_ PUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1914.. _ PUESDAY, _ fxte .~" rosmmnenmmmemmsstmten ms--_oann x I Nan AaTra an JP * In, small municipatities they" were i ' o PPE r Tn-n'mn'g that while this was a small I N U JUL . item, still in the average town and I % A '\'illa'ge in this country taxes were lhlgh enough without having to pay ' i 'lextra' out of the town treasury for a ' l clerk and bailiff. c oke } e & | a i inid in trri rarite \Government Rejects Mr. Stud-- y ' | _ _ holme's Bill - CASY METHODS BRNG _ | ' o OProsttion Protesr nnlereinee T | .. 1 mss CSA |WHAT MILITANTS MIGHT Do| MR. BowwaX asks For Ex. , ' FORCEMEXNT or RESPONSIBLE _ | §3 e in | govERrxamNT, & 1 4 "Lulmr Member -- Declares They .\Ilg'lll.l | e amns ' | Stimmulate Government's Action ---- ' Hon. W. H. Hearst met 'a, sudden; ;. Mr. Proudfoot _ Lends Support --. i,»rot.cst from the Upposition in thej | Y . # s ; 1 Legislature yesterday when he moved | ! Mr. Foy is Chiet Assassin, [ ;l""*' second reading of his bil respect. | | 32 ring--the HRoyal Ontario Museum, The | ;i Sn AAmeges ,'hil,i is largely of in erabling char--l :! Women's suffrage _ had another pacter, '_'"d clears up what the L'?S|S°, 5) L Sige 3 ds § f fl?itl'.\"bjo intended to CXDPPeSs a vear ago f170° dit the. Legislature j esterda} | with regard to the maintenance of the witren Mr, Sstudholme. the member for ;:'némnl'inn, towards which the Prnv-z East Hamilton, moved _ the se«uml' Iihrr l'fll:"'ii'l!ffii (;}19~'I'{1|f I;md the i raart! m a p ta s IVA . Avapnu C112 | Universi y one--half. The 'To 'in(-i;ll' r]'.dd'm" OS bill o give Frery hat | Auditor had ruled that the cases f("'l :rwd woman, unimarried woman, und' :hufdi'];'; the exhibijts were rot part |widow of the 1ge" of twenty--one, be. | | of, the nfaintenance, and the -- bill [ing a British subject, the right to sought io define just what mainten-- : is . |ant?e was intended to mean, |Yote at municipa} elections and elec-- | M¥.~€X° M Bowinan objected to the |tions for the Legislative Assembly of j | bill going through in its present form, |the Province. -- Mxtr. Studholme spoke | | "}'7:7"""}"""_'"""7 of "'fiS "'&Ltm'u should (to :3 i Ka : s j MC Ssunmitted (to the House and hbe fiire : [:'.'. f,, H'uu.o ...u H.(-'u, l¢ 11,"7(1'1 u.n | voted upon. | It was contrary to the O SS Sntl. _anld with withering scorn | principles of responsible government said members would rather run out that meney feor such purposes should | ind smoke than listen to anything in | be autRhorized by statute and disburs.| |lavor of women, The Government [ed under the order of the Liefit.--CGlov. | | badly needed education on the sub-- [ Cernor' in Counecil,. He moved in | ;.l«'t'l. he said. Observing a few grins, | | : imendiment to the secor d rnading.' | the member for East Hamilton re-- | | that the bill should naot Pass,. but| | marked : T; | \ Ahas tihe CGovernment should -- bring . | "This® isn't 4 la ughing matlter. --If lown--estimates from year to year of : ¥you had the militants of the old lana the mhnney required for the v'n'useum.' I:_\'(m. wouldn't smile, and there is nul ind onuet pay it out by statute, Thei I.'q':,\'mg what the women might do here | ineimdment was voted down by 23 to | |if you continue to ignore them again j 8. # t [and again. 1 say the least thing you When a resolution was being DHSS--! can do is to treat the women kindly. od giving Goverrment business pro-i 'Yull know the tinest deptttation that cedenece for the remainder of the soes-- | ever cecame here was that of the wo-- ston, Hon. J. J,. Foy intimated to Mr.| men who waited upon you in the re-- Htowell that something would bs dnneI ception--room. There was noi one of A aid the finnnces of the Universityv / the gentlemen now smiling who did so' f 'Toronto, although he diq not ex--} then. _ You simply folded your arms, | peet that any special legislation would looked wise and received the nwssa.ge.l ue required for the purpose, | Then after that you put up '.\'unn_\" The House concluded the supple-- | Jim,' the Provinciat Treasurer, and ] mentary estimates before adjourr-- i think the brief he had the other day ment, and received the report of the | was the poorest he ever had." Committee of Supply. ; E.\lr. Proudfoot's Support. es | i Mr. Proudfoot (Centre Huron), in seconding,. said Myr. Studholme | was | not ploughing a lonely furrow on this csubject, and that there were others !in the House who felt as keenly on yit. 'Mr. Proudfoot then controverted !arg'lnnems contained in a circular is-- | sued by the association opposed to woman sulfrage. He maintained tha), :h(wause a section of women did _ not |want the vote was no reason -- why |those who desired it should be pre-- | vented from exercising the right. 'I'he' member for East Hamilton did not iseem to have much confidence in the t Government on this question. and he | suggested to Mr. Studholme, if he de-- sired anything done. to organize the !labor retainers, if such they might |be called, to line them up, bring them [forward at next election and see that they voted for the candidates who | | would support a law of this kind. { 'Rejeou-d by Mr. Foy. ; _ Hon. Mr. FOY.Acting Premier, said the HMouse hadvadlready voted against * lmarriml women voting ' in municipal * elections, and the objections applied tmuch more forgibl_\' in the case of the | |I.Pgislati\'v Assembly election. | | _--The second reading. on a call for a !show of feeling, was defeated. j !l)h'islon Court Fees, _ The bill introduced by <-- Mr. Mc-- { Donald (Centre Bruce) to amend the | Divigion -- Court act Wwas last night |in the Legislature remitted _ to the tLegal Committee. Mr. MceDonald ex-- plained that the object was to change the clause put in last vyear, by which clerks and bailitfs in Division Courts where the fees did not amount to $500 must be paid two dollars each .\ for each sitting of the Division Court.