' = ' > Y" .. >7 "I ' . t H ' . ' T , , T'T"T"r" l . C . ___ pe , _ . a - ' s'. _ ' _ loft" ' . _ - ' _ "r-mer-P-P"'"'"'"""' A, me'- "t 'rt that he was solely res- . , 'tfe"e1,a,,2" in nine-tenths of . V _ 1illdJt',fllli'tr the employment ot the . ' em 1 _ where they were Wm. J. Burns International Dete+. p eyed it was by Inspector t i 'George E. Morrison The 1 st- . tive Agency. There were wo ac- t, named . tl counts of $870.36. Witness had attir- officer was the only one r ~ Who urged outside help being em- ed Mr, Ayearst to secure for him P. . r ployed. Witness had repeatedly -specia1 officers to shadow a man. asked Mo ri This was done because the man in r son why he was unable . . t, '. to use the officers in the depart- ' Question knew eevry special officer i _ G ' r ment. The reply had been that he of the department. The charge had ' . could not get the-work done with been " a day. Witness knew it was l _ them. Morrison was largely em. excessive and that agency had never Ill' ployed in tho North country. and been employed since. The expenses bl, 'lall . "arge fines were secured as a result', were particularly heavy because the _ . I k8latllll ot the activities. "I almost invari-i . operators had to use an auto to ii ("bold ), ably glanced over his (Morrison's) f shadow the man. He had no use for l " ""inliafa. " accounts, because I felt he was' an! the agency because of their heavy . i a. " I expensive man," declared Mr. Fla-1 charges. He admitted that neither I Bt I. K, velle. of the accounts had been o.k.'d by l _ Afr" - . Mr. Flaveile told Mr. C. S. Cam- himself. That was an oversight and _ I in. ' eron .(Nortli Grey) that whenever entirely his fault, for the men had , i I . " he obyarte.d to the employment of been engaged under his instruc- " , " these outside men Morrison would tions. t Btlill '.. . say he could not do the work with- At the present time the hoard had 1 CI."*- F:'. of" them. A good deal of latitude a man working in Montreal endeav- I " " 3:15. allowed the inspectors. and oring to secure information as to , I , " I - ' 03 were trusted. Mr. Ayearst never the shipments of liquor into Ontario. ' - f r, Ill ll llt Cd (Employed outside men unless he with" Since he had joined the board he " . . Diced to do so in some exceptional! had learned a good deal about liquori l , . IN 1llll ' 035.9. M.orrison had been in the de- theoretically. Every precaution, he l" Btt - ' piiitnient Since 19.04. said had been taken to see that the l " acl,i,1i,t)f1,e,',, again. to the Simpson liquor sold to vendors was not l lllll . . , 't1f,11'utnhte,eo1ivee,ucahci,e, pointed .0111! adulterated. Only liquor in sealed v54. . . " outtts of $8b'.50 packages or that which came direct- f 1llll ' :?(i($I81.S[0 for drailiis and incidontals ly from the distiller was sold to the . "go i Jera ives. , ion . b' . . . P ' 7 , 31.: . . these Mr. Flavelle- Jf,11a,,"iislJ..1. about vendors. I rom the outset . the l 3%}? I seer them and some of \C . lhare vendors were told to test all of ltl . 'al "" ' 'v. . " . .'ou t t-' ' "N . Pt " ' ' lltilil 1 men will have more 'd'),cl1'll,l',' at]? and see that it "as pure. {The board 'l i F Btilll ' l have of drinks and the Ci.9n;)1. exerCises no power over' iguor sent} a girth;- . incurred on them in forty-Ally, '2 .4? . _ lo police stations. The l, hief of Po- l 11.4; Mr. b'laiille, said it wa f (1.38.. ', lice reports to the board when there 1lMlllllll _ breach of the law for 3pm."? If?" . Il is liquor to he removed. He told t N, l. to spend inonev oh drinks o '/f11il Mr. Dewart that Mr. Ayearst could '; F 1, 6'14; I F Was provided for under the a t "i tel' him better " liquor was brought I 'x, "if?" 'ltllil "You haven't got a 'i'llJ//,'r,'1f','; ' l in from Montreal to he sold to catch I _ - $14?" IR, you?" questioned Col Niacin" 3"". people breaking: the uct. He knew , i"; " J: ingly. _ . a ll, Jok- of one case where a man named I 'i'?,," » , To Mr. , l" Elliott (IV . . Stein sold it to Slavin. He explained _ T - t . . a Ct ' - . . c_,'..ii,.lii,al ' sex) tho witness said the $0211;ng ,' that the methods of the board were ," p'§:":;'" , ' he? Illlion Morrison awnings-U not to act indiscriminately, but to y MIT-13%. Witness had protested agaiimi "it; work on information given them. . 