"Fhe "would accept the Chair-- MWM(M Ander private "own> * ip of the body of engineers who ersh s, The whole system _ of lines * f to investigate the whole scheme. C would have to be operated for the ' (Col. Leonard and four Montreal en-- | benefit of the public. ;"interl was the body gelected by this | Alluding to the !'&ljana of the Can-- ""impartial'"' body of men, He main--| adian Northern Iway for a line 'tnined that thete were not all impar-- | through Hamilton to Niagara Falls, tial men, "and are not such & body as he said the plans of the C. N. R. for |you and 1 would select if we wanted | entrance into Hamilton should not be a fair report upon a' matter of this : approved until the whole question of f 'kind. I call this coloseal gall. I call it | ublic ownership of our railways had E_ f 'remonifled gall, that citizens of Ham--| g.m thoroughly considered and a * .'lltortxhdlrectly or lmlirectlyf i:ll:.o:eset&;l policy decided upon. & n e power company o a P §a;1d t.h}f nlgial ianv':ay systems of that | Premier Hearst's Statem®nt. ¢ 'Leity shou ask this Government to id the lead f *%35 interfere and show that they have no Prgm'%:i:i{::r:te:;& to b: I?):n:- $ \confidence in the: Commiasion or thmh-l :'lr'lfat l:fixious about the position of ' iablllty to nnmmatcfl or engage men | the Government with reference to o. competent to deal with such a great dequate supply of power 'question; that the Commission wers securing an aded hibiti py, P t 'incompetent, and that the engineers | by means nfi pro %n lo t raran . \were incompetent to make their re-- from Niagara to the Uniteq States. -- Pss 'port." The Chairman of the Hydro He assured his hon. frlengi that the \Commission declared that the Com-- Government had not been idle during ; mission had submitted estimates for past months in this matter, and in ; 250 municipalities annually--railway ¥ ! conjunction with the Hydro--electric w estimates, -- Hydro--clectric -- astimates, | Commission, every legitimate effort B . |estimates connected with waterworks had been made to secure power and f 'undertakings, gas installation, sewage 'to bring all pressure to bear that that xyp disposal, and many other undertak-- should be achieved. There were dif-- § ings--and they had vet to receive the \ficulties which confronted _ them § first complaint from the member of ifmm a number of quarters. One of 8 any municipal Cr__nmcn or body of men 'the troubles they had to meet was . ; interested regarding the estimates pre-- ' brought about by the statutes and , 2 pared and the final result of thea rev-- !'he agreements that his hon. friend's i enue and the expenditure on account Evi a the statute book. | of tha operation of the system. The | 'tr_'xends placed on _ h nay Surak y best men that were available .w.eré" The companies contendedit1 at underr s in the service of the Commission. I agreement they were entitled to esade i In his onslaught on the Canadian port ene--half af the power they «en | § i oo wak s nited States, and Northern, Sir Adam Beck said it was | ermated -- to the giti that 'h" { 1 futile for the people to go on p]edgingl there was & conP on' a ;& (;i tW%ilS < the Dominion of Canada and pledging | wanteg by the Province ,C; h nlario E. the credit of the municipalities in would have to bf' paid for at the price s the Province "to endeavor to float the comipanies were gelting &:cross the * this bankrupt institution any longer." line. 'The leader of the Opposition f: had twitted the member for London A Word From Hamilton, (Sir Adam Beck) with being a mem-- | Mr. John Allan of PP U in ie ber of a Government that.had vmade followed Sir Adam.o H}f,"'g;g",;';t 3:;: 2 land grant to~the .