Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Apr 1919, p. 1

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' I"! T" , TUESI' DAY, 'RI IL 1, 1919. . - v' _ "r"' We further. ') ' "We are quite abreast of public opinion, but not ahead of it on this - subject," retorted the Prime Min- later. Mr. Proudfoot expressed gvatifica- _ tion that the Government had at ' last adopted a measure which he be.. I 'ieved would be a, good law. He be- ' - lleved it would he a good thing for: . . " the public at large. The Opposition, Premier Hearst Says Admin Leader wondered if the statement of . Sir William Hearst. that the bill IStratlon Abreast of Pub. was not introduced last session be- i . . . v-ause there was no election pending, lit: Opinion meant that an election would he held shortly. now that the, amendment M.--.----.------- _ was being made. A HINT OF " ELECTION? "I meant nothing,' replied Sir ' William. 2 "Just talk." laughed Mr. Proud- " " . _ fool. l Government Says NO In? Loan Companies Act. . . . In discussing the amendments to _ Answer to Opposition the, loan amp Trust Corporation Act. ouer Mi. Lucas pointed out that the .. y clause, to which all the companies ----------- objected was that. after January 1 [ next, no loan or trust company could . Although Governments elsewhere invest more than 15 per cent. of the have previously granted ..to Women stock and debentures in any one; the right to sit in Parliament on an corpozation. These rl-(;ninanicst claim; " . d although that the clause .wou C preven .t icm ' equahbasis with men, an o investing in their trust companies as! "he Liberals on more than one OCCd' at present. "They want some. lee- i sion in the past sought to persuade way T' said Mr. Lucas. "and it is for: the Queen's Park authorities to do the {lease to say J/e"her there) t . " ..., .. . . 'e , . s. on e any gran e . ""tt Sn \Villimn' Hearst hit": Mr. Proudfoot wanted to know! maintains that his Government 19' why companies should he preventpd. abreast of public opinion. Ire mod- , investing in certain stocks afteri estly admits, however, that they are, January 1. why they could buy alll ' .- . the, same stocks before that time. not ahead of it. In the Legislature Mr Mark Irish (Northeast 'for-l, . . , Minister moved . ' . ' . . . '" l yesterday the Prime _ l a tl onto) explained that the date was; that the three. bills; in"? "f 0-: out in by the committee for the pro- l Tm" of women to tijt "ff Jti,ef1tsi" tection of certain companies. in. nature to be appointed m e {A C , view of certain arrangements that) municipal office, and to "miners had been made. '1 . wives and daughters to sit on fchoyl Mr Lucas agreed with the Liberal i, Boards, be given second. vending. in header that in some cases a little' doing so he Vgallantly tried to extri- leeway might be necessary. such as! e'ate the Gm ernment from the pie- where a. company owned a big build-l nous stand pat attitude on themat- ing and desire to improve it. thus' let'. .N,1,yst, heroically he remarked _ going beyond the 15 per cent. He that: The members of the (xoxern: promised to consider some such Tent are all married men. and we amendment. and with this one clause unew that the women would get being held up, the bill was passed whatever. they wanted-null if the)" through committee. wanted me right to sit in the heats iature thty would get at ill due _ "W _ - time." Sir William said that the attitude at the Government in the. lust two years was that there Was no need in introduce an amendment at either of the two preceding sessio'ns because an election was not pend- , mg. Last year, when the Liberals l l had introduced a similar bill, he had _________.__ said that the Government had an t M D . t I open mind, but would await hap- a em na e penings elsewhere. He felt now was Governmen y g an opportune time to grant women . the rights contained in the three Roads m a Spburban bills. In Australia the Women had had the right to sit in Parliament Area for years. and it had not been when q-..----.-.---------. I advantage of to any great extent. ln New Zealand Women had had ' . OTHER BILLS DlS00SSE0 the, right for many years to vote, but not to sit in Parliament. The . _--.------- war had hurried the change. and it An amendment to the Ontario had also completely altered the at- a.. . - titude ot public opinion on the mat- Highway Act was introduced yes ter. terday in the Legislature which Willi Men Unanimous for Change. . enable the Government to give great- I f l tl t iti tl t t er financial assistance toward the .. es la any opposition itt . . " " - there is to this move comes rather huilding of suburban roads: Here l more from the women themselves totore the-Government has paid forty,! than it does from the men," said per cent. of the cost of construction) 8}; "Huff; "The segue." at?! 5m" 'on county roads. but it has limited r1 ces o 0 women uring e war . . . . . " and the splendid executive ability its contribution toward . defialying' displayed by them in war work of the cbst of highways lying within , all kinds have won for them the ad.. "suburban" areas around cities and]. nitration of the men. at all events, large towns to $4,000 per mile. Un_l to such an extent that we feel they . . ' . l should be but upon the same basis det the amendment which was 1: as the men." _ troduced by the Minister of Public! \y'hile there had been no agitation Works, Hon. Finlay G. Macdiarmid,', to rave women granted the right to . . . . sit in municipal Councils, it would this limit " being removed, and the be a strange anomaly, said Sir Wil- full forty per cent. will be paid of liam, it they were eligible as mem- the .COSt of building "suburban" tg,'; of the House and not ot the roads. l ounci s, which were creatures ot ... . l the Legislature. Under the old system it has been', Mr. Sam Carter (South Welling- [quite common for a stretch of road! ton) wanted to know why the Gov.. . just outside large municipalities to ii.'i.ll,r?jln)u)vrol11,onn0ttoe,itti11.,rjiiiiJ, and 'be in bad condition. It is fully ex- . _ 1n oune . without qualifications. He "1'82: . nected that this change Will result that as everything was going in a much better road in such ';u'12icye the Prime Minister areas being built. In districts around , e .50 rapidly, that th oronto or other lar e c QQYernment could very well go t A T g entree, where. _.w' . c

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