1 Th e M n se....-- a proposition of that kind is the i i J¥ ' kE .4 best spert money you can spend," * ' Dr. Godfrey replied, eA old ol . Regarding the proposed referen-- o : Aum, Dr. Godfrey advised that the A + Province wait a little while. * Attacks Drury. ' * Bergt.--Major MacNamara attack.} | ed, Prefmiier ~Drury for <tryilhg to | p [ "Aam his free trade beliefs down| R the throats of Canadians who dn not | want and will not have free trade.| 3 ie renrnes nc en | ; "It the Honorable Prime ;\lin-i 4 . s | ster would take up his old battle says Premler 18 Trylng to, cry of representation by population | * j £ j it would be more becoming to him | t Force HIS Be"efs | and more beneficial to the Prov--| "C¢° v ince than his battle cry of 'Down| on People | with the National Policy and up|{ | with free trade.' t : romemnnemeen mm ee e | "The Honorable Minister has ney--| THE DEBATE lS LAGG'NG er lived under free trade, and I} l | have. t was born under a free * omm mm omm mm n n | itrade system and _ I _ respectfully |deas 0 R l t S submit to him that he leave the s n e 0 | tariff question alone." F T p y peeCh' The Premier's cries of calamity,' f .rrom k 7 hard times and free trade, the | hrone Becom. | member from Riverdale said, hudi' f | come down like snowflakes in De--|' ' 'ng Scarce I cember, -- He quoted extracts from! Thi ammn it frienmrormrnccmn es | speeches made by the Premier and| New iGeas ar s | declared that such speeches as| i ~fl $ ldeas are becoming dificult | these were '"'one reason why the 0 find and the debate on the reply Canadii'n dollar is decried on the} to the Speech from the Throne in, New York Stock Exchange." the Legis! s , Unbounded applause _ from the 1egislature begins to lag. Yes-- ipas s # & terd@y | af -- &-- | Conservative benches greeted Sgt.-- * J :# t.ernoon and at the first| Major MacNamara's statements, | night session last evening -- of the! and the faces along the Govern--} + present House it was carried on.| ment side began to look gloomy,. 'x T]le O s t Ai e it f by sgtm:;m,mmf speech was made Tribute to Premicer. | 3 «~Major N: ars f- & % yaap / A dependent q' MacNamara, the In-- | J. Walter Curry, K.C., paid a glow.--| S nt--Soidier _ candidate for | ing tribute to Premier Drury. :It j Riverdale, Sgt.--Major N. im 1 was fitting, he said, that the eldest | J MacNamara * | lives up to his ® #44 | son of the first Minister of Agricul-- | soldier." H t'i"' of mdf'l'endonti ture in the Province should be the | 32 e sits on the Govern--| Premier of the first Farmers' Gov--| ment side of the House, but he | ernment. Referring to-- Hon. Mr. spok . oA o '] Raney, he said that Mr. Drury . }l{'a]t(emag:lns: Pr.'emler Drury in the j made a l\\'isn choice of an Altltgrnhnay(i) 3{'(' ection, and yesterday | General. I believe him determined ; much of his criticism was again l('\'-! to do his duty as he sees it, without | elled at the Premier | fear or favor to anyone } er. }"' | s \| exhaustively from statistic:ngu\-':uf-d' |__Me appealed to both sides of the | ous countries and lef "'"'[ |House to get together and try and| n eft no doubkt that |eat ri e l | he was for protection by a sub iget rid of the breeders of the com--| " UK1 tariff it Wwas y a substan--, 'mon enemy, poverty, disease, ignor-- | that he critic:zed ns 4 this ground | |ance and incompetence. ' remarks Wer(:(]eze:p;,?: g'remler. His i '"What matters it what your plat--| Conservatives : uded -- by the form is, what the platform of our | & : 7. wC s'mn{nburs. Efriends to the right of us is, what ' Sou.thea.,st .