Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1914, p. 5

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4 P " flls > ie .".(..'b o " e " f us F w t ns Te ue f es s 4_: To a R ' ie n nareitare Selore the MX I this 'Citizens' TeAgHe protest against - relief from forfelture re the J sna stalement thgt" flr» AE § , . ing Commissioner, if made within | he statement that the electors of this * thres months. -- The Mining Commis-- county are opposed to the abolish--the-- * | ; ' sioner will have power to deal with | far poes on to Aat Oe ry Ai ica. curt if third has i temperance legislation, «and we con-- | | n canen by resiaking the claim. 'Imig tend, that in his attitude with regard f pvencd by restaking the claim. This: thereto Mr. Evanturel has acted on f a places the matter of forfeiture en-- 4 is own authority only, and withoutr * tirely hetween the Crown and |the consulting this portion of the consti-- R E. ie claimant. Where there has been neg-- tuency which he was elected to ro-- % ons lect to file a report of work actually presont ' e l 3 dofe the penalty fee df $25 is im-- > '[:his.United Citizens' League for ' | es ."~ : poged as urder the prosent act. ® | Vankleek Hill and West Hawkesbury | P g ) . j An amendment to section 8!': gives ihereby affirm their approval of the ' ' ""fi',\ ): Hite AIdeutenan{--Governor in . Countil proposal to abolish the bar through-- | ,s_!;,vgmi;_ power, upon the recommepdatmn of out the Province of Ontario, and of E. > '% the Minister. io wive rellef in cases of 'aill other measures calculated to re-- k :>> +.3 3 exceptional hardship. An instance is strict or prohibit the sale of intoxi' t J u_fi},-;',:% siven where a valuable claim, upon cating liquor; and we declare that Mr, § ids * which a large anfount has been ex-- |\ Evanturel has no mandate from his 7 g.,";"_'*"? Pended. is declared forfeited through 'constituents, as a whole, which auth-- aI9n s ,__ _ some cause. The Mirister thinks this | orizes him to quote them as opposed # Hionica s power should be sparingly exercised, ' !io any legislation calculated to pro-- apal."~\ as it occaslonally. happens ~that | mote the cause of temperance. + .. ' through fraud, .ignorance . or -- dis-- | Turther resolved, that a copy of this ' 'e*" 3 honesty an irjustice may be wrought. resolution be sent to the Attorney-- | e .<>. in such cages . the -- Lieulenant--Gov. |\ General of the Province, to Mr. .N. iA > ernor will take the responsibility of LW. Rowell, K.C.., and be pub-- Ceist". interfering. The evidence in all such shed 3# the" Toront Wepapera s s * ie * cases must be taken before the Min-| 'f?""j',d in ,the. JO1 9;',0 newspapers. | Bs . _ NP ing Commissioner, who will report "L(""f't','f "1'?'"'("5;";'1;':(1-')' A; G, Cheney [ <ses the facts to the Minister. ertified : 'k'b\l Iniosh, Secretans | & The time for making application President; J. S. Mcintosh, 4 ' ' :.Vflv' »ia,nd Lt)ay(;nent for a patent to a claim } 'chucst. an Investigation, lt te & . ¢ f re year s f}@j@, | --For further protecting the miners General for the Province of On-- (hut uied .. 'the law is amended to provide for an | L tario: j e }'*5:':'*"341'_ |improvement in the type of skips or | The memorial of the Citizens | \g. bia > * 'eceages used for lowering or hoisting ! League for the towp. of yankleek I,-IllH e Imen in a mine. The cage must have ; i:md for thé township of . W e:?t 5 %ind ¢ |a steel _ hood and sheet iron or steel |Hawkesbury' in the county of Pres-- Te . f | sides. This section will rot comse into i cott, x'(z§pectfully' showeth: _ _ * |force until January 1 next, in order ; That it appears by the public prless j "+ ® |that mine owners may have time to | reports of recent debates in Parlia-- § * M 'make the necessary changes. This | ment that charges have been made to 3 s 'requiremeut is adopted on the advice ] !the effect that COI'FUDUOI} and gra{t . | of 'the American Mining Congress, l{mst p_re\'ta}gc(}lggfia;.;S;{;f;tlt(e)xn o;'flc:isoei\i-- Wnttrrnmenemerees mm mm ssainemtecm umss uce anmmens in mrmmentiatbe ind Mitieaaciectenrnee cemccccme mncmecmimmant ent in 1STTAXL * ; ons T '! cense law in the county of Prescott. Your petitioners consider that the I]ISAPPR[}VA[ fll: 'public interests require that an hx~l | vestigation be held in order that itl imay be determined whether such: 9 \charges are founded in fact or not. | Wherefore your petitioners . pra.y! lthat an investization may be directed f to inquire into and report upon the ' B 'administrution of the license law in \tho county of Prescoit, and particu-- | i f Ularly as to the truth or falsity of thel Formal PrOteSt Recelved From tallegations recently made on the floor, . i i * of the Legislative Assembly of this f His Own Constituency _ Province to the effect that graft and | corruption had prevailed therein. And C | !your petitioners, as in duty bound, ts | ishall ever pray, etc. | 'By order and on behalf of the League, Citizens' League of Vankleek Hill and (Signed) A. G. Cheney, President; § T 'kes J. S$. McIntosh, Secretary. West Hawkesbury in Favor of Bar Vankleke Hill, March 2, 1914. Abolition--Also Ask for Investiga-- Ni nanteranionmiangmanieaianans tion Into License Law Enfor('cment' . | esns wWANT MEDICAL INSPECTION. ! The Globe yesterday received copies Doctors Ask its Application to ail of two documents from the Citizens' Ontario Schools. ; League of Vankleek Hill and West With the view of having medical Hawkesbury, Prescott county, deal--| Inspection in schools extended to the ing with the Kvanturel case. Copiesf whole Province an influential deputa-- * of both havoe also been forwarded tion of phygic.ians waih'ad on Hon. K. o. Hon. :Mtr. Foy: Attorney--G A. Pyrie, Minister of Education, yes-- f y, Attorney--General terday. It was pointed out that the and Acting Premier of the Province. introduction 'of medical inspection in In the first the attitude of the League Toronto schools had been S}I:Ch ansuc- on the abolish--the--bar poli i cess that it would be worth while to Ivy set forth, and t? poHos is Cleat have it applied generally. To make borsi: 8" ie second is a re-- 'the matter workable it was suggest-- quest for an investigation into the | ed that if the inspection is extended charges made by Mr. Evanturel as to | ;as desired, uniform regulations should the administration of the license law | | be adopted for the whole Province. in the county. The documents follow:l | At preseht there were practically no Approve "Abolish the Bar." lregulatwu.\_ governing the matter. Vankleek Hill, Mar. 2, 1914. | sc ~At a mceting of the Citizens' heague for the town of Vankleek Hill and the township of West Hawkes-- % bury, held on the twenty--eighth day | of ssenruary inrst., consideration was | ' given to a statemert which recently appeared in the public press of this Province, and is alleged to have been inauie by Mr. Evanturel, M.P.P., to the effect that the electors of thei county of Prescott approved of his| y (Mr. Evanturel's) opposition to the I A & "aah()llg.h',éll('-I)'JZ'" DOI]C'\' Of tllc Ii'a,dfl'r ; of the Liberal party in Ontario. It was unanimously resolved that 'iir1 I«» h

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