Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1917, p. 2

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pitted to the WW' _ - ' {inert thug Iegttt in "mg: $tiir, _ e, i,'1iiM, " [is "',n.' , " ea 0 = to 'iiarFii'i, "31mg "In: tIliff, " "W than! on" 1t'iifl'lt,',, 'tport toi . wee no telling_w at Woo and "on; A' I"' :1. li .mndin - I" -=. . Caveman: fr? tlp, the Protinde m t yet demand 5 . dim"! b t. the Chile had) IB',': of its splendid women.' he 'oi'ltirlt'ldh'tl he can anent '0" r F,'it. "When the details have been set- "iiiiGi 'ndicat me ' but this was the" w" 'i'tr: tied," concluded Sir William, "the' tending the basi as ._ so tar as ex-l _ 'r' Government will bring down a bill Vconcorned' "It 'l of goverttmtttCwas (lr, including the principle ot this bill and he added z'that s peculiarly fitting," ': Ji) embodying the necessary ma. hi ' ' ' "Ch a "usasur.e,attm1tiii ' x t c new be enacted at the v ' P: or carrying it into effect." l we fighting the hastily Yt when we' ' 8 o emacra, - 1 it when young m n . . _ cy, , Now Womanhood Suffrage, 'nda by the i'g,',eatp'tf,'f,'lir,,fdrog "f'i'i,"ii's') , . minst that old au . g , , Says West Hastings Member I 5mm power is 1c1et1t1e,tfeiait,f'acog,"v"f,if2 _ 3'. Mr. Johnson, on rising to move 7i"t favor of the broad democratic C en . ' the second reading of his bill eeptlon that the sovereignty" r3511 _ l {0" grant to women the right to Kithuthe people, and that 'iiiiriiiiiii.' ." off at elections of the Le is- pe right to make and unmake K t l: . _ - . E y. . . . Ings , ative Assembly. was applauded from! Motor-now and rulers of all class ',' . (, both hides of..t.he House. He declar- iy1rtr.Pr1t.:tr) It is fitting that we in I S. at?" the. lei Fab. running strong, Ill': Legislature should bring forth q n. no believed that the great ma- 'great democratic measures flriitGnii' 'i,,; Itll? (iffhe pcople of the l'rovinm- {further in the hands of the peo fig a not», "Hunt: thutmthe: women should nth.) sovereign Power of controlling in? -.s,'. 1Jt.),t.,tit'i' J.'."",':, Phis' has been an Itvwemment by admitting to the 91'3"; . . A m Isl well as' a Povelation .. i,.t.orate the, other half ot our . . vomarkcd the . '- '" , ' _ ', ' Popula- v', [ " smasher. Phi»; tttoi; :--i tion which hus hitherto bee r'.r'. f PY". has in the past been called (C' (1.! ed." m exclud- ._ - ti": Wometn but I think ""2, 51,0515} ' . _ mutuu'lmt on being asked the tnorcl i,"'"'"" Entitled to Credit. at???" title:of wontunhocd SIN-l ' Mr Howell showed thitt t y _ . ', r . f , l - " :l: Jl'ICIIll ", . parts was entitled to a lawm ' . ", if Strong for Prohltruiott. i the credit for the measure." 33:3"? Si? "What this bill rePt'i"i1tc, is thc, s;',.),',',:,,,)?,'."-';. the "SI-16 was illi'JV-éii't L31. {A t'.e'.i'lly,)r, tu the ntuutiut'e i,'a'.CU'i hell-:- 'i"s1-1i'f)lf,id £10513? Ellusf'iou'ge by Mr.! E , it}; (,."'s't"i,"i'.?," one ot the greatest re- when he etihrnitltitl a £31m ' y,r,'lf'e1" ( , C.,t7,1,1is,.,.t),i,C,'1"/,.'l?' you?!" Other providing for an e't2f,1ii,'lntitty'"1tt'?, . _ _" C".'