'----'--w--"' * l m ramonime § "' ~WTHURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1918, 'W---- mtmlo C * 7 _ s . «'What is the clause in for then? 6 a}} 7 -- asked Dr. Godfrey. '"They don't B ' /' ' want it I don't want it, and the f & i. i wb d medical profession doesn't want it." poyors:;~s rrdk | Mr. Lucas offered no explanation. 7 > ©The _ Opposition Leader, 'Mr. Procdfoot, said --that the bill was not in the interest of victims of ; venereal diseases, that druggists f should practically be allowed to f *_ sieemmednbmnenmesitatge prescrlfbei Hielwas n;)th satisfied that 1 : the Provincial healt authorities Attor NQY'Gener al and' Dr. wou-ldf have sufl'lciexixt power to give or refuse approval to particular ' Forbes GOdfrey Clash on drugs to make it a real safeguard. ' s o A drug that might be all right for k Disease Bill one victim might do harm to an-- ' ; other. Mr. Thomas +Marshall of I wemmmme ammome e omm es Lincoln bore out his leader in this ° p DP argument . SELLING OF REMEDIES _ _Sir william Hearst said that if any of the drugs were dangerous en Li 'for one kind ot'i \;enereal disease the Y > Druggists' Prescribing medical authorities would not allow fatter : of o ; them to be sold. The bill had been Remedies for Venereal Patients reported by a comrtnitteeHcomposed o > of all the doctors of the House. He | is Challenged. thought it better to err on the side | Sn im mm ecte is nc mm of not going far enough than to go Memb f the Legislature had too far. members 0o % Dr. Robb of Algoma, on the Gov-- almost forgotten what a verbal tt;:t- 2,.,,,&@,-,'% Slilqe' tandbstar:n Cartertoé $ d when ey + Sou ellington bo supporte fle sounded llk; MI'J nd Dr the clause. Dr. Godfrey moved an ; heard Hon. I. B. Lucas a * amendment to strike out the clause . Forbes Godfrey, the West York permitting druggists to sell approv-- | member, exchanging verbal bouquets * ed drugs without a doctor's pre-- r r 1d hard-- scription. However, the House vot-- yvesterday afternoon they cou ed it down, and the bill was given |ly believe their ears. The Opposi-- its final reading. It will become law [tion and the Government have bur--; July : 1. ied the hatchet since the truce was; Bounty on Tim'ber Wolves. 'declared at the outset of the session, | The H.ouse anpproved a motion ,'so it remained for Government mem-' brought in by Hon. Mr. McGarry to ber t them: increase the bounty for the killing ers to stage a set--to among of grey timber wolves from $15 to selves. The differences between the $20. Att s d the member A bill was introduced by Mr. J. o rest Toh cocurfred when t C. Elliott (West Middlesex) to amend for West York occurred when e h n \House was in committee on the bili the Natural L'ai Act. It prov}ides for to prevent venereal diseasges. The Eglllper}satm.gnt e Del'S%!lls ('lV o have |doctor declared that it was a grave cen financially prejudiced on ac-- mist: count of the recent legislation, and | ake to allow any druggist to eA ¢ s also for remedying the omisslonsl ho OOE io the treatment of ven-- from the last act. The bill also pro-- |ereal diseases without a prescrip-- | o ie a | s * i i 1.| vides for making the recent act ap-- \tion from a medical practitioner af-- | plicable only to emergencies caused ter a proper diagnosis. He suggest-- by cold weather. - !ed that the only reason he could Mr. J. H. Ham (South Brant) ask-- |find for the measure being introduc-- , ed the Prime Minister why commer-- jed was for the benefit of commer-- cial travellers were being discrimi{i-- clal interests, The Attorney--Gener-- * nated against in the bill allowing [al refused to allow any such allega-- railway employees to vote at muni-- itiortasdto go unctllxallenfled and he pro-- cipal elegtion:sr is tlllJreed dag'sthbetgro tested most vehemently. | ; election day. e Leader o e Op-- \ Hon. Mr. Lucas said he resented . position pressed the same point. the imputation made by Dr. Godfreyi Sir William H}elat('ist iintima,ted- that that the "drug'" clause was inserted the Government had given some con-- in the bill because of the influence! sideration to including commercial brought to bear on him from com-- travellers in the bill. HOWGVG!'. v'rhen mercial interests. '"It is there with the Government is ad"f&f;c:!lllf 1&?1:; the full consent of the healith au-- step there is no reason fo nk! thorities of the Province, and it was ;nscrimir:figon is begntg' sl;;Wélo-n'ng:!l'.e recommended by the Commissioner s some erence betwe 1 -- who drafted the bill," declared the cial travellers and railroad men, he Minister. He cautioned the doctor said, as the former are 1h°ml°. olver against losing his head. This brought the week--end, and municipal e ec: the West York member to his feet. tions usually take place on Monday.. i I He asked that the advisability of again. He retorted that the Attor-- . including commercial travellers in ney--General, in his enthusiasm, f & sometimes lost his head the act be left over until next ses-- * sion. Then the bill was given third Deputation Had Success. reading. ; § '"'The honorable gentleman shoulg Mr. Dewart Stands Alone. not say that I have lost my hea t -- (Southwest nenames fnis hHappelis to be" some, To%fitofiiag'l:&stlggw:;ain(s.t0the re-- thir;ig cih?)t * cl;mg?' somg.tlh 'fifio?"t"}f't cords of the House stating that the replie r. Godfrey. a bill to extend the duration of the certain pharmaceutical gentlemen Legislature until after the close of z}x(pproachgdu::he %L?Stcelgcu;seddo ?l?; the war gad hbeen ca;ried d;'unafi:'- now whether 7 mously." On the sgecond reading « dog tax bill or somet;hx}:xg e,ls:.or 3°tv Dewart voted alone against the but we know that the sub--section measure. " stayed in to protect their business-- | The Prime Minister replied that. the buslriess oztgguntgx' &!;'es';:;::ig:.! thet;vord "u(rlxa.ninéqus" gitdh:(;)til?pg\z If what I am ng 18 » to the second reading o bill, bu it is my opinion based on facts that' to certain statements expressed when I know, and my honorable friend the 'bill was introduced. o es 4 ol hasn't any business, in my humble +. t Gest opinlon. to impute to me motive ----====:=========...--==3 that I haven't given utterance to in his House." o * 6 TheUAttorney-General Ahgain took the doctor to task. He said that the 4 West York member had again made z statement that was incorrect, be-- cause he had told--the House last Friday the facts about the deputa-- tion of druggists which waited on him. However, he again explained that the deputation protested against the clause as it stood, contending + that the power given the Provincial 'nevve y authorities to refuse approval of any * drug placed the doctors in supreme