[i).'si't'i h'r') a": a l Turing tn New roik"tn aim?» that t1T,000,tt0.0 would have to be borrowed. ' Mr. McGarry also referred briefly to the success the Government had achieved In selling mm to the people at cost. While previously the amount of ttsh consumed in Ontario amount- ed to only a few thousand pounds, last year the department had sold) 3,000,000 pounds. The people of the Province were saved $500,000, and 'the department had a profit of $14,- 000. [Tilt With Sam Carter. Mr. McGarry repeated that the farmers had never been so well rep- resented in the House. He recalled that 25 years ago the Patrons of Industry had sent 17 members to the House, but on numerous occas- ions they had backed up the Agri- culture Department. He told the U. F. O. representatives that they could 'be of considerable use it they would remain independ- ent. .. "They didn't steal in anyway," in- terrupted Mr. Wm. McDonald (North Bruce) tl reference to a re- mark of Major Hartt a day or two ago. $735,000 Sant- on Agriculture. Continuing his advice to the U. F. o. members, Mr. McGarry said that the Government welcomed sugges- tions from the Opposition side of the House, and if good they were ac- cepted. Last year $735,000 had been spent directly on agriculture, and a much larger sum indirectly. "I want to say that if any lawyer in this House is any more of a nuis- ance at times than my honorable friend 1 don't know him. If he will mind his own business and look after it he will find he has all he can do," retorted Mr. McGarry. " can look after myself," shot back Mr. Carter. Mr. Sam Carter (South Welling- ton) interjected to say he thought the farmers were right. "With all deference to my honor- able friend------" began Mr. McGarry. " can take it," rejoined Mr. garter with some heat. He next turned his attention to the Agriculture Department, and again directed his remarks to the U. F. o. members. While the farmers had said they were not properly repre- sented in the House, the Minister pointed out that there were many agriculturists on both sides. Mr. McGarry next told briefly of the success of the seed grain loans which the Government had made. In 1917 $160,000 had been loaned, and in 1918 $154,000 was advanced. All told, $93,000 was still unpaid, and there might be some loss in con- nection therewith. However, the Organization of Resources and the banks had paid out the money, and they still hoped to collect some of it. The Motion-picture Bureau had been established, and during the year 70 educational films had been made, mostly for agricultural purposes. "I don't know of any class of people to whom has been brought home the actual expenditure of money in their interests as it has been brought home to the farm- ers," said Mr. McGarry. "If the farmer does not want to go to the Agricultural College we have 3. Dis.. trict_Repre_sentative in the towns on whoni the tarmisleariea1r"iirrii get information." Estimates for 1919. sidy, $2,396,378; interest on common school funds and investments, $200,-. 000: Lands, Forests and Mines De- partment, $2,760,000; public inthe. tutions, $600,000: Education e- partment, $63,000; Provincial Sec- retary's Department. $200,000; motor vehicles licenses, $1,500,000; agriculture, $150,000; casual re- venue, $500,000; Insurance Depart- ment, $74,050; amusements tax, $750,000; succession duties, $2,750,- OOO; Corporation Tax Act, $1,800,- 000: Ontario 'Temperance Act, $200,000; law stamps, $125,000; game and fisheries, $600,000; t & N. o. earnings, $250,000; Hydro- electric Power Commission interest, etc., 81.600.000; Provincial war tax, $2,000,000. The estimated expenditures for the fiscal year were $14A80,406, of The Minister next dealt with the estimates tor the present year. The total estimated receipts were $18,- 408.438, divided as follows: Sub- "Which $1,766,500 is on capital ac- count. including $200,000 for an ad.. dition to the-Parliathent Buildings The $14,980,406, he said. did not' include statutory expenditure and .there would be further suriirCma'i.a. ary estimates. including the $11... 000,000 for Hydro-electric purposee. Deficit Next Year? In addition, continued l Garry, there 'would be 551550136 spent on highways, and iii',iiiiti'/G under the housing scheme. althdu h the latter would be advanced by tie Dominion Government, but the Pro- vince had promised $2,000,000 for that purpose; there would also be $1,000,000 spent on roads. bridges: and other #struction work, and $1,000,000 T. & N. O. extensions. ' In connection with the latter ex- penditure. Mr. McGarry announced that a branch line would be built to Kirkland Lake, and that a good truck road would be built into the Gowganda district. we are. prepared to carry 0,". aifilT' construction and repatriation work to the limit." been able:__tp havid%Tiidi' J, "H ___-- u» anlllall F . . " med Mr. MC- deficit next year. .wa " is, it will be because Garza 339122 W-. -H-i--, . "I believe this will help allay a feeling that there will be unemploy- ment," said Mr. McGarry. "We are doing our share." Referring again to the $11,000,000 estimated for the Hydro expendi- tures. Mr. McGarry said that the Government had behind it the mu- nicipalities, and the benefit of their undertakings. Mr. McGarry reserved his corn- ments on the war tax until the last. In 1915, he said, he had introduced a Provincial war tax hill. At that time he had announced that every dollar secured by the tax would be spent on war purposes. During the four years ending October 31, $8,- 000,000 had been received, and $8,- 400,000 had been spent. Up to the present time, however, $9,900,000 had been spent, 'or $1,100,000 in ex- cess ot what had been received. The Minister gave the principal details of the expenditure, includ- Ing: Orpington Hospital, $1,369,000; Canadian Patriotic Fund, $2,000,- 000; Soldiers' Comforts, $362,000; British Navy and Relief of Belgians. $477,000: production campaigns, $740,000; farm tractors and increas- ed production, $503,000; fuel inves- tigation and control, $108,000. Supplementary estimates tabled Jn the Legislature yesterday by Hon. T. W. 'McGarry totaled $3,370,285.- 27. This is an increase of $1,448.- 498.46 over last year. This brings the total for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1919, including the main estimates tabled last session, up to $14,980,406. Later in the session further supplementary estimates will be brought down for statutory and Hydro expenditures. Ontario Does Her Bit. Mr. McGarry spent some time showing how splendidly Ontario had contributed to all war funds. For all purposes $101,000,000 had been raised, and Ontario gave $54,000,- 000 of that amount. In furnishing men to the war the standing of the different Provinces, according to population, was: Alberta, 1 in 10; British Columbia, 1 in 7; Manitoba, 1 in 7; New Brunswick, 1 in 14; Prince Edward Island, 1 in 19; On- tario, 1 in 10; Quebec, 1 in 27; Sas- katchewan, 1 in 13. The rate tor the Dominion was 1 in 13 and On- tario 1 in 10. The greatest single increase in the estimates is for technical education, $214,0i)0 being provided, as against $98,958, which naturally foreshad- ows an extension in this depart- ment of school training. Mr. C. M. Bowman," Opposition financial critic, will resume the Budget debate on Tuesday. "While there were many places tor which we could use the money, remembering that our word was given to the Province of Ontario four years ago that it was a war measure, this Government has de- cided to repeal that act and throw " that tax at the present time," announced Mr. McGarry, "and so it is for the future that there will be no war tax collected.- Supplementary Estimates. will It , Griili