w" "e, "i-e-ra -- w swear" . FRIDAY, tt8!!llgEt -- § Y 23, iglt 'r: ' , _ _ ' "'7 I I . . I _ l Op for License Money 9 During the past year they héd lost 0 _ a. considerable source of revenue ow- ing to the cutting off of liquor lic- enses. The loss was nearly $500,000. They had introduced legislation which they thought, would provide an eilllllilI . amount of money, that relating to t H" WI. 000.000 In amusement tar. Events had amply Just lo t o 'lrn ll-t on of nor-u yertr ll Purchase $17, , . ifi d h I di I h h d , _ a a . ae . " . its; titevlt'c' l Jurived securities Field In England #.i,oi,/l1lJ,1ern'g',"er,.1,t,i)i",i.tite'i', 'l'iltl.,Cill', so i that in a full year thcy would proli- . ------_ i ably rec-(sin: bothsell S'500,000 and t $600,000 from that souroc. From , ' the taxation of automobile owners lit GARRY CLAIMS SURPLUS they had reccived in 1916 $669,000 , as compared with only $300,000 the i "T""""""" - -t.s_q.. I year be fore, while thr. corporation tax 1 had netted them $1,00ii,000 as against Says Ontario is $1,135,000 Ahead on! $1,1'!1,1l0il.ln..29'Ct. lit-Winn: My" ' ' _ 'publit- institutions amounted to 56:7 .,- l the Year-Mr. Bowman Alleges n i000, a. decrease". of $102,000. The Tint- , l 'Deficit and Says Figures "ave Been ;iigiflllfggl"fisjifiilrr'l'lu "$0"??th "tl-, i . ' . . ,l SF (i {it lid. fl tCDt UH _ "KIRK!" Prong on'T.a N.O. I million dollars "in rml money." he i hold, and the liydrrs-il'cttrii: Ctrnt- _ . ----_--- t Emission had made. if}; larsrcst Phty mood , iyct, namely, saunas. In the course of his Budget specc'nl :Milllon from T. & N. o. in the Ontario Legislature yesterday" ': Of the tr,illiov. o'olfars .' L . l . _ . , l ' J l. h Li; H) n: trie Hon. t w. McGarry. Provincial , [T. & N. U. Hallway, the sun! of 34.328» l, Treasurer, announced that it was the U200 represented :u-tuall nrt profits; intention of the Government "to loglrlng last Y'f'iil "?ilt "0.0.000 l'r'lv i being down legislation that will "It- (,r:ai','f.?/,l,te1.i'li" J2'fiuf,',':i'i'tr' Prat Ind If"! . " . " -. ' or: l l lll'lng .3.- able us to purchase $1'i'.000,000 WO', th 'last tew years. Interest charges Clit ti: I of the securities ot the Province which T. & NC. o. last year 'ttmstintrtt trt "no, : are held in England. rcborrow the (Y,:,,,",.'",! 11/,r,stc' it this liHttCteb'vi.2ry money" on this side. and to that extent i'aC',,,'1"'foiry1tb1'1"e,,f'g,'/ o: ordhrury rm - I . . . . t ' . "'0. help Great Britain in financing this Mr. ROWQHPAVILWP ("I thr, T _ 3 war."_ It is understood that u $l'.7.- N50. 1r'eil1va1 gel the "when; . "1: 000.000 loan will be floated on thls ti Mr. .?1cG1arrv---Tlvuy rritrtlpd i: on' icontinent and that the proceeds will tt,,1fi'di'h1/"//'i):y,r;'ai"/t'/i,tyi,e My maul . . ' V t ' .. ' ' "l" . r Ibo used m connection with the finance.. me l hope /i-1'r1'htt),':'il 'rt It f), ',,",'] . . " .- r . l" . S0: iine of munitions purchases. to put! each your $250,(n)l._ Jp?,.)-'",,",).. I The Provincial Treasurer claimed T'ays, kept it profit and loss: "if-Hum Itho Province had ended the fiscal year '1rladdetlyyi'), mu" isuianct iruss ill. IIC',', a surplus of $1,135,000, tun '.iir. 3'03;é(;i:»}:}1tK135113:;{hufnfi4UO'UUH' i largest in the history of Ontario. hon. friend wilduthvm (r-/t),T///" '"vit l The so-called surplus soon \ranisll- Real Money Too -. , ed. and was changed to a deficit of hi ' o"' . , one and a half million dollars. in the mg]?! 'i't"')?iiy,'i'j.-.:.i", Z li,' tr.ll, i.:.' ! "Vii . as r, s t rl" '. iqi-rr!:" 'ts" :. estimation of Mr. Charles M. Bow- "Dist lye to [lil'l Slit-8"; 'd,':.?,.; [s, Cd", 3, v " e I l . ' 5 1 ; " I 1" man, Liberal whip, who analyzed the that runway has hit am: '/,),"diii,jjr,s'-.',i' financial statements. and charged that if???" Ih.at lit, IV..'; "W; ro' nan kl.» Pe/tve had been Juggled. ".Ilélul'lnillio'll 'unllals in l't'.'