Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 30 Mar 1917, p. 3

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o ns is e ns # ' l e on ons S ie arars o ooo meromamemetanaig ° BILINGUAL AGITATORS + # y * £ sA 'English--speaking Liberals, It appears to inc that the Government ; > ore sure, direct and immediat s Headed by Mr. Rowell Supady? by followinx the judement of f P 4#\ C +g C the Privy Council t»}nm by the .courte _ o# Vote With Government proposed by Uhis hi s * ME y & ' will Not Oppose Bill. , 0 > Against Motion of French-- "The Government, however, have| * tR o % f iaken the responsibility of introdue; 2 thy Canadian Member to Give 4 -mg'; this bill and asking the Legislature ¥aJ E & Mi c3 to adopt it. They have taken ltiho re-- 3 i * ponsgibility of saying they believe it o3 ducatlon inister's Bl" z:within the power of the {'rodvinco to 3 A M # » * .. »nact. The questions involved are go | % .l SIX Months l"lOlSt important and so vital to the well-: & peing of the Province that even | ; w ererrneiaireae prrinciiont rhough I believe the (¢overnment have l a safer and surer way of securing the & a vote of fifty ig. enforcement of the law than that pro-- i Intore a1 12. 40 h lX roauniee nereath vided by this bill and that a further | laturo at 12.10 this morning defeated 'contest over the constitutionality of a motion by Zotigne Mageaun (Etur-- 'this measure will not promote peace seon Falls), seconded by J. A. Pinard ;and harmony, J slu;ll hnot( put any; f Itta w: o give si ¢ e s thing in the way of the Covernmen :V')t':(l,"-'t . 4 k ).'l\ ,11' months . hoist 4 )g'virfz ful} effect to its pO]iCy. as I * 4 to the bill of the Minister of Educa-- |fully agree the law should be obeyed. ar C nroVviqes * _ Tl(m. which 'nn (l.' for the appoint 'L(-oks for Good Fecling. ment of a Commission to take the ; ie P Minist ; nlace of the Ottaws Separi ichf '"'The Primes Minister assuregd US s ;l'd d if th "d 3.4 T oi EnA !thls afternoon--that every effort would -- 8e > M Car se : L4 :d iat board neglects or re-- 'be made to meet the situation in the u4 fuses to obey the schaols laws of the English--French districis of the Pro-- % Government. Ivinne_ where, anxious as the school } h * an}t franbre c im i 'boards may be to get properly quali-- '1{ i. The only members who voted for fied teachers, many ure unable to do -- ty the motion -- wore Pinard, Mageau, so, -- and therefore technicailly ~they: C Racine, Ducharme and Mvanturel, all are unable to comply with the law. I the other Liberals voting with the hope the Premier will deal with the Governmesn ' matter in the spirit expressed this _,,'1';":;_._' SLaw NXot Gbercd. afternoon, and try and re--establish a U h s 3 \| good understanding between the races ~E" C"I regret to say." seid Hon. Dr. In this Province. We are placed. here ;'fé Pyune, "that the law is not being obesy-- by Providence side by side; we must 1 _ ed. The Government. is merely tak-- continue .o live together whether we | fip'}, ing precautionsry measures to pre-- like it or not. We can live together in $ vent a repetition of the appalling con-- peace and harmony or in discord and AboBws . 'i!fttlon-f which occurred in Ottawa. strife. 4 § After obtaining the best advice "3, V ® [R = --could get we think the bili is all right, Work for Gool . Relations. f but it may never be invoked, and I "It should be the object of all pat-- «/3 J hope and trust it never will be in-- riotic and public--spirited citizens of ' > ¥voked," establish good relations, relations of ' : In reply to Mr. McDonald (N'orthl miutual: confidence and respect; and Bruce), Premier Hearst said the bill I believe one of<--the best ways to s permits of the appointment of a Com-- establish this mutual confidence. and 33 mission only if the board neglects or respect is for all parties concerned Nrik refuses to carry out the provistons of entirely to desist from saying or doing 2rsde T, F 3 im r ations as Trellow--citizens, m't, TiAberal Leader's Ploa. I particularly at this time, when we Sont Mr. Rowell said: "The Privy Coun-- need our undivided energles for the ut wiF"has Fendered its decision in the| successful prosecution of the war, and 