('Janadx;.m North-- | ': to be understood as saying anything | ern, but he had said nothing abn_uti # in defence of the Canadian Northern the many grants made by the Laurier | . inteérests or in opposition to the Government. The House owed a debt . ; Hydro--radials, but he would be remis=s | of gratitude to ths member for Lon-- | in his duties if he did not say some-- \ don for his clear and forceful ua-: f- thing in defence of the much--abused | dress and the facts he had presented. | people of Hamilton. He did not think Mr. Marshah: replyirg to the dis-- | they were so strongly opposed to | cussion, §alq his only desire was to! o Hydro--radials as soms peoplef get certain information in a general thought. It was against the cost way as to the cost of the road. He f. that they were oapposed. They did would not expect anything to be not think they should be assessed for brought down which was not in the 55 per cent. of the cost of the pro-- public interest. posed line. Charge the amount and i' The motion for the return was . Hamilton will vote for Hydro--radials, granted. a he said. He declared the people of ; tA Cuauri uim > : Hamilton 'wanted both the Hydro and 'LET UTTAWA SPEND A R the Canadian Northern Railway lines. { p ie w MILLION AND QUARTER Mr. Allan Studboims (East Hamil-- | ton) accused Mr. Allan (West Hamil-- | wrotind ismm utd P icubicnanahcns 1 e ton) of being anti--Hydro. | C ANHES 2 ies se' | Mr. Allan--I have got new light lPBlVA'l'la B TL L S CoOMMITTEE | f gince then. | \ STRIKEFs OUT ITVEM POR sT, : Mr. Studhoime--CGod knows you| 1 PATRICK ST,., BRIDGE, | f need still more light. I would nut' i k I t trugt these sudden conversions as far| en e / } as I could throw a bull by the nec#. : The Private Bills Commiitee of the | FPrevent Export of Power. | Legislature yesterday dealt with the | iE M W RBowell ursed tha : city of Ottawa bill which involved the | ( shoufih'fie \t'aken 1b ;l;é;fenr,"'i}[;tf,if. expenditure of $1,500,0090 without .\'uh-' .' port of power that was need\ i in On--| mitting the maiters to the ratepayers, | tairgo.t The I;illl)eral le}z\mevf; paid a high' ; All the items were finally passed, ex-{ ribute to the work of-- Sir CGeorge cepting that 'providing for the ex-- gl"b'{ns. io ane " imtermarionaa "onee: | ipenditure of $150,000 for the SL. Pal. on 'with the in Plzlc.tl(':l"ax water-- | rick atreet bridge. The most import-- ways treaty. Sir Gceorgse Ciibbons, he ant item was in connection with an said, was chiefly responsible for ne-- /' electric power gex{eratixi plant ?lf gotiating that treaty o behalf of | Jost $250,000-- for the Lemicux islenad Canada, and few people realized that| pumping * station "rpm', a% 39 '"-;rm(' the treaty represented a landmark in | threw out the .risofi far ('Om.nllll te? the history of the settlement of inter-- 1 !a.nd oizo the munli)ci 21 dain m scheme ; . h ' national disputes in a peaceable way. | pal dairy scheme, j Public Ownership of Railways. l Urge City and Company Referring _ to the duplication of | ' : \ railway lines by the Canadiaix North-- ! to ReaCh Settlement ern Railvs;ay, th.e Grand Trunk Pacific ' oue on --moretsnacnemeamemamermsrees 4 ¥ l :.}r;: v:y};gt'bginra:diggwffi(:&d %?';lwpi%pilg ' Expropriation of the Metropolitan Reil-- of Canada had not received the ,way by the 'city of Toronto was briefly t;'ain(slportation tf}?ci)itites tlfiey were en-- discussed by the sub--committes of the Pri-- . fMie® io from these reilways. Hin be. -- | vate mins Committee of the Leststature] lieved the people would not be satis-- fii"es'e"d'"y Zuert'.":'t"t:':dd::":'::'f;m was A \ ave : c i/ | taken in order tiu e com-- fed to have a consolidation of the 'puny may get together and draft a clause | as to the notice which the railway com-- ' pany must give if it requires running \rignts over the portion of the line to be \ acquired by the city _ Another point rais-- ed was with respect to double--tracking, and an smendment was suggested making | it compuisory for the city to double--track . | the line and give running rights if it fAnaliy | gecides to expropriate, # | Sir Adam Beck was absent from yes~! + | terday's meeting, and said afterwards that | he was not aware a meeting was to be hel€. He thought everything hag been / sottled at last Week's mesting. . Anothep | meeting of the sub--committee will tope place later, when the whole matter wil} Js | reconsidered. _ < *3 § | . o. : f f