Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1919, p. 2

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"It is a matter of satisfaction to observe the excellent returns ob-- tained during the past year in con-- nection with agricultural produc-- tion. In spite of the shortage of \ labor a gratifying response was made by our farmers to the patri-- , otic appeals for greater production, 7/ and a larger acreage was sown than 'in any other recent year. Provi-- \ %dence favored the efforts of the hus-- bandmen, and new -- records were. & made in the yields of several field crops. '*My Ministers have considered 'caretully how far the school system of the Province can be further de-- Aveloped to meet the growing needs of the time, in order that Ontario may offer additional opportunities for technical, industrial and voca-- tionai' training. Changes brought about by displacements of popula-- tion point to the wisdom of consoli-- ; dating rural schools in certain dis-- tricts. Measures will be submitted 'to you with these desirable ends in view. Deputy Minister of Labor. erally. "In connection with the work of reconstruction my Government has entered into an arrangement with the lumibermen of the Province, under which a representative is be-- ing sent overseas with the object of securing for Ontario a share of the trade in lumber and forest products required for restoring the devastated countries. My Government will take every other step possible to secure markets abroad for the products of our farms, forests, fisheries and factories. building and construction work gen=-- "With a view to co--operation be-- tween the Dominion and Provincial Governments in connection with re-- construction efforts an Interpro-- vincial Conference was held at Ot-- tawa last fall. The -- conference agreed upon the outline of & plan for the settlement of soldiers upon the land and for facilitating land settlement -- generally. Legislation necessary in this connection will be submitted to you. A project was considered and arrangements have since been made whereby the Do-- minion Government will advance money through Provincial Govern-- ments to municipalities for the con-- struction of workmen's houses. The Federal Government has intimated its intention to aid financially the construction of highways, and, it is hoped, will also give assistance to-- ward technical education. "At your last session several bills relating to assessment and taxation were referred to a select committee with power to sit during the recess. This committee has given considera-- tion to the various proposals sub-- mitted to it, and will present a re-- port thereon at an early date. Legislation will be introduced to give effect to the findings of the committee. "Mining operations are now being conducted in this Provincs on a larger scale, and at greater depths than ever before. Ny Government considers that the, time is oppor-- tune to provide tfor more detailed and effective regulations for the pro-- tection of miners and workmen, and will submit to this House amend-- nilents to the Mining Act along those lines. -- _ "Among the measures that will be brought before you for your con-- sideration are bills enabling wo-- phasized, and the country has re-- ceived a notable return by reason of the investment made in this en-- terprise. Work on the Queenston-- Chippewa development has pro-- gressed favorably, and will be hast-- ened to completion. Another im-- portant extension in contemplation is the development at Nipigon to supply power to the cities of Port Arthur and Fort William, which will shortly be commenced. Mothers' Pensions. 'My Government has had unger consideration the paying of allow-- ances to widowed mothers having dependent children. A full report on the operation of this policy else-- where, including an estimate of the financial aspect of the matter, is being prepared in order that the Government may proceed on the best and wisest lines. "During the war valuable service was rendered by the Hydro--electric Power Commission -- in -- furnishing power for the manufacture of mu-- nitions and war materials. In this way the importance and the wisdom of the undertaking have been em-- Liberals to be More Active in Criticism of Govern-- ment Moves Indications are that this session of the Legislature will not be a sham battle between the two parties, The Liberals are active, and they are going to voice more criticism of the Government's works than was the case in 1918. The Opposition Lead-- er, Mr. William Proudfoot, K.C.; Mrs. Sam Carter, Liberal member for South Wellington, and Mr. Hart-- ley Dewart, Liberal member for Southwaest Toronto, all filed notices of motion or inquiries of the Gov-- ernment at yesterday's formal ses-- sion. QUESTIONS A RE READY Last session the Government pass-- ed legislation permitting the ap-- pointment of a Purchasing Agent. The position has not been filled and Mr. Proudfoot will ask if the Gov-- ernment has an appointment under consideration and when the office will be filled. 'The Opposition Lead-- er has also given notice that he will again introduce his bill entitled "An act allowing municipalities to adopt preferential voting." Mr. Carter is asking when the re-- port of Mr. E. R. C. Clarkson on the accounts of the Hydro--electric Commission for Ontario will be laid before the House. men to become members of the | Legislative Assembly and to fill mu-- | nicipal offices, enabling farmerl'i wives and daughters to serve as ; school trustees, amending the On-l , tario Temperance Act, relating to | | Loan Companies, -- making. better | jprovislon for the administration ot! ' estates by the Crown, making pro-- | vision for a Deputy Minister of La--| bor, extending the moratorium, and | for other purposes. I Further, Mr. Dewart asks if the Government intends appointing a Commission to investigate the To-- ronto Juvenile Court, as requested by the City Council. He also seeks information anent the status of the W. J. Burns International Detective Agency in the Province. Another question he is asking is if the Gov-- ernment has taken any action on the reported statement of Superin-- tendent Beelands of Burwash Indus-- trial Farm, in which that official ad -- vocates the use of the strap on pris-- oners when other punishments fail-- ed, He is also asking for an order of the House for a return of cor-- respondence between the Govern-- ment and the British Canadian Nickel Company. Mr, Dewart has several questions he will ask the Prime Minister re-- garding the appointment of General Manley Sims as Acting Agent--Gen-- eral for Ontario in England. Mr. Dewart wants to know if he has been appointed as Agent--General, whether he is a native--born Cana-- dian, if he is a British or Canadian officer, and if the former why a qualified Ontario or Canadian officer was not appointed. The member for Southwest Toronto also wants to know if any Canadian officers were applicants for the position, and if the appointment was made on the recommendation of the Civil Service Commissioner for Ontario. Juvenile Court Probe. "In conclusion I commend to your earnest consideration the various matters that will engage your at-- tention, and I trust that under the guidance of Providence your delib-- erations will advance the welfare of our Province and our people." an early date the public accounts will be submitted to you, as well as estimates of contemplated expendi-- tures. '"Notwithstanding -- unusual de-- mands upon the Treasury, the finan-- cial position of the Province con-- tinues to be highly satisfactpry. At +

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