[Iuston Short. in Accounts. ( When Orville Huston was employ-- ; e to light until after > by the Sprague--Roland Lumber ;ai:t%g;ghm.)}:uioif}lle facts would have Sompany he was $8,000 short in his ' ome to ']1ght the week after his 'ccounts, according to the testimony gea,t'h Mr. Williams said, as the pulp-- 'iis afternoon of Curtis Williams, wood was then due to be shipped, 'mber purchasing agent for the : and the shortage would 'have been l'ackus companies, at the hearing of alscovered. « jhe Royal Commission of the Provy-- Since that time Mr. Sprague of lrce of Ontario inquiring into charges | that company had told Williams that gainst the Attorney--General's De.! > (he hoped the verdict would be mur-- | der, in order that he could claim partment arising out of the death of Inst the estate. The insurance [Huston here last December. aga x'.smes would pay over on the, Huston had been paid this sum for feomna n a verdict of murder.. pulpwood, Mr. Williams testificd, but [policles 02 a YELL i 'the wood was not in existence. These %