'ral MN . I tht . The loin is 1Wi!titit to his. I l Tt I , i I a. it; N. l, r ,5 'iC'WI F IEtEB, am "it!!! of the awe-mid "Vhlue' of the 'd - .' lh [5, T li i". CC:TC' Tir/ri a, is; j "The "in; 1ttecesaui,, . l i [ ., ',. ",. ' F) _ Ill hi i if" w ..'Mr. Marshall said one thing should i, ' . _ '.' " . be kept in View: that the loan should l ' ----a- V _ , be igot to the farmer as quickly anal ' _ can y as possible. ' _ . '. ' Hon. Mr. Lucas said the aim of I Prom" to mStnbUte ttttttent' the bill II as the least possible machin- I . V .t ' ery and the least possible cost, anal Fund of $200,000 . he maintained ttho ideas had been ' I C , carried out. . 7. Mr. L. P. Wiule (South Essexl sug- Iested that after the township Coun- ' on tiiul approved an opplirution tem- Members pt Legislature FIQVOI'ngea- Q notary aim-mums might he made. be- sure. bat Decision Tteserveaic'-tomr . l {33.022113 'il.'."" had t ompletud his Debate Over Proposal to Put Sod- l l The Attotme.v-Gonttvui sun-i thisi cues on Sound Basis. , l Would be taken into t'ov.siderya.tion. l ', i Dr. Creelman's New Duties. l l _-----------. V L ' ln connection with tho lull re- ' -. . , . J warding the reorganization oft the l Ploposed .lc'g'islation respecting ' I Agricultural Dopal'ttlienl. Premier fraternal societies and the Order of T I l Ilearst was understood to say in re- lcanadian Home Circles produced Pl ly to Mr. C. M. Howman (West , ' " . ' attend- '/, ll $311.3» that "ill: conditions as they; ' ilively 1iis'fysie,t1ftr., l .,,1.:?'11,u',t,t,'i'tnt'e'i. . [i ' were at present ttt Guelph college, ed meeting of a specia c "l, Dr. Creelman could give very sub- i of the Legislative Assembly last even- ti stantlal time to the position of .Aprri- ing, presided over by Hon. w. D. Mc- l cultural 1-'onyn.iss"'ti"i', but that when _ Pherson Provincial secretary. After _ I yT,,t1i't,1tie,1,iht)1e,", "fuse n rlnlght be hearin .the arguments of two large ' I. lies ion Wit-t IPI' n'. tjot man re- F, - a - . I l fulfill as Corumissiiu' m" devote him- deputations. the crors?,y)itttf. adjourned , '.. , . . . . to meet again at the call of the "_' 1 self entire.» to ins 1yy',i!i/11 as Pun-l 'Chairman. In the meantime no de- V l cipal of the Guelph College. leision will be officially recorded, but T i Food and Fuel Depots. i .it is understood the members of the l I -. T . ', Committee by Six to one will pass the 1 , I I Th ith respect to the bill regarding act respecting the Order of Canadian r i'),, 1 the: establishment or municipal food Home C'lrcles. I l .7 i i, and .i'uel dopots, Mr. W. D. McPher- The first bill discussed provides for l l r son said he had amended his act (amendment of the congtitution and! ' I 'i to read that the consent of the On- l {laws of fraternal insurance societies, l i. tario Railway and Municipal Board,' :and aims to put'thel'll on a sound _ . as well as of the L.ia.Fiiiii.irifffii,"iaci actuarial basis. It was strongly sup-i ' i Off." 1,Pyic,i1r.had.to be obtained. t ported by Messrs. Lyman [lee of ' l l..thought, said Mr. Howell, "it " Hamilton, counsel for the Canadian ' " was intended to eliminate the Lieu- '. Fraternal Association, and Mr. J. A. , "ry1yh"c,it'if?'er. in Council." Paterson, FCC., Toronto, while Messrs. 3 t: , P3. have engendered the matter," T. W. Gibson 0:- the Foresters, and; - l Sid" "it McPherson, "and have de- Steve Burns of the Sons of England! . l _ owl-led it must, go first. to the Ontario opposed the bill. 'v' t. s'l'ray,yi.Ntd, Municipal Board, then Mr. McPherson explained that the to the Lieutenant-Governor in Coun- _.