Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Apr 1922, p. 2

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: PmAE 07 at pee PR i | . "If I satisfy the House as to these _ "But," ~ interrupted _ Hon. Mr. f . charges is he prepared to resign? 4 p itement bear | asked Mr. Raney. | g'::%uson. your, stateme $A '"Yes," called out Mil'.hin';!:?)o:-"n fir. 'Raney--I leave it to . the | Mr. Raney said he W; * Into judgment of the House. Of course, | l'l.ion:thbe{'%x;ekha:;;in tlrfe aosgrnment taking that _ view, _ the honorable | ks 4 f n ber for North York will decline will put a candidate into the field, _mem nesald 'he would, if he he said, amid much applause from tfgn:;e:ut'g'sa:bstantiate hig charge. ', : Government benches. a Not only the Conservative Leader, ' ; e d s e on o on rle Roard but the member for North York, % 'been sent out to all Police Boards then sought to establish the cor-- 3 in the Province, that the practice rectness of the charge by quoting of the department was to employ as from Mr. Hales' stipulation of "law-- ' special officers only men with clean j ful" place. Mr. Lennox vainly ' records, and not to employ women | sought to have the Attorney--General at'all. Referring to what Mr. Len-- \ defer the balance of his speech, and nox had said about the employment | left the chamber at this point. of women, the Attorney--General de-- l 4 clared that if it transpired, that what l London and Welland Cases. P * ho had said was true, then the man Proceeding to specific cases, the f _'who was responsible for the em-- 'Atmrney-General mentioned the % ployment of these women would hel \ case of London, and denied the H dismissed. | | statement that investtigadtior; costs; j h \there were high. Instead of severa M Penalty lg pismissal. ig:'\.x:av:ds otgdollars, he said, the 4 Continuing, Mr. Raney read ex-- y actual cost was some fifty--odd dol-- ; tensively from communications be-- lars, and the London situation given f 1 tween himself and the Commissioner \ a needed ventilating. U T a. enforosment" _ Thiess ordere |\ _ "Did you get the Murrelis?" ask-- O.T.A. enforcement. These orders | ed the Conservative Leader, but Hon. and -- recommendations called for 'Mr. Raney declined to answer the gradual elimination of the @apecial {qut.*stion as not being relative. hired spotter, and set the penalty | Comin'g adown to the Welland case, for oficers found intoxicated, either | 'gpeciflcally mentioned, in which de-- on or off .duty. at irstant qmmiual. bauchery of officers and corruption Opposition _ members _ indicated of a private dwelling house _ and cce s eam a rewnce whieh" porma% drinking by females were alleged, the reading from a report which lodged Att,orney-dene!'al produced . reports the somplaint that "too many from Ing@pector Putman and letters P special officers are going to the bad.'" and evidence from citizens to show On this point Hon. Mr. Raney said: that all of the allegations were| '"You must remember that we have groundless. The truth about Wenand: & to deal with numbers of individuals |had been, he said, that there were| ( 'who seek to put themselves in posi-- those in authority who .soug'ht_toi 'tion to take toll." discredit the O.T.A. and did not wxshi \ Adequate Requirements ? | to see it enforced. | _ _ He quoted the present require-- Welland Member Objects. | | ments of special officers, such as During the discussion of the Wel--| | total abstinence and no criminal land _ situation R. Cooper, Liberal| $ jrecord, and asked if the precautions member for Welland, interrupted to | taken in such employment were not ascertain the authority for various : adequate. » ced f % Hon. Mr. Raney took up the case 09'11'}1:":'3'1:'%? flave ito lell --thé At"| wie | of the United Shippers, in connec-- torney--General tonight, he said, his, tion with which concern Mr. Lennox bp\nion of Mr. Putman, because he had made the charge that the de-- had told it to him on prior occa--| partment had been prepared, for slons : settlement purposes, to have a big Stfll another charge taken up and seizure of liquor taken out of On-- labelled by Mr. Raney as founda--| tario "to debauch the citizens of tionless was that respecting an offi-- | British Columbia." cer named Webb, of Gueliph, who, \ _ _The _ Attorney--General _ brought although alleged to have been drunk ; forward a report from Chairman and incapable on the occasion of . James Hales of the Ontario License a certain seizure, nevertheless made 6 Board, with whom the arrangement ' & report and gave testimony. The to release the $40,000 _worth of | Attorney--General -- produced _from seized liquor was discussed by James| court records the fact that Webb f Haverson, K.C., and representatives ; ' had not given testimony. The mem--| % of the United Shippers. According' | ber for North York, he said, had, & to Mr. Hales statement, obtained ® lanowed somebody "to put it over A since Mr. Lennox's charge in the | him.'" House, there had been several con-- ferences over the disposition of the liquor, which had been held to have ; been wrongfully seized. LEN Many Places Mentioned. "I assured them that we did not desire to be unreasonable or cause HURlS CHARGE a heavy loss to the owners of the liquor," stated Mr. Hales'® communi-- * cation, "and I asked them if, under the circumstances, they would be ACROSS FLOOR & willing, if proceedings were ended, to ship the liquor out of Ontario }ol?ome plac%rvhere it could be llaw- _ mm _« e 5$ ully sent. scussions took place yaY " about sending it to different pM@ces, Says "Cl'lmlna|s and Felons and I believe British Columbia, x Quebec and the United States were Are Used m Enforce-- all mentioned. But I absolutely (a 4: iz declined even to consider giving any, | ment Of O.T.A- consent to the sending of the liquor| 1 toma.rt\'y Prov(ilx;ce or finy country to% * which, according to the laws of such | » . 'ev--Gen-- country, it could not be lawfully} Charging that the Attorn'ey"Ge 4 sent. | eral of Ontario had "used him" an "Tater Mr. Haverson read me a had forced him to pay law costs in copy of a telegram he was sendin R T. * in regard to a proposed shipmengtz order to have the law defit.xeg._ i 'and mentioned the Province of Brit-- | Herbert Lennox, member for I ort' ish 'Columl::)th by rname. I assumed | York, returned yesterday evening in no responsibility for mentioning the| yass "Sut-- s Province to which they shouldgsend' the Legislature to the famous Sut their liqguor, and I never departed -- ton raid," when he rose to resume g-lom tlge f;p;ess stipulation -- that the Budget debate. He had been ere shou e no violation of the F 1 law of the country to which ship-- brought to trial, he sgd, eC fol\.x 3 f ment might be made," the statementl not guilty of obstructing the police. read. , "I would have been rather proud, Lennox Charge Proved? o in a way," he said, "to have ob~-- llvlo(rll.t}lzir. Raney vigorously del;' structed those thugs." He had }:'eeg clare at was a statement which | flms ething whic he had no doubt represented the ab-- refused a retrial :G,olmhad :o right * solute facts. '"You will please com-- the Attorney--Genera Daret nf"thhe said, "with the state-- to do. Le ment o e member for North York, 4 ion Mr. nnox p who used the term: 'But will you be-- e ce whom,he said, lieve me when I tell you that the named certain persons t T § » &ttc;r;ney-(}eneral offered to give up > A the Attorney--General's Depar;men ' e liquor to the men who owned it | $ O.T.A. enforce* if they would not take it into the had etiplonel 1;: to possess un $ States, but would let them have it if ment knowing them four t ' they would debauch the people of d@esirable records. Three or British Columbis ? ' o * a

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