4 »_'.;J:g';,y? Ottawa school cases. It has declax"ed' for all parties concerned to obey the f Ts Regulation 17 to be valid and bind-- law as it has been declared by the "isat, ing on the people of the Province. It Te f aaniy ' ts has deciared thoe act whereby the con--, | If I can be of any assistance in . trol and management of the Ottawa| !crxdeavorlng to bring about a better ; se keparate schoolsg were _ transferred ;understandh'xx I shall be glad to co-' 4,3 from the School Board to a Commis-- '.opera_tc 'w.itn the Prime Minister in *:. sion nominated by the Government to |gecuring tnis resull.." *WM 4. be unconstitutional. The Privy Coun-- \Moves Hoist of Bil} "},'y ecil, as our highest Appellate Court } § ¢ e has finally settJed these two ques-' | _ _Mr. Mageau (Sturgeon Falis) fimov--|} §a"t tions. Their decision should be ac--. ed a six months' hoist of the . bill, fV. cepted 'by. all concerned and honor--| which he contended was unconstitu-- y MB ably carried out. | tional and contrary to the spirit of the & > "I hope the Ottawa School Bnardl British North America met. ~ "You! g* will obey the law. It is the duty of cannot expect harmony and gzccord o s e the Ottawa School Boeard to obey the 'w"h « bilf of this kind," suid he. "'!".'"'!'{ law." * The bill was vigorously opposed by _In the judgment of the Privy Coun-- | Messrs. J. A. Pinard: (East Ottawa) ef it is stated: € \|and Gustave Evanturel (Prescott). ""Their Lordships do not anti-- |Mr. Pinard said that if the schools. in . cipate that the appellants will fail | Ottawa were closed for five months it to 'obey the law now that it has was "thanks to the action of the nice, @' been finally -- determined. They e * benelios m i ininees "od %: cannot, however, assent to the G':overnmerf.t benches as Minister @fl t proposition that the appellant | rducation.' ! ¥]. b;):u'd are not h\ublc to process if Premier Hopes for Pesce, R lhey . refuse to perform their + I 4 statutory obligations, or that in 7 C oild. Tefd that in the bit no fungel 1 this respect they are in a different Mageau, sald that in the bill no juris-- position from other boards 'or diction was vested in any way in, the bodies of trustces entrusted with Lleutona_nt-Governor in Council or in .. the performance of public dutfles: the Minister . until & school had--re-- § which they.fail or decline to per. fused or neglected to obey the law, . fotm." T It was different in the old 'Act, 'be-- 'The Privy Council here clearly in-- cause; the ._MiieL¢T: . had, afDitrary mcates that compliance with the law nareoing out the law of nonnakeis can be enforced against the Ottawa s e inrath is eiaasch apanons tol f 'Nchool Board. and they point out how maintain his commmission indefinitely. ¥ it ~can bé enforced. If the board is c gieh tnot at Theie wan any pro-l K not obeying the law the Guvernmen.t o4. Tag bacetion. #C is io be reforpeq f is in a position to take action immedi-- on the question it is to be referred ately in the manner pointed out by the foa the court ---- a non--political, 'notlis Privy Council to secure compliance pa}:tlagn Neecariy oi i t with the law, and no new legislation is No dinadiciion tasle in us) . Sald f [| necessary to authorze the Govern-- Nee hilham Rearst. /We do not alt in ment to take such action. Asg already judgment upon it. The court. sits in stated, the act passed in 1915, and judgment. There is no intention to in-- K which authorized the Government to ie e Aehie ff, t S uol ETE Ne transfer the control and management obeying the law. If we have to act, I | f 1 | of the 'Ottawa schools, from -- the ask whose fault is it? We cannot act 1 | School Board to a Commission, has 1f the Board of Trustees in the city j | 1 been 'declared unconstitutional, 'The of Ottawa carry out the law.! , j present bill proposes the same thing Premier Hearst said he had every \ : aithough _ in a somewhat different| -- 'udsite for peace and harmony, 'and ® | form, and its counstitution@lity, there-- _ _ the woeuld suggest in committee that E: _..~fore, may be open to grave question, the act come into force by proclama-- ;_--_--_--------___--__--;

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