Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1918, p. 2

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f l ; 3 namninam mmmniee h £4 ' M 3 '4_ . 'Q 2 d:"{ | ; '. * ;| clause in the Election Aet provid-- LNAL 91 =X9 Wt# 1 ) 'j ing that enumerators should be 'P" y o. it l ~ \ «| pointed by 'the returning officer of CA arAr in & 1| the riding --to propare the voters AAW: q( C ; lists,. Their complaints failed to s F ---- <] have any effect on the Government Jt ies t tr 9k , N [ as no changes were made, and an . mrme----ase f f # _ :] amendment introduced by Mr. Hart-- & ti04 iness ~ : P l]ey Dewart of Southwest To;ontO. LGnglaturelesrles Bu.s E _ +[ to alter the objectionable clause, was and *Bl'ings Vel'y Quiet | f' [ lost on division. As the new law! _ o ) | *, : _ }] stands, enumerators will be ap--| Peflod to a CIose C pointed by the returning officer tOI f s infren t enuraemarivns f Ne prepare the voters' lists. The Op--| s o c wat f s _ _| position members asked that the , O.A\m').thex- business session of ';:e & < --€ lenumerators be appointed by fl.lei Hntauo Legislatur't: 42 c:\.er.l b Sie' E t ® & Registry Board, as was provided m; T EPP ete.d io SESJO.na 1:. § E 3'*. a the act passed at the last session. | ness a few minutes efo"'_ p19VEl | 3 Mr. Dewart led the attack on the o clock last night, and, with 'the | j% ' $ Government when the bili was axs-l singing of the National Anthem and; " .i ; cussed in committee, and for almost the verse "God Save Our Splendid E i s t\x\'o hom;fs tl;le pl;'itl)lteslt)efl ag:li)r;)s;:o:'?:(; Men,'"' at the suggestion of Mr. \\'m.' 3 clause o e , beng 3 1 Nop j = ' _ | by_Mr. J. C. Biliot (West Middle-- oo onan nos "o ce ies -- the\ : sex), Mr. Allan Studholme _ (East ed until next Tuesday, when ¢ d eA Hamilton), Mr. J. H. Ham (South iLieutenant-Govemor wilt otflcially' «l l Brant), D. Racine (Russe")-rl fi")dl prorogue the House. In order to s | Mr. Z. Mageau (Sturgeon 'di sa: 'wind up the business yesterday the § s# | lir. Dewart protested that nomin | HMouse met at 11 o'clock in the morn-- 4 tion day being held cight weeks'p!'tlm' ing and sat until 1.15. Then it ad-- e % to the day of polling would g,;i\e 93 journed until 3 o'clock. Reassembl-- ff #. h much time for turmoil. IIe sg:e |ing at that hour it sat continuously o & it was a legal innovation. horg until 11 o'clock, without rising for ; & |past the practise has been to ho !dinner. : e :: {the election as soon after nomina-- j While this has not been the short-- $ Te tion day as possible. j l ipst session of the Legislature in the | ; € + ; Explained. last 50 years, it has no doubt been E: . ol j 'Pu 4 iL i at the | | one of the tamest in history. There} : h } |,__ Hon,. Mr,. Lucas explained that the| | was more warm debate in the last E; ; _ _ {! purpose of the cight weeks hetween two days than during all the rest s* e _ _ | nomination day and election daslrd\&gs | of the session. The truce that has P > ' _ _ 'l1in the hope that no poll Yol A !existed since the first week has held . 6 . 3 .Inecessary. That being the Wed "I'; remarkably well, but the continual + , _ _ [flists would have to be prepared. debate had reached a stage where & _ ;|an election should be found nece?- more fireworks might have devel-- f _ _ : sary the eight weeks would give su t oned had the session lasted another j 5 f _ _*| ficient time for the preparation o week or. two. lthe lists. The _ Attorney--General o ¥ s _ __|toid Mr. Proudfoot that while the IObJOClS to Certain Indemnities. 6 j bill would cover a general ellectxoersl ! _ In the dying minutes the South-- it } ' _ +] should one be held, many %llgngct west Toronto member, Mr. Hartley 1 [§ >+| would be necessary before th neral Dewart, started a warm debate when , _ . could properly be used in so ge | he introduced an amendment to 31. { R .