' . 'as to putting this document in ev1-. ,' k deuce, Major Lewis saying that he i i Witness declined to answer a ques-l PM not wish to use anything which i -- 1tion as to whether he suggested that'- might disturb the young lady's peace - Mr. Harding was corrupt when hef of mind, and Commissioner MacIn- mentioned the case " one of 3111-. tosh remarked that it was "a some- cide. . , what hysterical letter." It was de- "Are you afraid to say it now?"' cided to admit the letter, which was asked Mr. Waldron. accordingly read in court. In . "I am not afraid to my anything it the writer expressed her , I have said." replied Major Lewis. gratitude to Major Lewis tor "A brave soldier!" ejaculated Mr. i the interest he was tak- Waldron. iing in her brother's death, and said "Oh, don't let that enter into the the 330;": id,t.,'rft',u', had tried Q discussion." retorted Major Lewis. prove t a rv e was crazy, an when they could not prove it they "Not Charging Corruption." I had said that it was suicide. The The Witness also refused to all- letter indicated she was positive that i swer other guestions as to whether her brother was murdered, or why he suggests other ott1cu1s of the should the Backus people turn an- department were corrupt in saying tagonistic at his death, and not send the case was one ot suicide. A? said a note of sympathy! _ :1ngst G1f,egh't corruption, and Heard Many Trergdons. "As a candid and honest citizen. "He did not commit suicide." the! ily', the representative of a great con- letter proceeded. "I have heard " stituency in this city, do you absolve many lies concocted about Orville I "1,659 men of corruption? Mr. fairly boil with indignation, until 1, Weldron inquired. become fairly desperate and plan _ I have never made a charge of' whom I should shoot for vengeance] corruption against any Of them, ' It». were it permissible. Only the shadow' peated the witness. . I of a rope, and th: 'i',T,"3trd'c',rail1.-.' tdosryto otgie J,'l'drtl'tel,, £23,; it,',','?. 'ing my pret y nee , an e now - . .. edge that there are still charitable properly advanced by certain people, people in the world, hold me from Major Lewis said {he had not assert.' going to International Falls." ed that any of these things were The letter also urged Major Lewis . true. _ , I to "go to it," and to "put the boast- . Tut, tut, tut, tut, ' exclaimed Mn, ful Yanks out ot Canada," for they' §W§fron.th i t i hi 1 229"?" money would do every-, 1.... oat'"ltr'l1i',V"re,t2',' M: was». Ing. V . ' . ron ' Mr. Waldré'm spéantua. good deal of.' i,'t)?i1,'s,t.e,i',rt,.li,t "tf,eig,'hgrxttgaogejetjl, . . rr - o ', Eggs 1fuea/ll',2frts'ur ',he,'iU'Tli'.%r,1i 1 peopgie will elect to the Elrdietrfr',',t.1.'. the files of thed trt/l,'?,'.'"'-),':'"',',:',',". I: liggeplageer oh/fd,?:,',',',:,') lshovtved Department, an w c , e sai , ls l l. r. pprova, a a Major Lewis might have obtained if , reply from the Witness by commenc. he had made inquiry .at that de- 'ing to hum and to shake his head partment. Major Lewis, however, from side to side. Are you tro1ntr said he had put a notice on the to sing a solo, Mr. Waldron?" Major) order paper for the documents. He. Lewis asked. ', . did not believe he would have heenl . . allowed to see the documents if he] Jet', basilicgestlon. had applied to the department. Mr. , " 'atjimth eWIsIsaid he had been con- Bayly, the Assistant Attorney-Gen- i'mbe at . uston waa murdered,l eral, would probably have referred it)?" had no idea, by whom he was 'him to the Attorney-General, who (kills?: i . , would haveh toldc1 him to place al ed gigging? 1lru1tt,1t,ttgl.s kill-1 'ti ontheorderD8Der. . ' . . . . no ce p p _;" "Why, certainly not," replied the Belted on Porter. l wigetss. t d h h d t " , . . ,'r 1 11888 repea e 6 a, no dea . Was it not necessary tot you. as; who killed him, and he did not sug- a prudent and honorable man, to takei . , . 