\'xlrr). Liberat member for| t our platform is, so long as 'by getting $ level | h_.'"'"m". reached a high | together we can select the best of > Late ln]I is contribution to the de--| ieaoh ?" Mr. Curry continued. ' C We nes e had sincere praise for | He declared himself in favor of f, e new, Government and appealed | |any amendment to the O.T.A. which/ aOI' a higher form of political en-- | would make it more effective. . deavor. _ Thomas Marshall (Lin-- Col, Price declared that if : the | ' Yon ¥ bDr. fnrl'es Godfrey (West | Labor group failed to bring in an dork» and Col. W. H. Price (Park. exght~han-day proposal they would j ale), three veteran members of be tacitly admitting . their suo--| the Hopsn who survived the generaj| servience to the Farmer group. He disaster of the last election, also| also commented on the fact that no-- ' spoke in the debate ike' thing.: had been heari | > j | Labor ns oit i. front.: 'the h 4 en about -- stronger Tiberal Platform Adopted, | R"f""'i"&' to the I,'ni\'prsigty ing?,xear:i * o Thomas Marshall, Liberal member| > O UO, Ns Jane Addams to speak i for Ll.ncoln, outlihed the platform of: I ere, Mr. T rice said that it was not the Liberal party and ended by d"_.' y'hv time to invite such speakers to J ':larln'g that practically every item in .('('nl:'t(lu. }{r congratulated <the Min-- x the--~Government platform had Deen ister of Education on the réejection $ advocated by the Jiberal party for . _of the offer from the Massey Foun-- ~ _ years. Why the UF.O. clubs ;'Oll]d.l dation 'f(.)z' iA Commission. ; 3 not have--contented themselves with ! J. W. Widdifield (North Ontario)' E: backing up the Liberal candidates he moved the adjournment of the de-- c could not understand. "It was not bate. ~ necessary to form a Farmers' party Rot en j to get "farmers in the House," he G' C ccl. ' | Elaten; "The farmers are in the mao ives Greater Assistance _ | Jority in the rural ridings. Had they |-- Int | . ' 1:;2;,0':1]()"";" force C}t the party con-- In Dralnlng Of Farm Land P ns riey _ could . easily avy ty <. a Gat i f nominated one of their own )olar;"'o Greater assistance in the cost en-- . Dr. Forbes Godfrey of West lcrk it:nlt"d in upderdre%ming- farm -- land who followed the member for L.in-- ~-- lz-ir'bi('mg}:.t in a bill to amend the . 3 coln, was ready to 'take up arms 1'h<:l ':aegm?,n.d T NS Act introduiced in E against the Government for placing I'ib'm.glg'""'d'%r'i by R. L. Brackin, ; the portfolio of Health with that of ° law 'at xlem or for Wwest Kent The 3 Labor.' Surely the head of a depart. '1(1\'a;1 'Pr:'(.sen_r allows townships to ment like that of Health should be :"m' 1il(r-'(h?;'?1?no't 5711',}000 to farmers 3 * o ts | 1 i s a P T 2 maln. qualified by his previous life | vision \'Pfi'tl'dihg erse angus MWP | : just as much as the Attorney--Gen--! with a()x';('ro'gtameage, zi Aman eral," he said. A mistake in the | rach on Th alg drain can get as + i Department of Health such as that| -- T600 actes e loan as a man with # -- CR made in the handling of the first Mc.. Bracigin's x influenza epidemic wourd cost the' increase t iin s amendment would 4 country thqnsands of lives. Dr. God-- (.'1'3«",;@: 'Tnnrnlomf to $2,000 per 100 s * frey explained t'hat it was throughi ()htar"io w1 ml-zfn'\ patis of western lack of preparation that the mistake| e drain lere the land is very flat ~f had been made in the handling of| Te 1'.;.1dn.1gf,j has been essential for the influenza epidemic,. "34 m]':a;)i;lo nelion of crops. The in. . In reply to a question from Dr.| years agngostthOf tile in the last few \ad Godfrey, Hon, Walter -- Rolio an-! has worked e lnmltgtxon of loans | + nounced that _ arrangements had erg ced a hardship upon farm. ; + s been completed with the city to Am 3 3 a ple pro [ | % bulld a."rec,eptlon hospital in To-- is given iI; :figt'g;}igtion;?eb.townships' ronto. "Any money you spend on gives the loan precedené]el' which,' mortgages and other debis ageoie=. || farm lands. gainst || : & . 7 ; . yB