WP? - ,7--- v_..vv "wuucl. rrenllel' I Drury said that Hydro legislation i would be brought down not later Ithan Monday. A committee of the .Cabinet was working on it, he said. i The requests of the Commission had i been handed in only a. few days ago. M. "era, as soon as the com- mittees finish their work, the Legis- 'lature will hold morning sessions. (The anuouneement was made by 5 Premier Drury yesterday when ask.. i ed by Wellington Hay, Liberal Whip. (1Vith morning sittings. the session 'may be concluded next week. Seven- :teen items were trot off the order vpaper through the third reading 'route yesterday. These included the ichanges in the moratorium. the old fbounty act, the bill reducing the , property qualifications for municipal icandidates, the act giving firemen _ one day off in seven, and many bills of less importance. Ah, Legislature "rin sit to-nieht. makiner nu can» -. --.\_ matalatulc win sit upright. niaking' the first Friday night sitting this session. In reply to Hon. Geo. B. Henry. Acting Conservative Leader, Premier Drury said that Hydro legislation would be brought down "no anu- T Legisiatu/iriiiririr; This Way Conclude Labors Next Week gt the, subject to appeal to the Accepting the challenge. Hon. Mr.l Haney declared that the Criminal Code took away the right ot a Huis- Ject under sentence of death to up- , peal to the Crown. Mr. Dewart d:s-' puted the Atornl'retusrt1'rr inter-i pretation of the law. and maintained 1 that the act Hon. Mr. Raney pm»? posed to put on the statute hImkH' would not he a legal avt. _ Safeguard to Citizens. ' New. week, as mittees finish the latum win in"; or the articles tomii beggar had reference. bub against the Privy Council to have been raised because in certain appeals the city ot Toronto did not get that to which it considered it was entitled. Hon. Mr. Haney said be presumed Mr. Dewart referred to/.r..1sronto Street Railway appeals "I believe the greatest safeguard for the Canadian citizen." ho said. "is in his right of appeal to the foot of the Throne. I btylieve that is a right that is given not only to the rich man. but to the poor man. We have demonstrated in the city of To- ronto that the poor peddlers can have their rights vindicated. and it may be there am others who will have to adopt the same course. it relates to matters that are far mun: important than the opinions of "New- ton Wesley Rowell and others on what are the relations between Can- ada and tho United States, when there is an evident attempt to estab- lish some system. so far as Canada is concerned. of representation at Ottawa which is something that is not_aki_n to British institutions." _ I "The Toronto Street Railway has rights." retorted the Liberal Leader. Hon. Mr. ItaTtvy--0nfortunately. Mr. Dewart--Portunutely. Be- cause. after all, the interests of those who invest have to be considered. Challenges Mr. Bailey. "snmiiiiiisias I TO HURRY MATTERS He reiiridGGFGiiraeu.rrom the opinion of Sir Allen Ayleaworth. who Fpparent'ly believed the whole hub- Mr. Dewart challenged the At- torney-General to say that "here or hereafter any act. passed by this House can interfere with tho right Mr. Dewart concluded by charac- terizing Hon. Mr. Raney's lengthy speech as an effort to give his hill "docent burial." "aux, as soon a finish their work the Liberal 1. can l 1 it} will l It i are ! ew- i, on t en- I The Minister of Mines aroused the ire of Mr. Dewart when he referred to the unrest among the workers and declared that there would be a day of reckoning at the polls in regard to this important question. Mem- bers, he said, must watch their step The Conservative Leader declared himself in full accord with the de- sire to give consideration to the widow and dependents, hut he very much doubted whether it would be wise to allow the retroactive clauses dealing with the pensioner himself. Although Hon. Walter .Rollo pro- tested at the introduction of the subject. Hon. Mr. Henry proceeded to express his opinion that insteal of the appointment of a Labor man to fill the vacancy on the board there should be added a qualified medical practitioner. Fears No Malintterintt. Hon. H. Mills. in speaking in sup- port of the proposed increases, quot- ed statistics to show that among the beneficiaries were children of ten and eleven years of age. There could be no accusation of extensive malingering under the act when it was trhitwrr that although; between 1,000 and 1,700 workers in 1918 were paid for the actual seven days' lay- ofr, there Were between 1,100 and 1,200 'men that went the six days and returned to work on the seventh, thereby losing their claim to com- pensation. "There may be a few workers who are dishonest," he added, "as there are a few dishonest men in every shade of life." "There is real danger," he declar- ed, "ot going beyond what industry will stand. We are working in com- petition with neighboring States, neighboring Provinces. You may make conditions so burdensome in this Province that industry will not come here. If there are duplicate plants, the plant operating in On.. tario will' cease operations. This House must be very sure of its ground that it is not going beyond what our neighbors are doing in this line or you are certainly going to driveraway one of the assets we have in this Province. and that is indus- try to build up our country." lion. Mr. Henry Dointed out the need for caution before again in.. creasing by one-third the payments to benetfciaries under the act. There was no act in any other of the Cana- dian Provinces which went so far. Under the Ontario provisions a family in which there were nine children would be entitled to $125 per month, whereas Manitoba set the limit at $60 per month. He also feared that increased benefits would prove an incentive to malingering. May Frighten Away Industry. The proposed increases in the scale ot compensation for disabled workmen and their dependents met with the opposition of Hon. George S. Henry, Acting Leader of the Con- servative forces, and the warmest commendation from Labor members upon the introduction of the bill for second reading in the Legislature lut'night. At " o'cIock Hartley Dewart moved the adjournment of the debate. Hon. George Henry Fears That It Will Frighten Away Industry Hon. HARTLEY DEWART ANGRY BILL OPPOSED IN THE HOUSE H. Mills Says Ontario Must be Leader in This Matter