---------"."'-. l hill, if passed, "would undo what we ' i cil. _.-----------------------"""' ,. _ ' laid last year, and maize it compulr " - ----. - ='"'IT'"'"T sot-y for societies to take steps that , INCREASE NICKEL TM {would put them on a. sound basis." . Imrw Many Societies Solvent ? ' ", ' i Mr. Lee-lf the committee decides F' - To FIVE kll BENT ,to stop at the repeal of last years "c ' liegislation we would accept that, but rt, l we would like the other clause adopt- l .._______.__ -ed also. giving the executive ot so- Er ' I;cieties power to take steps for thel . . ' .- ' , lpurpose of improving the. actuaria it? e "3 an.e'WC1' w Mr. Viewed in the insolvency of their societies. A good i g Legislature .vrtsterduy, Premier the many of the. societies have readjusted Bl' " Hon. Sir William Hearst stated that and they do not new; to Pass '29 B' . l S g, b. ' ' resolution. Not more t an six at t e h" a ty', [ttij/rt _'.1'.."ff.. on f.1e report of the ' outside have failed to readjust their .1 J, Nickel Lomnnsslon Would be intro- affairs , duped to-day i)yt.dtuys.11yy.). The _ Mr. Sinclair (South Oxrordr--You , principal .t'""tuT, ol the bill, it is said, ' said last year there were only about k pro1 ides "W."- tNr of tlv.e I)" cent. on ' five societies that were solvent. Have ', file net "with: ol the lileel COmDan- they come up since? (issughter.) , let; operating _ll_t f,"1'rrio, . i Mr. IAye----1 only made the state- ' ' It leo' 11ryitrstor-rd "15" that thc legiv,- intent that thev had readjusted . lotion relating to extension of the The act as.passed last year said C' , "agents: to women will also be in- lair, Lee, does not 'provide any'com- C tT tro ucu. shortly. pulsory remedy until about five years h "e _ -_ __ after the first valuation. _ I A "01);:- position is that these sick ", W- NT RIG 00. " . 1 soclet es have got to be cured." said 1, i, "Eli, WBUT'I03' i Mr, Lee, and Mr. Allan (West Sim- a I! ':Deputatimt Attends Queen's Park 00:} agdfd "or f,1:it:.'.' d l i ' . " ' , . i r. a ersor. ..i.. sai they were i, t . Seeking P'"'r in Assessment. . asking for the legislation because they: f" [ A deputation from Eastern Ontario wanted to cure the sick man more' ' yesterday waited upon Hon. Finlay quickly than after five years' sickness. , Macdiarmid Mini t 9 , "M'e are tsatisfied many of them are ' 18 er of I ublic sick It is evident from actuarial cab. k' Works, and advocated a higher .. 1 li th ii " tributio tha . .. con cu a 1011 at .t ie_rates are not sum- ' th ld n seventy per cent. from cient, and this bill is to keep the i hieh Prentice towards l .PTvincla) rates at such a level that the society . ' . way system. The Minister did twill get no worse, even it it gets no n.ot hold out any hope of the Pro- better." ' . vmce giving more than this, 'Turning Back the Clock l ' I Mr. T. w. Gibson of the Foresters _ contended Messrs. Leo and Paterson _ 'had failed to make out a case... "In ' _ this age of the world, after popular _ Government has been so thoroughly " . established, are we to turn back the . clock and rra'y we are going to_tture r from members of the-fraternal Boole. , ties 'all voice in the management of r. r their affairs and put the management w i and control in theHtandts of a row rr' [ men?" . ' ('No," shouted the crowd of "antie' 4 in the room. - . V Mr.' Gibson thought every society . should have the opportunity ot put- . t tin; its own house in order, and he I " {suggested a standard solvency of [ , ..- mrtrettty-ttve cents. dn-the dollar. Et . F' vi' GGGid let the societies trade up. I