.' . "101" 'a'. . l',.,il", I _ l Ci, the I'liullUSltiUlm in f.'Jltai)1'"if,"ttii1t -i/g,isti1i,pa?Tscll,,i'"t', to "'Ohltgn. Ass, y .t..ht.e:y opcrily twdny it I had "tid', bers (31'1"ng I" the Liberal "Cm-i " 123"" m PA ow" hand to restore the record . q e f"? hut themselves on: r 1 I won"! nut restore the bar (A ii' _', .'LB, squarely 1m favor of this"; I plunge.) I would not have mid that bgtésulilei .3101 the Conservative merit-1 . " year ago. because I ad, _ T ttl lemselves on iveord as a Tit , 'r . .. '. ." not con- squarely o Fl . -,li'7 " f an???) t.h l tt wat, Just right. but I hill was ao,t,ry/'"ir,U: l "Kid?!" the J" trial "/c,1""/if, "3-day, after a year's Donald 11):] m R .' "Leg by bir. Mc- . iiCii.c, "a tilt" (-overnment and this by the rg,1,heu/,,)ae,n"tl'iu'i,' :f-.-i1;'murted- a to to ll , It', wisest posrtiblo thing! of the House "1 ' f, Li,rrctal sudu f . W rrl- tlt,' bur. (Ainxlamst-l ,' ed Jf the (toxin? 1t'i1n/Ju"c'.u'.1v oirPCrs- " . . . l ' , ' ' 'nmen 1,1159 - . (it , Skunk Change. tho?! two sessions prior. to {33121211 " . "I . - " _ era election Ot 9 a L, l (C. - " eonai'ézuuibuug. the women into the before the 1410514324 ll'"' 4:128:59" 2"" a that will his $6 will have a leuven Government hail Ewen tld?"),"] "3a.?!" , "espouse to f f, . greet. intNence. In ways and Was prepared to fro: (L .Its' ji' to the ':c,)L1i1lli's1ie Opinion in "Bananas: policy for which the tgci///'/""ita,ril,t L') .tllrough tl ' tide now Surging had stood for some Year»; ""r*r "wt"! ( dh ir'r'.'Ji"t"'d"en'd: c'/'/',1? Shutting the especially pleased 10' 'i,'e'.0'"thl' lar'.')' Mt' this admin . 1m." is to give. women Donovan (P,roekville) was no? 1;" , . Spect that nil, J, ask with {Wilt rp.. 'the badge of a convertNarirl ol.',)',,' 9:131 _ behind this hi3] (juvel'llmen: will get in the new army that Was irt intro; {Y}! its Suilpor'te , , find with the aid of woman suffrage. In tithe" (i/il,.' 1fi" , ot everv in r.y, indeed by the aid Donovan had not been '/C,/t)i"il"' "(it put it _On timber of this House, will' voting against the question 1.1 lf, Manse.) New .statute hook." (An- House, but had gone tho lonI'H l" word .. . ,. Iu'opotsed to change tit ' attending public meetings -- "A. c, w' . eluding 11310131 to "person." from int. ing it there. U . "h "m1 "I'!""') tw " a flexes beyond ty t q ' . T'tnotv,-/'//,e YI"? would be tings"?- of Women Tak w 5 Fr lature ote at Elections for the Legs- e ar 3 . . - - . I . Mr. Rowen H ' More Seriously Than Men ll Opes for th "1an.wo as a Legislature justify n . . . e action we are about to take?" " u, ,.. ammous Legislature :22"? Nr:.ny.vfli. "Personally, I f/iii) . or'nie fife" said the bill was one. 