y ' . ""l'W, f. :9 _ _ J! 'NI " _ ND N 21'4"" l N ',' T 2hTlinlfiliRsi RELIEF MT JULY 1 . 0 . l l ' -------- l . Purpose of Bill Given Its . , I Private Bills Committee! Second Reading in the ' l I Establishes Principle m i I Legislature '. , _ I , I '_-'-".------.---.-- i , 'i, Money By-law l, The Government measure, to (ex-1 I {l I -----""-. ': tend and provide for the termina- ' l . l tion of the Mortgagors' and Pur- f , SPECIFIC PRIVATE ACT, chasm, Relief Act on my 1 this I f,- -....._.____.. I year passed the second reading yes- " , i if An important principle was laid. terday in the Legislature, but with f l , (i, down by the Private Bills Committee: the assurance of the Prime Minister i, i il l V of the Legislature yesterday regard-g that. when in committee the SUZ- i I , . cr tl ' f . a f . bui gestions of Mr. Dewart would be i j 'J, l m" 1e ff errin, o mone} l l lconsidered. Mr. Dewart was of the J l . law questions to the electors of: lopinion that if the act expired on i i ' a municipality for Approval. l 'July 1 everybody would be forced to lr The City of Ottawa is applv-' I borrow money on new terms, and he. , i . . . ' . was afraid that would create a dim- , i ' mg for legislation to permit it to, . . - 7 ' i the Ott; .. St t It ilw "g cult. condition. He was in favor of . I " 'acqu r0 _"1.r- a"? - ree a} a:, I having the act come into effect on , , l . in "the. expiration. ot me franchise. in ,' the interest dates on mortgages so i l ' t l f [9-0. A clause m the bill relates to: as to have a gradual release from r i ' the power ot the municipality toi its conditions l . . . a ' . (j' ' f , (silt,"',,.,):,",)!,),':),,'":?',,',':,"',, the Drains: . l Mr. mm said, in moving tho . 6V 'f H mort O ." me, an . at , gsecond reading, that he thought even . - .= " question whether, when " was re- in the mort a ors' i t 1,tr, t 2 , ' i'nrrcd to the Myo lo for . roval iti, I g. g " n ercs Ss' .i.t would I i I 19le app ' ' .be better not to extend the ti b - l l , ' should be referred to the 2C'/(i'to"rsul iyond July 1 as iii the r'lr'4'sll,"t"t/,'/',rl' or "t tl .9 ual '10 on! ' C" A -' - t ' mono; Js1.od'ivse,1.ra ified to ro ; lmoney was fairly easy. Mr. INrgu- C H iv _ Fan- " . f {son thought the time should he ex-. l ' '. . '. - . A . ' l Curry suggested November l. Mr. x" l) 'Denartf here. all of the same Raney replied that the Government , p mon, that if such a question werel g . t ommitt d lt: d F to be suinnitted to the, general rate-' Evens "OarCticuia c1 ly and fast to _ payers, such reference should be be-' 111eg Pt th t Jr] e, C. Mr. nollo rails" of it gem-ml law and not be-i it ougn . a ll y was the best time, . cause of a specjfic act: The com- ' lbecause in the summer calls were the . :mittee concurred in this view, Midi £19315: ryJj'.n,,tr1diciottJginEr,nvtn'r, purse. I l G '(iebentures may he raised after ob-) "C A 9:5'21- '3 ingzonM ay: Thomas . " itainimr the approval of electors. briaval 0: tld", ti. A age"; spoke l ' qualified to vote on money by-laws. re y n c, mo on, and. t e meas- ': l ure passed when the Prime Minis- :May Extend when. , ter promised consideration in com- f car. ., , rl ._ . .'. b i mittee. Mr. Drury said that ina i 1,x/e",Tafh,.yt.",iti'1"p igodguil'u p112? ' country districts he thought that sided thcvnet-eimry enabling" legis- when the act was repealed private t _ Elation were obtained from the Dom- arrangements between mortgagor \ iinion Parliament and the Quebec and mor gagee would follow. ;Legislature. Power was also given -_--- C'1'rltTICTrrerre--- ___ F--- Ito extend the road into municipali-l . 7 1 ties adjoining Ottawa on the comma; . . , 'side, provided such municipalities] j consented. 7 l E ' Hon. T. B. Lucas made his (y,',,",',',',': _ :ance yesterday before the comm t- w ' nee, representing the County _C0tim-§ ould Protect Estates [oil of Grey, opposing the applicat on . . . i lot Owen Sound to be incorporatedi of Disappearing Men, ', my special legislatioxras a 'c1ty.' All; _ Yesterday Hon. W. la. HMHP)' in-f ', fLucas contended that ore? boun 1 lroduued a hill in tho Leuio,iut . , . V " ', had been part of the county in start.- . . . d g N u We. t ' l ing a county road system of approm- , 'respecting absentees from Ontario I [ / Imately 430 miles, prkyePea.11y.y1), un-, . whose, whereabouts is unknown." ' . lbuilt. He maintained that if vasng While the bill is a general on". the; 1f,"ey,f,1, became a city it would be: occasion of it is the disappearance 1 . ,absolved from the payment on this offA'mbrose Small. Toronto million- ' . (road system to the extent of $14,000: aire. Mr. Haney explained in reply T f T l, la year. tho. extra burden falling on to questions from the Opposition _ V the county. that the. bill "as to lll'olecl the i A (Bin Stands Over. estates of men disitptoeurin,q. until _ l, . . lheir fate was learned or they turned 1 Mr. Lucas was supported in his Ili? again. Other jurisdictions, he. . ,contention by Hon. IP. C. Biggs, Min- said. il:i.(l laws covering such (uses. . , lister of Highways, who Paid that he and he thought Ontupio should loo. ' could not vote for the bill until such _________________ " time as the roads were protected. He 1 a _ was not opposed, he said, to Owen f Sound being a, city, but was opposed to its side-stepping its agreement , with the county of Grey in 1917. . l _ The committee decided that the I; !bill should stand over for a clause l "g to be drafted to the satisfaction of f / a the Minister of Public Works (Mr. _ _ Biggs) as regards Owen Sound's Ii,'. a 3contribution to the county road sys- l. "i. item. Should the bill pass, Owen r _ lSound will enter its new career onl F: c, zJune 1, 1920. l ',' ' l Ottawa's application to be permit- , lted to borrow by debentures iii) y sum of two and three-quarter mil- . {I C' lions of dollars (instead of the mil-l F -- lion and a half granted two years] , ago) for the erection of a Civic Hoe- ' I pitai, was approved. i bt. _ ' itll