<9e * + 'P. Hill, West Ottawa, to the "father-- y ~ble--barrelled policy would have the | less child" introduced into the Leg-- 3 f biggest "back kick" that ever &A gun | C islature, and declared that this child | J had. He maintained that he would had been handed to the Ontario _ not embarrass the Government, but, Legislature out of the "unholy al-- ~ y as prohibition was a plank in the liance"" at Ottawa, "It has passed this U. F. O. platform, he thought the child along to this Government, and \ Government should produce a meas-- _ it is the intention of the Govern-- { sure which he would support. It o ment to bring it up in a wholesome j would get his support as long as it way to cherish it and to let it flour-- was Provincial action, but not if it iSh.'" }}elpeduthg Union Government to thifl_filfl}rnit," he proceeded, "that pass the buck." a 8 is (i:e~ only correct and proper "If you go to the people with a manner in which a "eSOl'JU%" p0" gold brick resolution you have be--| motion ui. this kind, affecting. a $ trayed the trust placed in you," he | moral aue«tion such as this, should | continued. '"We must be absolute-' be submitted to the House for con-- | ly sure of the legality of the refer-- sideration. . . Our chief concern | endum. Our bounden duty is to' Is that when this question goes be-- § | settle that legal point beyond the fore the people it should be sub-- | shadow of a doubt. We must be mitted free and independent of any ready to trust the people, but not party bids, so that the people can B to fool them. The people of this go to the polls, irrespective of party, BB Province do not wich bone--dry leg-- and vote conscientiously on the mat-- | A ;slgtilorgi but. tt'lreg dr; want backbone ter. j ' egislation. erefore, 3 j 5 > h s the Brackin amendment."[ suppoxt: No Mandite Prom{Pcobie, i ' s | The Drury Government, he de-- 6 Settle It for All Time. | clared, had no mandate from the * f d ar. s . | people to go any further in tempeéer-- | IF "*While in nowise opposing the | ance than the vote of the people on | s f ;?é(-x;(;:xedlirel};:)eliltdano'\"el('i);cs;:ay;({a'\l'or- October 20 last. Not for one morpent ! s a: Th te (y » are os- would the Governmon.t be justxf!ed f «s eph omson, Northeast Toronto, "I in enacting "bone--dry" legislation $ f "_'ant to place myself in this posi-- | without first referring the matter to é l tion with my constifuems in North--| the people. He, for one, would not i i:.:t t'lrl(:]'ini\(r)i:thl '(11;1);1 tsg::ztm(t'ft({ pros-l be a party to "dr.iving" .the people f n © a gold | on a moral question,. The Minister | | brick. I want to see this thing sot-{ of Agriculture closed with the ob-- MEP _ tled once and for all, but when we | servation that carly temperance edu-- BE _ are settling it, let us settle it right."' cation would obviate the necessity e g Mr. Thompson saw in the vote of of rigid temperance {erislétiob 3 J October 20 last a desire for advanc-- When the 'Minisiér sat dr)'wnA. Hon | f ced temperance legislation. "So," he | Mr. Ferguson \'9;1tl}rc:(l' "XY an'l la(i ; R plro;ci\:;ded. "It tt};ink the (}0\'ernmentl to hear you aré' ;:oing. to vomgfor $ sho accept the responsibility an i ras | I ) bring down to this pHOuso 'somg' i.};(;.nmotlon. f o was M l en pde @ f t measure of their own. I say the % ', | 6 ] f;?wmfine%t should accept respnnsi-l Consorvative for Resolution. \ ility by bri in j | ! 4 | some sort oflzrx1 %»iirlllg alx?d,dfuxx'"l?)te:?:{or(:f | C h R.'Om'\ke. N port Hasans. db . € f I will say to the Prime Minister \Ir' | S:lnser\atho supportor * C itangs | _ i nasker , Mr. ution, _ received . the _ applause | Speaker, that if he had brought in | c A | ; § i of the Farmer members when | 4 | a bill along the lines of advancedl ho declared that the MeC y | & ' iemporance legislation I would have | motion , in _ his . iud;'mo'nt m:;'; £ y as | * = C 4 * | l:g"n u:x fitxt) hnundv' to support it.: the best of the three ways submit-- | , cause it is the will of my con-- a ted to the House f Iv 4 + | ' stituents and my own will, But 1 | Canse, *"Th (c 39 "S | 4 must register my -- humble protect' ho Arded. "I uropose torvote apiing e o ;, St | he added, "I 8 rot inst against the manner in which the | . phic togge Thortth en ty o ~ + ' Government has brought in this re-- | lmac hh ie s worston that miay 'Shie» . sOlUtion." & | that it is a question that may safe-- : | \Ily be left within the judgment of . Expense Not Serious Item. ' |;2$m!em;)lotof 'll]"i' Pmt\'li'?ce( in the 3 s to whether s Govern-- The member for Northeast Toron-- ment has done all it could do, or all to did not think that the expense of | it shouw!'d have done, at this time in , the proposed referendum -- should | favor of prohibition." weigh heavily on the House, because + p the magnitude and importancso nr! Test Case Tedions Process. the issue justified the expenditure | Hon. Mr. Raney was at wide, of practically any amount for a | \'aria.xlée.\\"i.tlx Mr. Brackin regardiné * settlement which was final. The con-- | 'the time which .woul(l be required flict of legal opinion as to the fll'-' on getting a test case thrx*ougl?. He | il;:"r?:,}l.u5':1'351'13'1}!'1"]%((2 lu}x)((:"lo'ft him submitted t{;avt irtx »\im;ld lbe ne;(t Feb-- y W11 s however, as | ruary or March before a decision (tj(:"tehe wisdom of immediate proce-- , could be secured f;'om the courts of "I consider the present time is a | tC;)ant(}i](;a,pz;;\g' n(lg?ml(r'il" (2:113 1i)te Vt\?:)}ffig j very bad time to hold referendums," be anbther six'mom}{u or a year or * he added, and gave the prevaiiiflgl more therel He ha-d a;ked his | unrest as the reason for his opinion. | deputy '\lr. Baviv how long before | "Our laws should not at the present ' a de(:i'sién 'could be expected and | j "mft be such as 1;0 throw the people | he 'had replied that it might f;oe se-! apart, but to bring them together. cured by the summer of 1921, and | --« . --. I am absolutely in favor perhaps 1922. | # of a referendum, but I do not want 9 '"Is that a confession of the legal' a loaded referendum. I think the entanglement in -- Canada?" luske(lf amendment brought in by the hon-- | Mr. MacBride : ' f orable member for Kent is a rpas-{ ~ "A partial confession." ! . & onable one. I do not think it is 7;:(-,- E "Well, what areh \'ou. going to do! ing to delay matters unduly, con-- | if son{ei)o-dv else takes it up?" ask--k 3 sidering the importance of the mat-- | ed Mr Ferfi_';'uso'n j | K :;'1'1'% lsettbufi. u'hm'e all things, do | ~-- "Meantime we will be dry," r('é; ; _ e on Priois n omaret Sut base | Ee ns mtiice en dikes| *\ reason to give thanks to us." i x Z & lega 1 | _ 8. | ties. a | § | "If we tried to sidestep this issue : Gl'eat DEIay 'nVO|Ved | in the way suggested in this amend-- ' $ % 5 k ment we would <be accused, and ' f in Liberal Amendment| rightly accused, of political trick-- | ---- ery," continued -- the Attorney--Geén-- Hon. Manning Doherty said he | eral. '"'The proposition of the memMs, a had not intended to speak on thé; % ber for West Kent. thz}t we should issue before the House, but had "got | deliberately of our own action in-- f religion" from the fervid addre got | vite lx_mg'ation of two years and a Mr. Brackin the -- night r". Sis of | meantime have a flood of liquor is ; The member from West Ke':lt('v}ggs'l CoQ absm'(}, to ps worlhy. 0f '<cons § Mr. Doherty -- declared must ln'i t Bracki ' 3 aware that his proposed course i)e! Mr. Brackin, reverting to the re-- volved possibly two years of. Hitiga. r marks about the Privy Council, ask-- tion. "He knows," said the . Mi o is.| ed how, if the bill brought in by the | e ter, "that if a stated case we Minis-- | Attorney--General to a,b-ohs'h appeals | ' ' ) sented nothing could prevex:'te {'}:"E y to the Privy Council came into effect, | j < y case being carried to the P C the matter could reach the Privy-- § |Council. I submit it is bey r"y' Council. | ' 'bounds of possibility :() (ym}d 'the: "It would make no difference on | 4 'dict which would allow figttd ovao.| this question," replied Mr. Raney.| . ceed in this matter in less ;;1 n a| "It goes to the Supreme Court ot'| \ 8 y* })'("il' or two years." Sss man a Canada, and it so reads in the} # He took up the refe ; , amendment of my honorable friend, | alke : ' frences of H.| and the bill proposing to do awayi s * with the appeals to the Privy Coun--| C k cil concerns only appeals from On--| ¥E\ iss c tario, and not the Dominion." e mRA i inssc . Ferys en .. " « "_____-----------