. i County Wants Special Act to Enable It to Operate t Lines It the Iong-talked-of "clean-up" deal fails to materialize York county will purchase the York radials and operate them itself County offtCitg,lg are not very keen about Toronto owning radials outside the city limits, and would much prefer to have York purchase them. Yesterday the Legislative Commit- tee of the county waited on Premier Drury asking him to introduce legis- lation to make it possible for the county to purchase the Metropoli- tan, Scarboro' and Mimico divisions of the Toronto & York Radial Rail- way and operate them itself. Pre- mier Drury stated that it had already been decided to bring down logisla-l tion giving authority to counties tol go into the radial railway business. Wants Operating Power. At the present time tho county has the power to purchase the lines, but has not the authority to operate them. Without the promised legis- lation the lines would have to be turned over to the Hydro Commis- Mon or some other body to operate. York is anxious to be in a position to operate the radiais if it purchases them. The three lines can he purchased by the county for t2,'J00,000. Only the portions of the radials outside the city limits would be taken over by the county. If York buys the radials the dream of ex-Warden w. II. Pugsiey of Rich- mond Hill will be realized. Mr. - Pugsley was, Warden when the fran- chise was granted to the Metropoli- tan, and ever since he has been ad- vocating that the county purchase this line. When Warden he en-' ldeavored to have the county intro. Iduce the radials itself, but other men. were not so confident of the future of electric lines. Mr. Pugsley, though not now a member of the Council,'; was one of the delegation that wait-l ed on the Premier yesterday. I gThose on Delegation. i l, The deputation was introduced by: 'Col. T. H. Lennox, M.P.P.. solicitori ifor York county, and consisted 0le iReeve William Keith, Newmarket,;,' lChairman of the Legislative Com-i 'mittee; Reeve J. M. Gardhouseg; Weston; Reeve Charles wirloughb.v,; 'North GwiHirrrbur.r; Reeve John 'Knowles, Aurora; Reeve George B. iPadgct, Markham township; Reeve l"red Miller, York township: Keene 1W. J. Gardhouse, Etohicoke town- iship. and Reeve A. E. Pugsley, ISutton. l All but three of those present were . lex:wy"1ens, and the delegation com- .priaed the strongest men in theI County Council. When these ten men' favor the proposal, there is absolute- ily no doubt of the stand the County Council will take on the matter.