system Aalready, 'and we propose "Col. Belcher was confined to his house spending $350,000 on it this year. We with a cold on the chest and Mr. Elli-- have replaced our steam plant with ( ott asked that a portion of the com-- electric motors in order to give the | mittee be delegated to attend on him custom to the Commission, and we ! and secure his evidence. This was not are not going to take any step which | followed, but Mr. Elliott secured a will jeopardize the Hydro's position ' pledge from the Chairman and Mr. in any way." He declared that the McGarry that they would use their in-- people demand a better street rail-- fluence at the next session to have way system, and would have it; hence the accounts relating to these matters the bill. * referred to next year's committee. The Hon. Adam Beck stated that "I have no doubt if a request were the Commission is safeguarded by made in the House that it would be the bill, but the citizens must bc' | permitted," remarked Mr. Ferguson. given an opportunity to deal intelli--| |___"I will be glad to use my influence gently with it. "If you violate t.he| | to support such a proposal," said Mr. municipal act by combining the pro-- | McGarry positions, you create a dangerous ! '___._..__._.__.:.___; precedent," he declared. "I am in hok favor of your spending more money j on the one project, but I am absolute-' RY M ' ly opposed to the other. Divide them and allow the people to vote on what | they like." »HH The question of giving the city of Toronto permission to negoti-- ate for the purchase of the 'I'or.ontnl es | Street Radil\vay was then submitted | ts | and passed. 4 ; I s | Reforms in Four Measures De-- 9 | s A MR. M i nied the Province | noemnree s ho rngnine eradoncs DECLINES TO EXPLAIN ' THREE DivisioNs In Day Will Not Make Public Ci -- h ' | ake b C CIrcum Dr. McQueen Seeks in Vain the Ap-' stances as to Setflement pointment of a Non--partisan ('ivili bervice ('ommission--(;m-(-rnmcnt' S ttores Declines Safeguard to Marriage. _ Wants Evidence of Sothman, de Muralt : and Engh, but Public Accounts Committee Rejects the Proposal-- "Like chaff before the wind" four» Col. Belcher to be Heard Later teen Liberal amendments fell in the % & § C § Legislature yesterday afternoon. They called for changes to the mar-- } riage act, the assessment act, the vot-- ll At the final sitting of the Public ers' list act and the mumcipal act.| iAcconms Committee yesterday Mr. | So prolific were members of the Up-- | N. W. Rowell conducted a further ex-- position that Conservatives grew im--! amination into the tenders for thel patient towards evening, and cries of| high tension transmission line of the | "Next, next," were heard before the | 1 Hydro--electric Power Commission. ; steam--roller had passed over the one| Mr. E. H. McGuigan of the McGui-- before the House . During the after-' gan Construction Company testified noon there were three divisions. The! that the unit tender of the Muralt first was on Dr. McQueen's motion | Company, to whom the work was sub-- to amend the civil service act by pro-- ; sequently sublet, was $108,000 less viding for the creation of a non--par-- ' than the tendgr of the Mert_'xr-Ruck- _ tisan Civil Service Commussion with ._ _ aber--Fraser Company, which was | used as the basis of comparison. | adequate powers, and that all ap--| Mr. McGuigan declined to give any pointments and promotions in the; further iqformation regarding his public service, where practicable, dealings with Muralt until the litiga-- $ should be by merit after suitable com--! tion over the settlement of the ac-- j count was disposed of. ; petitive examination. The vote stood "I want to ask you again," said Mr. seventeen for and sixty--four against. Rowe}l. "if during the progress of the On the assessment amendments the 3:3;0';"3"3';1':0&3;{;';? ta}:eaHse;uemlem divisions were 17--64 and 18--61. pr. gains ydro--elec-- P is tric Power Commission you said if McQueen's amendment to the mar you did not get a settlement you riage act was rejected, and Hon. Mr. would expose something ?" Hanna moved that the act become law "I decline to answer that.'" on May 15, 1913, whica carried. Wants Evidence Secured. What Amendments Asked. | Before the committee adijourned The Liberal amendments to which Mr. J. C. Elliott (West Middlesex) the Government refused to lend a pa-- presented a motion that in view of tient ear, let alone consideration, pro-- the evidence that had been adduced vided as follows:---- it was desirable that the committee Issuers of marriage licenses who have recommend to the House that a com-- reas(l:ln ti;o beliiege thntieithor of thic;"p::rtiies i ; to the intended marriage is an 0t, in-- fiission meue t6 tfake the e\ldence of sane, epileptic or imbecile, shall require ' Mr. P. W. Sothman, Mr. C. L. de Mur-- ® certificate the applicants to produce a certificate 1 > alt and J. Engh, -- but the proposal from a duly qualified medical practi-- | ' was rejected on the ground that the tioner to the effect that the parties so sus-- motion recited a set of facts that con-- pecoted are fit to be married. jfi stituted an argument, and reflected l § Thf:hcreflfl% of "fbom'(imogu;?giStr?tilO; o s or e purpose of preparing, revisin upon the memberg of the Hydro--elec and giving effect to the voters' lists in ter-! tric Povger Commission. ritories without municipal organization | Mr. Elliott contended that the rea-- and with power to appoint in each elec--' sons given in his motion for the is-- %)oral district a.; mlany ';!ntumerators as ma,s;; of the commission had bee lac-- e necessary, the boardl to be composed 6 i Here at the s ESesLCHE o the the district Judge, the Clerk of the Dis. Chai trict Court and the Registrar of Deeds for I T cwanr f the district. I want to give my hearty support The taking away from corporations the to the motion," said Mr. C. M. Bow-- right to vote on money by--laws. man (North Bruce). "I think the facts Increase in the amount of income ex-- disclosed. before this committe war-- e"j&:gsggl'l': g'}"}:';&'- feat. propert® aud rant thie posi(;ionb:tat};'en biy Mr. Elliott_. real estate at its actlfal value; assessment There is no dou e witnesses men of income and improvements at a percent-- tioned in the motion could give valu-- age of their value. is able evidence in connection with this Relieft for the farmers, stock--raisoers and { matter." market gardeners ~of northern Ontnrlo' Some discussion arose over the at-- f"',i,'gatmlxn"égg[,OC"ti i'"l'r;'t'l'e"tlf"t"i'- , } « s e on with 1e land grant tendance of Lieutenant--Col. Belche}'. to the Canadian Nortbhern Railway the | who was summoned at Mr. Elliott's company shall be compelied to place at | Instance two weeks ago. A physician's least 500 male settlers per year for five icertificate was produced showing that years on the land in question and at least p // x