" , .,"' ", r.-r', T! I 'SDAY, APRE t ME i." 7" ----------e..ee--"'"" I _ f I' a _ J'Must be.n Lawyer. '. ' . i, On the suggestion of the Liberal [Leader one slight amendment was , w l made in the bill, a clause being in- __ lserted to require the appointee of , 'h', {the Government to be a member ot Irti, :the bar "of not less than tive years' . A. 'standing." . il , One clause of the bill respecting . , - lllle registration of births, marriages , ira l and deaths was amended in com- , "'1. George s. Henry lntpo- i mittee to make it obligatory on the iti , Bill . L . [part_of doctors to report births . ,3 e KV within 48 hours. The bill amending . I duces I in g !the Shops' and Factory Act was ad- 33.3331. Iature yvanccd through committee, Hon. F. AWL}? , 'G. Macdiarmid stating that it would lllrg, ___ 3be necessary for clothing manufac- , " - 3 turers in cities over 50 000 to see a" it , . . ' . _ ure tN ll T H E R AMENDMENTS L ' la permit from the lmspector's . I i jhranch. Phe bill respecting amend- ll " A ._--- --._ ---- 3 (ly't1lu' lo the Hoisting and Standing 3,33 ' . . . 3 Engineers Act was advanced ' |SCUSS|0n Over Appointment I l ithrougli committee. Several muni- d E t t 3 lcipai bills were given second read- 3 S a es , mg. _The bill of V. A. Sinclair to IM, , of Esoheate ', allow municipalities to issue $50 de.. N,'* Trustee I bentures for sale "over the counter"? 35 ' was sent to the Municipal diGiiii"is.l I . . -w- ___" - -----. ' tee. The same course was pursued , . '._.' t,.' in dealing with J. E. Russell's bill Pi' Hon. "surge S. Henry Minister to umke all heavy vehicles varrv " Agrhulture. introduced a bill in: rubber tires. . L e Legislature .ve.steiuiay to pro-" ' I "2' for the sale of cream on the. ' i'Eo-is of butter-fat toutem. Home . ' I hh' omits 3gp a lleplllation waited on A Bic: Minister and pointed out the . " illicl'ltics existing under the pres- iNirnis.x.ste-ttn, and 'ill' measure l '3'; tough: clown yesterday was the t'e-3 ' . '. l qt----.---..-.. - I tilt. It provides that "new clean) . o 4 "r-r.-. El: "purthased for shipment or lilan-. Trend of Testimony Given [furniture it shall be paid for accord-l fj'fgffullc to the butler-fat contents. which) by J. D. Flaveue Before tall, lust be used under the rules was». Public Accounts Commit.. "ltd by thr' Department of Agricul- . . W... PM... is when untlev the bill z. tee of Ontario Legis- ME . ',r l li "I nt to make) IE to peliiiit tile tel)"n tue _ " ' ' cc, ... . lations. _ lature 'the licte, at) IGSU , The bill provides that Sillllllle§ of ----_---- -. "tum mug he tested in, all otiiclally , . . . 3 . I l l str'ntped bottle, which shall weigh considerable light was tlilown 0113 l] I nine or eighteen grains. The per- the activities ot the Employers' De-i c. 'lel making the uni /iyitt keep the I tective Agency; the responsibility ot I e ; rillllliit) [or two weens at least to . Gear e E Morrison until re :entl .1 permit of another test being when" g . . A , . """l y . m raise the fuivness of the test is a Provincial Inspector, ill engaging Fliiie.stir.meu. For1 .,e,y,1,-/J"y,?,iv'aitt'i ,3 it to do work for the Ontario Li- - .'. ' k f , . les are would ul "Hill" f" "PM tle It, I i t'enso Board; the methods pursued . ranging trom $10 to $5 . . . . " il t \muidmcilt by the board in enforcing the. or- Bl il l": . J ' . ., , . 