0 did n t make unfounded; gest that Mv. BaCkua procured any "g" y b, M 'dl Idron asked l of his subordinates to kill him. I c arges. r. a lied th Ct, f l "You accept Mr. Backus' tstate-l Major Lewis rep e a e ore mom that he did not kill him?" i, making his statements in the House', "Mrhr of course 'r . _ he satisfied himself as to their ac-' Thr, "','vir,/,','ii' "j"; WM t-rtlrm ; curacy. He admitted, however, that V _ h n h; _ his only information was what he ob- hand by Mr. Hellmuth, to W fi? t ;tained from the Porter report and admitted that it was essentla or [from the newspapers. . a member or the Legislature to , Asked as to where he obtained his exercise great care before taking ad- information that Harding was "a vantage of the privileges of the Backus lawyer," 11nhei"t' laeplied: "1 House It? "gh1pfnht,',"it'int'ahiinf2iret. t . B . one. - e sa n - 'itQe,'i,it,?di.e,k Ua/u/Ill/e/tdug ences he was not intending them as her obtained that ',""ttlt'u,'i, piece of gerslcznal tot ErgtsBackrilig, b13113; ntab; in ormat on rom e e egram. ac us in er . _ ,He believed that the information no name until the Attorney-General otll,5.t Inspector Jefferymvlven; ito 'lr: V interrrupted 121(1)? g,1yg2td1,.id 651:2; . ason ne rite on enam l. . ')'Jid,PJetle't,l2t ifs presumed Por- . he commenced his speech he had ter's report would be based on hear-u not crystallized in his mind any in- 88-31 " tention of mentioning the name of uremia J',,oe,t' with: girl Marnie... suggested that in one o r. n , . _ .IS.i'l'l "a, evidgnce showed that hi! his speech 'ififiiitdii'('v"ii had put for- had not-he might have gone for at _ ward his references as actual facts, variety of purposes, even outside the but the witness would not admit Huston affair. Major Lewis was of 'that such was the cage.VI . L wis' l opinion, nevertheless, that if Jeffery st ai'f,gd,,Wt'dtth glued? we 333% e eman 1hgf,/'fld,te'oeg'g'.1e1, 1d have been an who was interested to gain posses- ' . sion of certain papers Huston was Wrong in Chaim ' thought to have about higltxhten he . . . was in Fort Frances, an a as a u,d'grTydg,T' 11131er $1,833: 813.2%: result of endeavoring lo. secure should draw the inference he had Wig: 1ty,'f/,iUt21tg', Tlt, 2331033; "£4212? "Mt 'l2fft"t2i11tc, he was that does charge Backus with a con- spiracy at least to stifle inquiry into wrong in his charge that Mr. Hard- crime? As an ordinary man, don't 211:0 "If/utils",, '"ht1itii,, an: the you know that it is? Does that not t th h - h d n s ae- charge Backus at the very leant-- "%'l " e a never seen ine-, leaving out murderu--with endeavor; = ' ' in to atifie inquiry into a 0 me. Of course-- ' Major Lewis w": Dges it or does it not, in Your opin- proceeding. ak t ion? "Now you are not going to t e . " that it it back: are you?" interrupted Mr. dog-58'3" Lewis-4 presume. ' ' Waldron. '" ; . -.- d do on make "Mr. Harding was solicitor for- tdt"idelPt1eltirc.,An y some orthetre timber operators, who Mad or Lewhi--you are dealing now were connected in some way with with---. Mr. Backus," Major Itwit' pro- Mr. He1imuth--Do you repeat that "tf,' ed. ' charge today? Now, do you know they were Major Lewis-Having heard Mr. connected.'" asked Mr. Waldron. Backus' evidence under oath on "Do you know it of that knowledge Saturday of course not. _ can", on a . use to "y T, under oath'. i Mr. He11muth---So that it does . nd'.'?"""""' ao, . replied the wit- come to this: that ",hieT,ad',', a / B. . charge in the House w c now, V _ "Well, then!" exclaimed Mr. Mar, having heard evidence given under ,dron. ( . oath, you recognize " baseless. Is T . ' .. . .hQLtMt correct? _-i------,----- -_-_-eFe-ee-Fe ___ -" AA}. 4,#__m.___-._4.__._._____.__A__________--._._______----