|a way. ho i motion brought in by the Provincia § d -- e The Attorney--General sajltl thgt | Treasurer not to pay the sessional F e . | neither side wanted--an election. in}{ indempity "to three members -- who! _ . having the returning officer a,plrzlob had attended none or very few SeS-' Es f a ! the enumerators ten days cbou C sions of the House unless they _ _ _| saved. and the lists could edC:;:t could produce good reason for their > \ _ _ | pleted in five or ten daysdanbefore absence. The metibers mentioned by E \ _ _\ to the Registration Boar the ma-- Mr. Dewart were: Hon. W. J. Han-- f f a ;' | the board could have set up e] n ed |na, West Lambton; G. W. Sulman, s [ :{chivers Afo have the electors pla | West Kent, and A. H. Musgrove, 9 « . ;/ | on the lists. t | North Huron. ? € % _| Mr. Dewart Not Satisfied. ' Hon. Mr. McGarry dealt with the stisned | | cases of the three men separately. j § * a n "ine" neri:aatiena ns iha"" At |He said that MNr. Musgrove had re-- ; ; | with the explanations of the Regr.. 'signed his seat a month ago when : ltorne.\'_-fieneml- He'sald the 'xe]g-' |he had been appointed Postmaster k ©--@ istry Board was provided _ under t;gi |for Wingham. He would therefore e > new bill.to sit in appeal. They cou | | only be allowed indemnity for the ¢ just as well appoint the en}xmerator: ' days he spent in the House. The| f % f B"lld the p],;b]lt(lt would have greate IMiniste-r'exDlained that no mtet;;'-'! t l confidence in thein. j | ber was allowed his indemnity if he| f ' | Mr. J..C. Elliott said the discus-- 'was not present during the session E sion was getting on to da,n'gergu: unless he was serving overseas, or b ground, _He wanted to know ;Vfl;l ' had a doctor's certificate that he ' , . was the weakness in the act hang. was in ill--health.. He understood s ' last ses;iiont_tnat it had to be c 'mg'i that Mr. Sulman was ill and that P ed at this time. i * it was necessary for him to go South : l Sir William Hearst said thereh"?;; during the winter months. _ The § no thought of an election beir;g & f Provincial Treasurer didn't --think § A and he believed tha.t_ both sr 1e)sio Mr. Hanna would apply for his in-- the House were against any tleling demnity. But he thought that any § held. _ He. personally ha.dt m;t fag man who had given the Province 13| € to do with preparing the ac 7A id f or 14 years' good service, as did Mr., f " * Cocernmrere: arier the Oh c;rge: Hanna, should not be judged before & the Government after tihey f Tor the the former Food Controller had op-- § f |told to prepare machinery for portunity to explain his action. | E , holding of by--elections. o2 The amendment was defeated and s E* xmz the resolution passed. ' f o . 'ds me-->*w." t oNp: y Major Hartt (Simcos) is to be al-- i n . *Wt pare s C ust. ; lowed mileage from France. E. & ; Truant Officers. ' E: : * The Government refused to attach p po . i6 its O.K. to the bill sponsored by Mr. f ; a to . Proudfoot to give school trustees p: *Ses authority to appoint truant officers, t 1e ex q and making it possible for women ] ty &n ; M to be appointed to such positions. ¢ Wley, *A Consequently the bill was lost on 'Ci-- f Df 1t ry vision. . At present triknt officers : F minig * . ; are appointed by the Police Commis-- | & 4 t, 4 sion. Mr. Proudfoot declared that P "AtL the present system is lacking: in ef-- k j o a%* @7 - fectiveness. Last year ©12,000 chil-- * bari en dren were reported as truants, and " 4 faay '7i200 of the number were from one city. s n P _ _ Hon. Mr. Ferguson. Actin Minis-- p + ; ter of Education, said t_hg .tmn.gg « [ question was one of the troubles at f 'the root of the whole system, The § j department -- was . considering -- the f whole matter carefully, and it 'was : * not yet thoroughly cenversant with : § s the situation. For that 'reason no f / 6 + ' § islation" had 'been introduced at #

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