.'l rash. _ Our total ordinary receipts last. iii'; ',',e,lf,f:tif,.1'Y," 'applisvstr) The "(lost year were $13,841.339, and our total r) rt."? ai'lvancrrd to the T. at N. Chi ordinary expenditure was $12,706.- JEN???" on 'rrrDtl'al C"rpttv.ditutt 83... leaving for the first time in the gift"? Iefl rePriyeents the atrtount' histogy of the Province a. surplus of (k nail: expended by the t & .N,, o.: $1,13rt,0t)7." said Hon. Mr. McGarry in "WW not-evil" tiurins: thr) "YT-im-I tn ht!" opening remarks. The state- cMI Netit" ot 1.01ti, Irs i luldersulzu.' l. men wt" trreeted with loud applause . . 'e .' from the Conservative members. ?'oviotrial Loan t Cash in the bank, he continued, ' I . mounted to $4,'22tt,000, and the net Without Expense'; . debt of the Province had been reduc- 'rho put-n rti.t' rtN_. l . M.tsy 3810.000. he claimed. In figur~ fem-ed tollri-IM-'an Vlfeflsuinr then re- , init out the surplus he was not, he There V3.94)" PW?" oy the Province. . said, including the tax collected tor York 1'1" DFOUL ltrar) made in New l war purposes. '41. _'5if ebruru'v lor $2 000,000 LC . w 4 tier cent. for mac months v/l . .1 . Million for .Retumcd Men. rind tilnC't?, been 1oaid oit out 01 0131': I . arv ' , . , rl- The policy of the Governmevt pro- . 'd'd'hl'fi71l?/': J, Nae. Init through vided for the expenditure of a. con- whatever " /?Pe"P1 to the Province, Iidertble sum of money to aid l-e- another l On ("J1me lst We madeI turned soldiers who might desire to for ten 1'?" of *0"? million dollars! 'settle on the land in New Ontario, in . all yum for M.81 net, utter mC-i and it was the belief of the Govern.. _ lit" expenses: In other words, it3 ment that during the next twelve or 'i"/'i' y.1,e Province 5-01 1'ol. that] eighteen months at least one million 1;}?!er " (Conservative applause.) dollars might be required for that 99 (i,, i"?? moo. of. Quebec had gut (mix work. If the money was not spent 'i'/ IC" I". a sitnilnr 1oa,n '.riivira at filt- in conjunction with the Dominion l.c'arrsr: 'dJrtie. . hrvernment, then "on our own re- Six Mi . ., . _ sponslbility we will be prepared to -, Llnmn" Ut Bank. give one Ot' two million dollars, if 'thg'l'e /l'/"irnaol,)' $6,00o,0n0 All cash n,' 'necessary, for the care of l'vttlrned A 7' can , a a time When the Jf l , , " " _ . . . , . _ . - onev lgtilgiers. The revenue last your was. igd'okegs m the Ignited States may not l ' 62,000 larger than over before in thir pcm. " '1 think it is a fortunate: I the history of the Pvoviiuv. 2.e,ft/',,.htg, money on which we may i ' o r '. - - , i/CI",','.,":,',';"; Duties homage, ' necessary 11nulythiicng,y1cs and other,) During the VCttt" 't2, 133 700 h; ' _ "Our capital ex .. " , . . - . "ti., . ud becv. T . penditures last Yeti' 3 .received P.srt"?cosiriion duties. and it 38.2.0 four millions 'altogether. "di', Ile,', most interesting .to notn in": "13:31"! /l"iti.,t,'fo millions went to the r 'fl,",',',!),',',') i'lereiatt.,,i", revenue from that at?!) Ont?!" over _?,610,000 for North-: ". n 1893 mull rpeonrrts', tconcl _ 'qc" IO fevtlopment, $700 000 successxon duties were. $45,000; in i was advanced to the T. & N. o ii . 1900. 8226.000: in 1904, $1Gti.00n: "I my, $370,000 tor o d l. ail.. 191 Po . ' l l . tr C) roads and o, §J-4,000; ill 19H. $1,253,0mnl overnhalt' a million on public bun 1:511:00" $1,700,000. and in 1916, te,-', Ings. 1 d.. , . "There is no fairer revenue i - . than the chimige that is made against A Case of Bookkeeping. person arm; with an immense The leader of the O . . , a " amount of wealth." he commented. contended that money 'clr',tt.itep had l he buildings should be put pub- foltunll'n called "General iriver/l/tee.,, 2 t er . " . ' . . ' ' MI e net er was any Juatiticuiia