i 00 eeaeeaeeeeeeeemin -- 'present conditions. Mr. Grieve mado | an earnest appeal to the Government for a larger grant to the Western Uuniversity (London). He was pleas-- od with the increase in the grant last Yoar, and he thought that instead of' $15,000 they should make it $25,000 this year. He drew attention to the bily for stationery at Government| Tlouse, $562%, and commented that it | would seem that each servant up| there would almost need 2 stcn-l Ographer to use up that amouut of writing paper. { CKast sSimecoe's Loyalists. : Capt. J. I. Hartt (Hast Siumncoe) j Baid the people of the Province a e!'e'[ well satisfied with the way the Gov-- ernment were handlingy matters. 'l')w' Government that did things, that ful-- filled its promises and _ did m:m,':' things it never promised, was the Clov--| ernment that should be endorsed. Hc; nraised the workmen's compensatior | legislation, and had no doubt thut the | amendments which would be-- intro--' duced would wipe out whatever i. Justice might be left. Government | THouse was an old story, well--worn | and threadbare. . Captain Hartt re-- | ferred at length to the West Simcoe| by--election and to Mr. Bowmun's vre--| warks about machine guns. (CGerman| gas attacks, he said, were not u patch j en the tactics of the Liberal Whip. | N&r. W. C. Chambers (West Wel--| * lington) said the finances of the Pro-- 'vince woere never better; in fact he did not think the members of rhe, THiouse had expected to see them in M the shape they are to--day. As cnn:-f pared with a surplus of $271,000 last . wear, the Treasurer's latest statemeut| showed a favorable balance of %1.-- 135,000 this year. Iuvitation to Hydro. t Dr. J. B. Martyn (Hast 'L'.unbton'l said he hoped they would have Hydro-- electric in his riding shortly, as the! imunicipalities were voting on the| yuestion. He spoke at some length{ regarding the part taken by Lambton" courty: in connection with the war. | Mr. Zotique (Sturgeon Falls) mov--| ed the adjournment of the debato.| One of the speakers this evening willl be Mr. Hartley Dowart, and the de--} bate probably will be wound up on Friday by Mr. Rowell and Sir William Hearst. Answering Mr. Rowell, Hon. I. B. Lucas said there would be quite a number of amendments to the work-- men's compensation act, and the Gov-- ernment now had them in rough shape. Disciplining Druggists. , With reference to tha Medical and | Fire Inquiry -- Com:mnission's reports' the Attorney--General stated that the] reéports would not be available this session. It was not expected that the work connected with these investiga-- tions would hbe completed before Epring or summer. * The disciplining by the Pharmacy : Council of druggists who break t'ne[ pharmacy act is proposed in a bill | introduced by Dr. Martyn (East' Lambton). At the present time the . Council has authority to discipline only at its regular meeting in August. The military authorities in some see-- tions complain to the Council that| some druggists are selling cocaine | to soldiers without authority of doe-- tors' certificates. 'The amendment asks that the Council bhe given auth-, ority to discipline at any time that a| case is made out, and make discipline| retroactive. 'There are other minor amendments asked for aiso. N elieatiees en ied N ETrriria m e