'NSN I oil'peiiditures hy the outside do"... l They sent agents out to work on', "Mi" I ., tives t}? Morrison and they had 11,15] these tips and protected their in" [ stiff}. " some ot words. "I thoui h "." cr.r formant. These men are sent on tviii/ii??,',, 'il extravagant." declared Mr? jnltclvit,'.si on the distinct understanding that l '7' tall .llf, Th: method pursued in checking tt i! they are to play sick. but there was ) , ,, *4 'lt' honor that was seized was discnssnél no doubt that they do lay traps for , l ":9: ' , . 1t,,.msiotrttg', 3111311. and Mr. Flavellei people. t , ie"tq " l e la , ' . , . i ,. I T, WA: h 381) if an 1ltsJd',tlJt,ilthes'1ygrt, timel Trouble in ri1tcttencr. I ; er - an: . . 'f? ( r . l . ' . a" 1 in not sending liquor in "ls/l/Tilt/ Mr. Flavelle proceeded to give . r, B fa, I M" l a? check upon him. Within the "gt, a concrete case to illustrate some of 2 " I f/'/fL,t,y1f/i; however, a new method! the ways in which the board works. 1 ', _ te an . ' , i ", Rl5' iR Vision of "1:525:21. "lflt,: the super- - A great deal of trouble had been had l . a}, I E Dewart E . . Corey. in Kitchener with a crowd who de- . 11$ . Ixarnines Witness fied the law. A member of the jg; Mr Dewa Employers' Detective Agency ap- . " ' . rt _ - f II. 1' animation of Jfi,xUt,1i Y'. the ex- broached the board and said they 'i'i3illill Fdlll FlaVelle explained to liiis"d1)d Mr. {could land a number of the men. , I'tri'l ' gift the duties of the variousliiat length! P,1r,; Ayearst and Mr. Saunders. the I Bg - 4'th Vouchers Were not re "'. tSpector-s.! (Solicitor, were ee! into confer- ' 35's ' if officers employed undquiged of the lance. It was pointed out that fol- , a... , - the latter checked "1:1 howls, but ' lowmg up the caseunight incur a i Ill Ill r - knew where each of thngmup'n y he. . con.siti.erarl,e expense. The. repref ' , " " q, played. Under the t was em- sentative of the agency said it might ' I,l:"dtiN - cial Syecreturv full orlmer lrovm- cost $1,500 to run down the men. a. , g .1 given, with liractican atitudo Was. Witness pointed out to Mr. White, , iiiiMl - such as is required h rvthlo check, . the representative, that it would be with" cial Auditor. Witnessy Y? Provin- l a serious matter if the agency fell . ltllIllll ' had been in business .f said that 110i down. Mr. Saunders felt there was / . r ' . 50 years, and when h 01 more than nothing to provide for taking the ', ' servants under him hee thad valuable' . chance. However, witness felt it _ r and considered them lI'Usted then}, I was worth taking a chance on, and ,- 't - ' thev were proven th ionest until I' authorized Mr. Ayearst to go ahead , ' . Mr. Dewart su',),'],')',",,'?,""'; and spend any amount up to $1,500. .r' Vtion the Chairman Jii; ted to ones- " said that if they didn't succeed ;, _ h 'd! counts of li' N Si rd'ive to 14 av- and the Government criticizes my . 'y'227.14. wid/ . JIU,""") for $14,-l, action, I will hand them a cheque 'pensos of the Operative; of the ex- l qt for the amount, and the Government r _ 7the fines were alw s were heavy. ', won't lose five cents, and 1 will re- I Ago". However, it £38 above the: furry I am not a wooden man, and ltion of making a Dmatnot a ques- I I.w'll take a chance." As a result, ltorcing the law H . mt of em. fines aggregating more than $4,000 . "Simpson charged-$5 e knew that; were collected. and one man was ) operators, but the arr: day for the driven out of the country. made hy Morrison n il"t"f/,1'"e,,t, was] Mr. Dewart asked what would be rate of the 'lic/hi?." that Was 1hti done if a man died and left any that he knew the $3.0 He admitted liquor. The witness replied. 1 ticers were hein - .ards own "11' that the board . had never . day. It was Ligand" mid $2.: had to deal with .s.uch a . that should be d IS desire that case, but was of the opinion that a , '", n was twisted one, but as Morri- such liquor passed into the hands " . " ccepted his position was _ of the family, but he did not think l T T . ' it could be disposed of otherwise. > it ' _ Reason to Suspect Morrison tt-T""r'11't'r'rrT-teTrrt . Ill i ' Up until a . . " ', bt know Shor}. time atro he did ' MRI who Simpson _ l ' hat he was co . Was, and i t , . ' nnected with the E . J. yels Detective Agenc m- _ reason to s y. He had C: ounts 1.uPpect Morrison Th _ b ot Simpson wer . e . Morrison's O.K H e passed , statement within ten had heard ' -ks that ,Morrison w e last two; der of the Emplo l',' a Shaw; ncy. This i yew Detective' _ . . nformation c I . Since the resignat' ame to; erFlnspecmr. Ion ot. the . . lavelle V _ frankly admitted to "s