- ' . Unruil'led by Comment. l Says Practice Not Cruel. f Mr. Harris produced a colored! President Pearce of the Ontario map of Ontario, with a. blackened Hunters' Game and Fish Protective area representing that portion of it Association "ntroduced the various which had voted "anti-dog" in the ispeakers and the whole trend of recent huntera' referendum. The their argument was that huntins black area on his map covered the deer with dogs was not cruel; that it whole of Northern Ontario, and left _ represented the essence of true little, older Ontario a white speck sportsmanship, and that the U88 of "r on the horizon. He was unrumed by dogs prevented waste of carcasses the comment that in 95 per cent. after the deer had been wounded. of his blackened area there were no Various speakers made the plea that red deer anyway, .and pointed out age and rotundity would prevent that these .votes against the use of them from ever again enjoying the. dogs were from people living in the hunt should a restriction be made very areas where the hunting would on the use of dogs. The opinion was i, ensue; evidently they were not afraid expressed that 80 per cent. of the (ot shooting accidents. ' hunters would stay out ot the woods ; ft. R. Hall, Parry Sound. a com- in that unhappy event. -mittee member, and one who had .Sam Harris. who. through news' ', previously contended against the use paper publication and other means,, of dogs, vigorously protested at the has conducted a vigorous propagan-l . "booing" he received from some ' da against the use ot dogs, was the members of the deputation when he lone anti-canine speaker. He vigor- arose to speak. lie singled out an ously denied all the allegations . 'offending individual and demanded against the carelessness and inetft- land received the protection of the ciency of the "pot-hunter," and (Chair. maintained that the still hunter was i The committee also received a plea "the real sport"; that he was always l T for the protection of the maskalonge. able to get his deer when wounded. lwhit-h, it was said, would be extinct and that the absence of dogs did not! ' in five years without protection. A tend to increase shooting accidents. 3 I maskalongo hatchery was suggested. ln support of the Mat contention. he The committee, which is holding quoted statistics from the United lite first three meetings publicly, will States and from Provinces of the Do- iaCrerward deliberate privately and minion. l pass upon the various matters on the . l agenda.