B "~" ~-- e e 1 ° 4 c ie | 3 ; ~i®) yA * e renct f id e In | What the Legislature Did } yine'n. . L'-------fldm to have & }-- & & i t Passed the second reading of Hon. A . McGarry ! _ Beck's Hydro--radial railway |t'§lnlixse bills | Queen and PDuna I Legal Committee reported t-on't:"fimtl"nfl and | formed the uie to publish ;'i?'npt?fl'in ;,?nm Government had purchased three prevent contrib y C & Ay contractors, corporations, P"llb tion Com-- street adjOining P ';'i('h Received report _ of Redistribu for his new hotel, r nd a + Nt Lee. § 5b3 feet a f (':;:\'1 l:fq;n.l reading to bill ""Ipn,d:n'gyli:}::gr fr','"t"ge of P3 '. Heense act and rejected prn;m*"ql': Jocal | 100 feet P ish three--fifths clause and make } wesenngoamesmeanaeeee en o. ' . option county--wide. election | A\..'l:a'\l):,-"'] l-\',l.rl'(~rltLl.A< nis to Ontario e! ""l.' Y'S la ws. $1 of c it . INCIAL ' 3 M nj'kfl]r'"l s compensation bill out of :-T;:Lg. | PR[]V ' I tee stage ; now stands for third r ll 1 miomkumoy ant is MENeET OA ATCOTPRC MBN U | COMPENSATION BILL S _ o T ' ' ons says| i ['"stE('TflR or ,pR'SO'\er\' READY FUR THIRD R I| _ uEy BUY FROM GOVERN-- , | MEXNT CONTRACTORS. | $ covndsns wimiconcrcmemartmmnens | | R eArie! 2t ". t i ooo . : sLIGHT AMENDMENTsS MADE AP } togers. Inspector -- of| FECTING BASIS OF COMPUT-- 'oop}, E. R. Rogers. d for the~1 s L 44 ty i > O + | ING AWARD. 'Prisons and Public Charities - ter tf'rm'inve. admitted vesterday -"nA> | s --examint in the Public Ac-- The workmen's compensation :u-t'vr..s:--c xdmm.fi.tion at he nad qo(-ur-! s T ut s itional : nd-- | counts Committee that he had sec underwent a few additional amend--| tul 'e|ed coal, from the compantes that syP--| ments in committec in the Legislature|ed coal, > act prices.| A rgs g ich } ply the Government at contract prices. yesterday. Phe new clause which ! pH $ rever that he i relating to the| He maintained, however, C * had been introduced relating to tC | p i imself Other of--| F R Td mb Lpe ahar as|nad paid for it himself. | C I coimputing of average earnings "'1--b; ] p (\in(i'il \'fl'-rPtHr\"fi > 5n Iie ' e rov '1¢ Ns * 9 * | struck out. It is understood that this| ficials ot the id, also got coal in | ; f y | Department, he said, also got co: | clause was objectionable to the labor is was | s 4 this wa\. § T interests. 'The clause which was "Z""'! The tenders from coal (;Umpanlps'! inated reads: '"Where a \\m'kmim'ho admitted, were sent _ in "'_"h')l"' ' has been emplovyet for the> in (~l\o{(Vnminguishi"fi: marks on the onw.lnpo.i | months preceding his accident by \and might easily be opened by PMs'| ' (hc . same employer _ his averag®} take. '"The Minister opens them ail I\u-t-l\l_\ earnings shall be computed|and he sends them on to me, and I| by dividing the total sum earned by report back to him. Thc Mimsw" him in such period by fifty--two., Hmllmakes the final decision. I where he has been employed for a "Do you know if employees of the | less neriod the estimate shall be madeldepartment get coal from the com--| as nearly as possible to what he|panies awarded the contracts at the | would probably have earned in such|same rate as the Government?" aSdei twelve months, and his average| Mr. Bowman. | weekly earnings shall be computed| "Yes, but they pay for it them--| by dividing such estimated sum by |selves," was the reply. ' fifty--two." A few minor alterations Witness did not know who the of--| | were also made, and the bill was re-- ficials were. | | ported and will come up for third "Did you get any coal yourself that| 1 3 l rL.l'iing t("d;l,"- l"';'l_\".,n | [ _ Mr. Rowell, making some refer-- "Yes, but I paid for it myself." | !om-os to the bill, pointed out how ex-- The arrangements, he said, were | | tremely valuable it was from the |made between the dealers and him--| f | standpoint of the employer and the self, and not between the department. employee to have adequate hrm'ismniand himself. There was never any in--| made for first aid, and he submitted |struction, he stated, that coa!] tender| it would have been wise had the Pro-lmn\'rlopos were to be marked, and dw-[ | vincial Treasurer taken this into con--|clared that this was entirely in the| 'sidm'miun and made suitable provi--| hands of the Minister. | | sion. He also alluded to the continu--| Te nareaantancas | | ation in the bill of the two schedules,} 55:1)'ing he thought it would be S1.# --| | pler in the working out of the act| | ;::nd more beneficial to the employer | | and the eimnployee if they simply ap-- iT U | lhlied the one principle and transfer-- ' ' red from schedule 2 to schedule i1 the REPURTED IN | ! industries put under that head. 'The I '1'»pposition leader repeated that it smm mammmmm mm lw"'s preferable that the Commission-- raligeh | ers should be appointed for a term. DnoMINIONX LIsST TO BE USED "\': ' | Hon. Mr. Lucas agreed with what DER CERTAIX Coxpr. | | Mr. Rowell had said with regard to | TION®S f | ell had said | rroxs, | the question of first aid, but pointed | | out that for such provision there T. , ' must be in some form or other con-- Hon. Mr. Hearst's bi K f | I . h > > k + arst's bil} L & s "L!'lblltlons from all interested par-- élection | 1: o f y 0 amend '?]!,!, ties and they could only establish an C ant aoy e O Eanfened .srmec.digt, arbitrary first--aid provision. It was Cussion on the proposal to make it | a pr{'fl;lmnt}fl:'t(l)( be wotr_ked out, ;m'g compulsory to use the Dominion list, | 1 he did no mk meantime i. would if not more than six m 3 i | j be feagible 'to" establish & first--aid [ Et s1x months old, .111'1', veltween that period and one year| scheme. t juch lis d cones Mr. Lucas' bill to amend the suc-- such list could also be used by con-- | cession duty act was also reported. l '?f'?];'\of the first Minister of the I';.\-ll (lul.\(; t vuinlcal a@nad the leader of the Opposition. r f Mr. l{uwwll did not think this wise, j : -l'he_\ mlgl;n ha'\(- such entirely differ--| n'»nt vmu]ngxmns in the two contests that | l.h'e question . of | registration would | issume an entirely d4iLlerent form.| He Lh'ought they should Prepare tht-ir" own lists, except by conse | id E -- consent of both | sides of the House, and moved an| amendment on these lines i | H f ars 4 | \ Hon. Mr. He.u.st_ thought when op--| p"'l'lun.-tl:fls were given for the regig--| tering of all parties for the | sama | R $ C Bt .5 1 iranchise no harm came from the use | w' a lIst not more a y % id e than gix mumhb'! Mr. Rowell's amenc & endmen as feated. and after severa} ',lth:flb (.xe- tets had hbeen discussed t»n I') w ak reported. "1e BUU was | 5 * | w