. r r*r:v ns <a~n NDAY, MARCH 12, 1917. ~ _ . 4 9 > oo D e ] as! k 09-- s k a A STRONG DEPUTATION WAITS UPONX SIR WILLIAM~ . * w. j eunesommmmemmencemacen--mima n _ Military training should be com-- + pulsory in the higher grades of the public and high schools of the Pro--, vince, in the opinion of a deputation of the Canadian Defence League, sup-- ported by representatives of educa-- tional and patriotic organizations, which waited on Premier Hearst at the Parliament Buildings Saturday. Hir William promised consideration Oof the matter. He was in accord with the deputation on the _ question of preparedness, which did not mean in any sense encouragement 'of mili-- tarism. It was pointed out that one hundred and twenty School Boards throughout Ontario had petitioned in favor of military drill. At University, Too. | Sir Edmund Walker, representing the University. of Toronto, said the University would make military train-- ing part of its curriculum. « Rev. Canon MacNab read a letter from the Lord Bishop of Toronto ex-- pressing the view that the Govern-- ment should take instant steps to bring compulsory training into effect. Rev. Father Minehan, while en-- dorsing the request, stated he hoped * that after the war was over no more would be heard of militarism. '"We want peace; not a peace at any price, but we don't want militarism | as a yoke on our necks after the wa,r\ ends. A man, however, should be trained as a boy to defend his.citi« | zenship if need be." | The Deputation. | Mr. Mark Irish, M.P.P., introduced the deputation of about forty in num-- ber, which included, among others, Col. Wm. Hamilton Merritt, Presi-- dont of the Canadian Defence League; Mrs. A. E. Gooderham, President of the Imperial Daughters of the Em-- pire; Controller W. H. Shaw; Dr. Caroline Brown, representing the To-- ronto Board of Education; Rev. L. Minehan, -- representing Archbishop McNeil; Rev. Canon MacNab,.. repre-- senting the Lord Bishop of Toronto; | Sir Edmund Walker, and Sergt. Sam iLanders. editor of The Labor Leader, 'Hami!ton, representing labor organ-- | izations. ¥ | mensemuntemenmentenantemeaniees