'tl,,hJi'htht//ln 531 s'?")',",',,"",' tly.1t We can." that the 133:5: /l,e//"//giyit' measures' went on [to will; J)rilth')1, leader' upon to cont-with [!ul ever been callcdl Ontario 175 060 WOt ere. are in! _ . w. F - . . . " Hen workers vi would bv, " n l and no thought it me eat-11mr '... . wno rd 1,, t. their own liv r if the 1m .t. 1m" tur "ortqratulati I Wot ' lung. Thei g "4-1er Was , w.. C Ion, _ man or the Province had ' as he minnvpd . passed into Law l bearing thei ht , 1 ( been! . WF t "mild Ix . _ '5 b Ir tmare ot' the induct i unanimous "t 1 M, by the.,' burtiens and re 1 . . rial He th " F , 8 of _ tho Leirisi' 'ct I vii " n} ermg excellent ser- _ in al,t".2.t'is.1tldCyy,e1-Tu slt1iii'l"//1/i't1', .l ',',it,rpnvlthoop1lheL"e, any voice in the: ii,. to sham: "'l'tli"t;;:H:" "f the Province? The wdr bade 03:11:51,' the Province.! ' r, spontsibilitv . " tlen the great 11., for women an Up Ie.tieldsi, it ernment in ti,",),' {lg}; t1Work of got--5 service and t't1es'ytvay,1.fl'itnunni),ifr,. for "t them. I __ . lat lay before" the 0 . y n no y to electors in] {Ringing .the number of: their (?/i't"ist,,'nipif,1ei'iUs)'elh1tTf.1i'iielig.'.i imposing; " c... "we" thvy li' ' l T , . _ ant teroica11y.l ers. whoi $3.110! lmrdens on the l211' I allure" $31931 "ore also bearing their V of . ," . t ("hargpd with il ' "T. [ . _ e great burden of ed - diffusine , . we duties eating the . u _ the elector; ','))it,.tiy1l?,-,'?, in order that, the Publi youth Of the Province. In', ", that Woulo "in"? "We in a manner Were 10 7%650vil001s of Ontario there: St, good. tnies.],, 'tl t Ill otlic greatest pared "lull " 9336" teachers as com-I sh" democrat- l toy. had. an educated! women f g" . men teachers. Thei & Stood 't'i1),1;,s,vi1dyi'i; tilt: people Giire"icl t','are,thofno/1,teare were teaching the] "try,', "lied the [I F m the day and TPCO2- Provin 't public Bchools of the '_'::),),?',; Ontario "~531th grey owed to /iiiG1:,, I with 8:. 11nd it they entrusted them i l . . 5 I J . . . . . . . . . itl they had a. ri l T Hell? the position . they w esponsibility ol" doing that it. tteottruphica1 g it to expect trom 'ii;r.'r'l ine tl ere not going too far in"a11ow- iEf ural i'.e/o1lli':)las11",'1t,io,',,1:, from her ar.. iiit laltinl to have a voice in making B: handed dmvn" {int from the heritage w S ot the Province. ' PA, . lent. T a - I om , . IIE' 2323;? be: 1 um eloping (112'; {3:133:15 " ens Heart 111 Hur. ' , (IL" future t"tc"it,,tetr discharged in the tablemim women have been indefatig- I of Ontario \u the past it the women havl n every branch of service They cause thorn ',cffi' given the vote, be-. thae taken this war more seriously bear the tuition" be more backs to thein the men, they have devoted " heart, and £14.11, more soul and more In: thought and attention to it they 1 ins for tn???" "Mm" impulses work- it 6 put their whole heart IG 3 ul in th ". .lrighest and be th . ' n 0 the winning of it. o l . e Province. (Applaus it ings, more of their effort 'te, hive given. This M t" ', men with n ave the; ogt Radical Measure, g haw; gone te.gfg2tt' of those who The Liberal leader . . i tmilora. Over six has as soldiers and" the proponed Gaia'. m fl1'fRPf said: Bone overseas fr undred nurses. have 'mportant tJn'rt'1"u1ft "as the mosti Ontario to Join om the Province ot m an" of 'fr',',',',))',',',?,',' reform in, and are givin zine hospital units, ng the but: of; LE9 front Instr}? gunment service at , w . e strenuous service

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