B i f ¥ ::?;; V-'N_,.}-f';;b,-ficing in cost"' declared the Prime | - f es y>.~ \Minister. | | ' ; . 'Extend Moratorium. I & "Sk : ~ _ Sir William agreed with the sug-- | d o gestion of Mr. Proudfoot that the i f moratorium should be extended. It f k , f | 'was the Government's view that it | | % would be unwise and unsafe to im-- | * mediately take off the moratorium | a Tsd and bring the law as it exiited priori oo P 4 'to that act into vogue. "We must | } i vomemem #tve wise contideration to the lenath Conservatives in Caucus of the extension so that conditions F itinA}; ':."1 come back to normal as rapidly lt SOme Cl'ltlclsm Uttel'ed oskible, and with as little inter-- it!'gx'gnce as will be safe, without cre--| Outward Harmony t ating dangerous conditions in the J Province." Referring to the remark of the | a a 'previous speaker about tl(l)e omliasion ,0' T A. IS D|SCUSSED 'of mention of Northern Ontario ex-- | | ces nmmm n n ame | } ( % '}lzind";"egsirm\':'?l?iasn':eegsis;::t;n 3:: i | Conservatives in the Ontario House one, : Ho!t'Jse that when the estimates were held a three--hour caucus yesterday, brought down it would be. shown 'when some very plain talking took how active the Govel."nrpent wa,: in | place between the Government de\'e(liol:]':'loerr;t t:;;k'ever" §ef:,%e° thg | members and its followers. The On-- spee ® ! tar it f w\?ork in that country," he said. Care tario Temperance Act was one of had to be taken in getting settlers Ithe big matters that was discussed. to secure those who would remain ; but although the meeting -- lasted en the land. and not get those who y | from 10.30 in the morning until 1.30 would gravitate and cause a labor | "in the afternoon no decision -- was surplus. | ! arrilved at as to future action. So far as the Department of La--! | From what could be learned in bor was concerned, all the work Mr.! : the corridors, it can be said that ' Proudfoot had suggested should be / | there was no suggestion -- that the | done was being carried out, the only , | present Act should be changed be-- | difference being there was not a Min--; |yond what the Government has al-- | ister giving his whole time to it. He | ready foreshadowed. The attention y assured the House that as soon as' of the anti--~temperance members of | | the work became too heavy for Hon.| the party was directed more to the Z | Mr. Macdiarmid the burden would be ; ArTangements for the taking of the | removed from that Minister's shoul--| referendum. The suggestion -- was 6 | ders. | | made thot when the question is sub-- 5 | | mitted to the people as to whether w | Employment Burcaus. ; : they are in favor of total prohibition 4 |_ _ The plans of the Provincial Gov-- Do2 that the question of having 4 ernment, in co--operation with the | wine and beer licenses be placed be-- Federal Government, for a chain of | fore the people at the same time. It . employment bureaus was explained | 'would not be surprising if this pro-- at some length by the Prime Minis-- | | posal were put into effect. ter-- He declared that the Govern. | { _ _Contrary to some newspaper ; ment intended to go ahead at once | | Eoal io Snere is no foundation for | even if the cost were high, with ite| the' statement that a determined at-- building program. A similar policy | ,tack was made on the Prime Minis-- | should be adopted by municipalities. | n pesonally. That there was some * | We must'have no Boishevisn, is | [ mild criticism of the Government Ontario, but we must leave no room, | | o L fome, Somplaining is a. cor: for discontent That can .obl'°°m{ | tainty. However, that was behind removed," declared the Prime iA be | 'closed doors, and-- when the members 5 ter. The 'housing s chen t_m; mxs; | came into the House they behaved érnment, if und Te of the Goy-- | as if all was harmony, and applaud-- R ertaken by the mu-- f imi i s ' T nicipalities, was one f th ed the Prime Minister with reg | to provide 'employme(:n e best plans ula{lity throughout the whole course j s4 M of his address. / nmer}t,hx:?wthlerfi may be unemploy-I The defeat of the Government in I future." d,c) _';'i"e no fear for.the, recent by--elections was discussed, \ j tallo _ hae are hSir William. "On. but it was said that the result was / that (f s suc vast resources because of local conditions, and not | es tx ¥ wc; have <the cour-- that there was general dissatisfac-- 6 hg e CC Seyelonp them \we need tion with the Government. | T o:.\fheng fear gts tot unemployment Ee znc .sn | ¢ * y rosperity of this Province is p §: We will not only be able to rer 1 "rom the effects of the war, r::g\ ?cl; 9e carry the burdens of war debt, but, * if our energies are rightly directed, a greater era of prosperity awaits us than we have yet experienced." $ f ; 1 s { 4 -- h { «@ ( C 4 W | 1 ' /---.__________ j j , I._A in m e & i. ts § reny-------- mm oo fa T enc ies cesmm e