Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Apr 1919, p. 1

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-- TUESDAY,. APRH! S /1918. wennmmmenmumammmmmenmenmnmmem esn arenmnemnenmmn eremmnnncmmmeeme en ietenenenenintemeoetennmenemmrentemmmmnnmuns cammemenmemenns 7 | *# '\Each of Subjects Must be Voted on or the Bal-- e ® ® } lot Will be Spoiled -- Premier Hearst An-- ® ¢ i nounces Policy of the Government, Which * | is to Take Over Sale of Liquor and Estab-- ® | lish Warchouses I I Promises made -- b» the Ontario ; will at once make. provision for the | ym aw: & on ts --ith its | S¥le of light beer in standard hotels.| I(,.o\nnmvnt in connection W . However., it should be nuted that.' ttemperance policy are to be carried | eyen if the Province generally de-- imn under two bills which will be (:i(,ltes :n favor of question three it is i . & f n F'ncwiats 'a. XLrRT entirely a matter of local option as """'"'"'"'"' in «the .I,(,,x:s'la.tun ",th.l_n | to it being put into force in the in-- a day or two. Sir William H("'mbtldividua.l municipalities. In this case| !mado an important statement yes-- !Lt will lbo a l:{fljux'it%lvote. a'?l Ot;] the% C Gaar 4 s hm' i3 thabgy general question. rere wi e no ;i terday in the House, in .\Vhl( h' h(t nvBecntths vote required as was the' announced the language of the fOour | Cags under former legislation. lt" questions to be submitted to the ; question four is carried the Govern-' & u4 e refére , likely| ment will have to make necessary | 'elg( torg in h Hf("m.lum e t ,3 regulations for the sale of all kinds | this fall. At the same time hne t0!¢ | or spirituous liquors in homes Oonly. | of the provisions that will be incor-- It 'th be seen from the foregoing i porated in the Ontario Temperance | that the bar does come back-- |A¢-t to permit the Government °to }and that is considered a remote pos-- take over. control of ~the sale } gthility--it will be only for the sale ! of liquors in Ontario. The date oniof light beer, containing not more which the referendum is to be taken | than 2 5§1--100 per cent. alcohol| will be fixed by order in Council weight measure. Should the electors! | § vate in favor of having the stronger | Each Question Stands Alone. liquors sold they can only be placed % , eP tinlr ks Yrime | on Ssale through Government agen-- l Bach of the C t'"n'. s S l fls | cies. It Will also be noted that while' Minister said,. is to stand alone.| : se s y p } [ P 6 , | in all previous discussions "beer and Each of them must be voted on by wine" ~hav o l i " 'tor, otherwise the ballot will e iayve been linked . ftogether, the elector, of c irstme rn wa's the latter is not mentioned in the' be spoiled. The questions are: questions to be submitted in the re--| (1) Are you in favor of the repeal ferendum. | zof the ()mru'i().'l'e<1|1¥)91'an('e A(.:.t'.' While it is not considered at all (2) Are you in (a\ or of the sale of probable, it is said that it is within light beer containing not more than | the realm of possibility that if the 2 51--100 per cent. alcohol weight|act is not repealed and the other lmeasure through Gm'ernmeng asen-- | questions carry by affirmative votes, cies, and amendments to the Ontario | they, the three plans, could be Temperance Act to permit such|carried out. Thus if the O. T. A. ; sale? were to remain the law of the land,| (3) Are you in favor of the sale| light beers could be sold through of light beer containing not more| Government agencies by amend-- than 2 51--100 per 'cent. alcoholl ments to the act; then, too, if ques-- weight measure in standard hotels| tion three carried light beers could in local municipalities that by ma--| be sold through standard hotels by jority vote favor such sale, and | amendments to the act, and spirit-- amendments to the Ontario Temper-- | uous liquors could be sold through 'am-a Act to permit such sale? Government agencies by amend-- (4) Are you in favor of the sale of| ments to the act. spirituous and malt liquors through h Government agencies, and amo\#él- tight Beer Defined, ments to the Ontario Temperance Light beer as defined by the Aet to permit such sale? Prime Minister includes "beer and £ any other malt liquor containing Local Option, Imore than 2.51 per.cent. of alcohol By the foregoing questions Lhelby weight; this expressed in proof Government hopes to get public| spirits means 5.46 per cent., a little opinion fairly expressed. It does not| more than twice the alcoholic con-- believe that if it submitted the one|tent of beer now permitted to be question as provided in the O. T. A.Isold, which is 2 1--2 per cent. proof --the first of the four quoted above | spirits." --it would be in the best in-- The legislation to arrange for the |terests of temperance. If the first|taking of the referendum will be | question is carried it means that the provided for in '"The '{'emperance | old license law as it existed prior to Referendum -- Act, 1919,' whereas 1916 will be revived. If the second ' the provisions for Government con-- ' question is answered by a majority | trol of the present sale of liquor will in the affirmative the (:overnmentibe carried out under amendments | will lhrave to make provision for the | to the O.T.A. ,The plans for carry-- sale of light beer through (}overn-ling out (Jovernmeng control of the ment sales agencies. If the third | sale of liquor provide for it being lquostiun is answered by a majority ' smcs en mm mm mm | { in the affirmative the Government (Continued on Page 9, Col. 1.) ' J exmmmmaarnnrrn mm e mm mm mm mm e omm as . smm ommE ie mm o. . o Aemememme ememeee t

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