed at the handbook evil. nal Code and permit the Ontario As it is a Government measure, it House to meddle with that which is is expected to have solid U.F.O.| «specifically rep*noved from the bounds backing. Most Liberals will likely of its authority. | support it, but the attitude of a ma-k t jority of Conservatives is as yet un--| known.. It will be a day or so before ' the members become | acquainted | f :with the proposed legislation, as it | ®e ... | was not even read to the House yes-l. ¢ I w maro +o smmme es on mm emmmmmtemen mm mm eromummr # \ . f \ V