Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 May 1922, p. 2

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. . . 'tntroduised, Mr. Halcrow last night. . - -_-.-..-. in the Legislature tuglted permission _ I The hill passed the Private Bills to withdraw it. Members of the I . Committee some weeks ago, and R. tmb-committee, objected. and, after t. Brackin, Liberal member for West some discussion. the bill stood over . -Kent, in whose name it stands in for consideration at a later date, and moving for second readln st also to ascertain if, in case the day said- the cha tr ye er- 'member in whose name the bill ' . F nge made by this stands does not move second read- committee was to the effect that - _ b r can. the power ot increasing or decreas- ing, any other' mem e _ ling the bare was placel in the ha d Contentious Subject. of the Railway Board. n s . Several members spoke on the, . subject and reviewed the contro-f London Strongly objects. versy that has been raging in-llam-, Dr. H. A. Stevenson, member for ilton concerning the clubhouse. The . London, was on his feet in a, mo- contention of the opponents of the. ment. Objections, he said, had original bill was that the money, come to this bill from the city ot provided in the first place by the London. The city was opposed to City Council, the notary Club and it in every form. The House, he by means of a tag day, was for the proceeded, should consider serious- benefit of all veterans. ly before passing the bill, as it at- _ Mr. Haicrow maintained that the tected the agreement betwe h i I Great war Veterans' Association was city and the Railwa C en t e l " the only association of trdetlliirtdthn The charter of the JJdpa'ii"lmi'l1',7i existence at the time. an a e F redrafted bill took away from the tr//,,1ao,1,"he,orl,t2r, and direaciy an Aid.l GAN'.V.A. the clubhouse and vested. that h a given notice in Council it in other organizations which had , ,. t t railway should vacate the 4 not contributed anything in the way (cite streets. ., . 1 of money. Some of those who asked .If this bill passes in the House,', him to introduce the bill now asked this House invades the rights of? him to withdraw it, Mr. Halcrovv' fiheJUry2sntit,?e'e,l,t,o,r in the Province,'" explained. ( . 5' b "teel, There would be, Whip and Leader Disagree. »§§re?3£e§§ls w'?hl"lei'etli/ti'rpgit.Koibj. The House saw the spectacle ly, )because they would know the House V, the Conservative Leader,. and the' lcould override them. He cited the Whip of the Conservative party,g instances of the agreement entered Joseph Thompson, Northeast To-l iinto between municipalities and the uronto, take opposite views on the, Hydro-electric Power Commission bill. Hon. G. H. Ferguson thought "The House could also override those by withdyawintr.the 1,i11:,yelt,,iyr for _-'11,'gr,',e,tlti',. The thing to do in this the amalgamation of 'p."ii,,ohu/'d"it; t case was to let London take over the eran bodies to take p 301391. W Tid . railway and run it. That was the was assured, was possi e pro a y only solution. this fall, the problem would bei . isimplified. Mr. Thompson, rim the ={Should Keep Contracts. other hand, thought that ama gama- . "I am opposed to the rinci 1 tion would be helpeg alogg. "Ht/g; "the bill," said Mr. Tolnriie. 'IU'..'. ilton, a any ra e, a '.t a , . . ' V through the redrafted bill. '35.": 1pc'tid' Sillglhtattioble: lived up Finally Hon. w. E. Raney Bug- idown last Year "and we ounhturned gested that Mr. Halcrow might see (very slow in dbin h t g to be the trustees and try to arrive at 'to d F, W a we refused I . l o a year ago. some understanding. Mr. Halcrow ithen consented to the bill standing ! . Jd W Curry,. Southeast Toronto, 'over though, he said, the Attorney- . ..a1 in committee it had been General did not realize the hot brought out that the sgreement was water he was getting into by such one-sided. The city did not have to action. . take over the railway, but the rail- . wtay hlad to continue operating even; . a a OBB. . ,' Leslie Oke, U.F.O. member for; i East Lambton, said he did not think; it was goodhpractice for the House! " o reverse t e decision of the com-' mittee. lLABOR SPLITS Hon. Walter Rollo said the con-i tract was made in good faith, a q . l contract that London was not pre-i ' l pared to break, but that the com-l l pany wanted broken. The partiesi , could not get together, so applica-l ---.--.---_ I ion was made to the Legislature? l nswering Mr. Curry, he said that Strong Protests Made " no assurance would be given now, . . . as was asked before the Private Bills . Legislature Jeopardizing . Committee, that would he binding . , ' when the contract expired, that the City S Contract . road would be taken over by the, _-------------- city. The action to be taken then] PLEAS PROVE FUTILE' would depend on the circumstances prevailing at the time. I His opposition to these kind ofi . hills had always been on principle, The pleas of Dr. H. A. Stevenson, he said, but he had found that just Labor member for London, and Ofi 'tt'e'"2,'?eeat" 1:13:3ng sgg'gntlaligr; (pig: Hon. Walter Rollo, Minister of: had been raised to seven cents. If Labor, fell on deaf ears yesterday! the fares in London were to be in- in the Legislature when they argued creased to give the men decent for the observance of the sanctity . $331393 that "is"; oy/huh/tec.',,"; . . ane so n of contracts between .municiy11iti.tsl from the company what it was going and private corporations. Despite! to do with the increased fares. their objections, supported By the' -....__ arguments of J. C. Tolmie, Liberal member for Windsor, the act re- specting the London Street Railway, ' which gives the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board the power to increase or decrease fares on that railway, regardless of any agreement existing between the city and the . company, passed second reading. Splits Labor Vote. The bill came up for consideration . a few minutes before 6 o'clock, and the standing vote, was taken Just at o 6. The two front-bench Cabinet Ministers present, Messrs. Haney and F ,Doherty, voted for the bill, as did . Messrs. Tooms and Homuth, Labor members for Peterboro' East and ' (South Waterloo, respectively. The other Labor members, led by Hon. Walter Rollo, opposed the bill, but beyond three or four Farmer mem- . hers and a handful from Opposition: . - _ parties, including Mr. Tolmie, the . bill drew support from every part of l P _ the House. ', . '

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