Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 12 Apr 1919, p. 2

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Mr. J. c. Elliott of West Middle- sex cvitlcized the. fixing ot wheat prices. He expressed disappoint- ment that the Department of Agri- culture had not seen tit to appoint a It'ommission as requested. Commis- sions are, being appointed to do all kinds of things. and yet none was "i),','titiiv,i'zre,i. to investigate this im- portant matter. He likened Hon. "iv. Henry to tho man who. falling .from a titth-story window. observed as he passed the third story. "I'm [all right so far." The amendments ,to the resolution might satisfy the iGovtrntnent members. hut. they would not satisfy the. people of the lProvince, he declared. Others who took part in the de- hate late in the evening were Messrs. l. F". Hilliard of Dundas, Mr. Gustave Evanturel of Prescott. Mr. J. It. Dargavel of Leeds. Mr. t n. Atkinson of North Norfolk. and Mr. A. E. Donovan of Brockville. Early in the dai. the bill relating to consolidated schools was given second reading. Hon. Dr. Cody in- ttodnced a bill making: certain mnendments to the school laws. Most of the changes are affecting local districts. although one of them is to permit the Minister to appoint inspectors to make a survey in the schools for medical and dental pur- poses. llon. Mr. McGarry introduc- ed a bill relating to. the Toronto and Hamilton Highway Commission. the purpose of which had to do with bookkeeping methods. Mr. A. Ferguson lSouth Simcoel did not think the resolution would get the House anywhere. It would only give to the atrricultuviets the impression that their interests had been neglected. Mr. D. Racine (Russell) thought after the next election there would be more farmers in the House to defend their inteves'ts. Opposes Fixing Wheat Prices. n I the past. Meanwhile farm produc- tam was on the increase everywhere. and the Department of Agriculture was giving splendid encouragement. He moved an amendment to the amendment commending and en- couraging the Government in its efforts to improve conditions in rural Ontario. socially. educational- ly and in every other way. "M I 'l MII 'iiiiiiiiiiiin, i The bill also provides that the ;Council may suspend a member from registration for any period ldeemed proper. The clause dealing (with the establishment of an Ad- ivlsory Medical Committee states Ithat it shall consist of three mem- il)ers appointed by the Government. iThis committee will have power to 'consider proposed legislation. regu- ilations. by-laws relating to medical Ieducatior. etc.. to inquire into the lprogress of medical education In r0ntario and elsewhere, and to re- 'commend courses of study. clinical work, scientific research. etc.. which it may deem advisable for the im- provement of medical education in Ontario. This committee will also be em- powered to investigate new drugs. methods of treatment. etc., and con- duct experiments and tests to as- certain the merits and usefulness of such drugs or methods of treatment. The act is to come into force on July 1. 1919, according to the - sent provision of the bill. dllir f The Council, it is proposed in lthe act. shall be composed of a ;member from the University of To- 'ig,'ytr.:i,,n, addition to two named by Ithe Senate in lieu of representatives iof Victoria and Trinity Colleges-- Iand one each from Queen's. Ottawa iand Western. and every "other uni- gversity college or body in Ontario lthat may hereafter be authorized to lgrant degrees in medicine and sur- ', gery." two members elected by regis- tered licensed practitioners in shomeopathy. and eight members lelected by registered members of ithe profession other than those Inamed in the foregoing. lElght New Subdivisions. The eight new electoral subdivi- sions as provided in the bill are: 11) Kent. Essex. Lambton, Middlesex. (2) Huron. Perth. Oxford. Elgin and Norfolk. (3) Waterloo, Wentworth, Brunt. 1Ialditnattd, Lincoln and wel- land. (4) Bruce. Grey, Dufferin. Simcoe and Wellington. Cir) Hast- ings. Frontenac. Lennox and Ad- dington. Leeds. Prince Edward and Northumberland. (6) Prescott, Rus- sell. Glengarry. Stormont, Carleton. Grenville and Lanark. (7) The dis- tricts of Kenoru, Rainy River, Thun- der Bay. Algoma. Manitoulin. Sud- bury. Temiskaming. Nipissing, Par- ry Sound and Muskoka and Hali- burton. (8) Halton. Peel. York tin- cluding Toronto). Ontario, Victoria. Durham and Peterboco'. Regulations of the Council are hereafter to be subject to the up- proval of the. Government. and the latter has power to override the decision of the Council refusing re- gistration to the graduates of any university. college-or other body in Canada having power to grant cer- tificates of qualification for the practise of medicine. Power to Suspend. Sir William Hearst introduced in the Legislature last night a bill which provides for the reorganiza- tion of the. Ontario Medical Coun- cil, and the establishment of an Advisory Medical Committee to deal with all questions affecting the prac- tice of medicine. While this measure is not the one which has been under consideration by the Government for some time dealing with the whole subject of healers. it has in- corporated in it. some of the re- commendations made by Mr. Justice Hodgins, in so far as they relate to the constitution of the Medical Council. POWERS OF THE BODY Eight New Electoral .Sub- divisions Are Provided in the Bill

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