3 TE l y , 1 l ly t io tarlo Temperance Act, and the duties ' An amemment to tie "an . . - . l Ma" [Ill Railway Act was introduced by NI. i of the Various of1cials ot the Py.".1' ll, bl. Hillier of South Huron. The bill. at the first meeting of the Public gli which it is said comes rro.rr) 1aoryiey:', Accounts Committee of the Legisla- is; seeks to enlarge the Dl'OVISIOn unci.eC; ' , . ' ' C , l: which the board may line companies' ture, .whi?h was held yesterday ltr' for non-compliance with an order; morning to probe certain phases of lot the board i,')-,':;,":,:-:-'.),",,.,:',",': tTit N the Dewart charges against Chief t _ elm. by giving power to line l"' at - 'l, . , , , -., - " ,l we w oloey regulations contained m 33 - License Inspector J. A. Ayearst. Un . Iii, A any by-law of the municipal Coun- ' tier examination by Lieut.-Col. II. A. . (it or to cornply with any 1y"o1f"1fi):r, C. Machin, Conservative 3 member . i . . . i , I P, . l . It? 1 r a . _ 1iJfi,ci,t,iCt'iolt' the inglneel 0 i _ for rienora, J. D. Flavelle, Chair- , C' . . - , 'l here was a lengthy (libcussion on f . man of the Ontario License Joan], 'itE the Government btli to 1339"?" 5"" placed on Morrison full responsibil- Mt F the appointment of a tilt ic pus ecA _ rru,.cv' u- A" to dual with escheated estates. Mix. ity _ engaging the-Employtis be 3 l William Pvoudfoot. tx' H'.. the I-rp- 3 tective Agency for nine-tenths of the i A position Leader. objected to cer- . work 'it was employed on for the ll 1min clauses. and as a result they" board. He stated again and again 3., 3 we", allowed to. stand over tor; that he had felt Morrison was an . I further consideration. Ll'he Liberal expensive man, and that he had per- q iheaoer saw no occasmn for au) serially checked up the former in- ' goftice at the present t.uy.e.. Ile. had: spector's expense accounts because y, lr"., objection to the P", ill so fat" of that. Protests had been made by if 3215 tt affeqled moneys that "'03:"; the witness to Morrison because of 'dc' i, tome to the J:?,',', ern'mttint, "but 8: , the employment of these outside. of- r ,33'0ml that he: Tues/tf, '0 0 (re "nag ticia'ls; warm exchanges had taken 3iiecessa't'y I'he "owers' con erre t place, but the witness had trusted {upon such an officer were too large. _ his officers The answer' of Morri- _ t particularly as he was to be allowed [ . . ', .il deal with estates of. all kinds.' son each time had been that he _ l lgis chief objections were to those could not get the work done with the . tt 1'.l,'s2'us'l,',,,'. which gave to the officer' spectal officers in. the department. I 'the power to deal with estates other, b Mr. Flavelle said that reports had (than those dealt with under exist-.' the/l,'.',, received that some of their ot- .. I ing legislation. These clauses tra.v.o! cers were persecuting peoplein the i 'iiiis oilicer the power to deal witu tlrttinaten..of baggage in_search of , iothev estates that are now "d- liquor. Whl'le he had. notified them f, 3 ministered by other parties. not to do this on previous occasions, il ', Ilp. .l. C. Elliot (West Middle- he had, 9n March 13 last, sent them f i'sit"X1 thought it should be possible letters. instructing them not to i !to shoulder the cuties upon some search baggage unless they had , 3omcial now in the service, without good reason to believe there "was a ' .making a new office. The Attorney- contravention of the act, and not to , Etieneral replied that many of the search persons unless they had a 'bar associations had expressed their warrant. He admitted that special fapprovul ot the measure in so_ tar otf1cera in the department were paid , :as it affected the estates of aliens. only $2 and $2 50 a day where I ' , _ mu. . ' as ':estmtratetl estates and those handled . the Employers' Detective Agenc lby the Charities and the Charities charged " a da f . . y 3 ' .. . . T " y or its operatives. iAccoyntityt Act. Under the pro- He objected to this b r, t sed act four departments would . ecause he be- DQb _ lieved it was an extrava " ' ibe placed under the one otrlce. . f gant was of _, " . _ en orcing the law, but Morrison pro- . . _. tested that he had to have them to