# Liberal Leader and Con ® servative Member: * duced in a most covert way one of ® * I Strongl}' CY!thlZl the most vicious pieces of legisla-- ; Scheme --to Capitaliz' tion" that had ever come before" » the House. The effect of the meas-- | gOtor Llceme Fees se ure, he said, was that the Province | + j A s 2 | x was pledging for years in advance | ; p pendd"ures S'lOUId B its motor license revenues fees so | asse _ that the Minister could spend $25,--| # EaCh Year' TheJ 000,000 in one, two or three years, f Clmm * as he saw fit. "The Minister," he said, "should oC t mm o come out in the open and say that »» by this section he desired to raise VIC'OUS SCHEME, $25,000,000 now on debentures by SAYS H H DEWART ¢ pledging these receipts, which should * * be devoted to improvement and up-- sns keep."' _ Durin ract j Why, he asked, should the Minis-- yesterdag' Dfl ctically the whole 0 ter of Education not ask for capitali-- Y# ernqon and most of tlhy L zation of succession duties for Uni-- 'evening the Legislature, in commit * _ versity purposes, and other Ministers |\ tee, struggled with the bill introdue mak(}a simi}(;u' deman%s'.' The gfim'q' ed by Hon. F. C 5 in 4s ter, he said, proposed io spen now h hyw $ A C. Biggs to amend th \for road construction those moneys ghways Improvements Act, tlu | which should rightly belong to his chief provision of which is for i. successor a couple of years hence for capi talization, over a 20--year period, 0o: r'oad mi\int_enun(-e. o A $2,000,000 of each m oi aares F. Wellington Hay said he saw licenise 1 year s moto} no great advantage in the proposed se fees income. As has been ex 'capita]ization. "If this measure plained on numerous occasions, thi i gi? nott'becct)nr\: la.w.'f' :':9 safii' y new system of ie y elieve the temper 0 > ouse - y malile i of good xoad.s finance i would be that they were very ready mmediately available a sum io vote a very large sum for the of $25,000,000, with which to carry:-- construction of good roads, and I on the program. think probably the House should The pro a $ have some direct say from year to posed new _ system -- wat year as to what money ought to be vigorously attacked from the Con-- voted for certain purposes." He servative quarter by Ho ' 7 had tremendous confidence in the guson, Hon. G SyH n.'(.. H. Fer-- present Minister of Highways. he Th * . G. S. Henry and Hon said, but he might not have so much , omas Crawford, and was not ap in a successor. ;V)'!"oved by the Liberal Leader, J° ¢ D('fll"," Bought Money. ° ellington Hay. According to th; Hon. G. H. Ferguson said -- the argument of the Conservative mem 4 Province was actually to pay $40,-- > % c r 25,000, -- :)ee;ls. r;oft' only_ was the proposed sys ggg'%fiic';}"i?l:::? E.?)r Ot;:;l foorga?(e of financing unsound and inad * . boPd c vieable, but it represented a seri available by capitalization. He went departure from the established (:.un into anticipated maintenance costs, cedent of having the Legislature epa.(g 3 and calculated that the Province, by --year pass upon and vote propose{( annually devoting 82.000..000 motor @items of expenditure f h 4 license fees to construction, would | year. efor the enSUINH have insufficient funds for mainten-- \H y ance, and there would be further urt Province's Credit. drain on general revenues. Hon. | Mr. Hay said he saw no advan Mr. Biggs said that he could not\ tage to the Province in the Minis: understand wnat it was the Conser-- | ter's scheme, and suggested that i! vative Leader wanted, nor did he | | highway bonds and debentures wert think he knew himself, whereupon . to be §trengthened because of capt Mr. Ferguson flung a.,f:ross: "That is | -- _ | talization of certain revenues, neces. getting pretty cheap. | * _ _ sarily other Provincial bonds would Premier Drury, in the midst of a| !be correspondingly weakened. speech, suggested that the House: § The clause affecting capitalizatioy ; might vote the _three years' estig,! passed only after discussion lasting mates, but Hon. Mr. Ferguson ask-- over three hours, and the whole bill ed: '"What do we come here for 5 after about five hours' discussion, every year? Is it not to vote moneys | went through with one or two mino: for the carrying on of Gove_rnment?" amendments. Premier Drury--There is no use H. H. Dewart opened the attac} of my trying to complete my state-- ;by expressing the opinion that the ment. My honorable friend would Minister of Highways had '"intro. not updeutand it, anyway.