Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Apr 1913, p. 5

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TCy # * e * ' Legislature Decides Light and Railway Properties Must be, Bought Separately--Mayor Fears Opponents to l ® * § T. E. L. Purchase Will Spoil All ' ' $ kA By a vote of 22 to 9 the PrivateyCompany?" asked the Hon. Adam :2 B Bills Committee of the Legislature| Beck. 3 f y decided yesterday that the purchase|City Has the Skim Milk. * 3 5 of the Toronto Street Railway and| "we have had all kinds of trouble," C ~al k ', the Toronto Electric Light mast be|was the reply, '"and if the city can | : brought about separately, if at all. | Ret th(;) monopotly of "%ht slupply it | hy Later in the day the measure came uP | Foryioy." K1 present we have only p a in the Legislature and was passed. the skim milk of the business to be p a The vote thus taken was really on |Obtained in this city, but we prefer to (f s p . 3 control it all." " $ \ f[,he qtuostlon .m. gi\itng t.het-mtty fof Mr. Crawford--The Ontario Gov-- i . 4 oronto permission to negotia .e Or| ernment is always ready and willing f § the purchase of the street railway,| to consider the city's business. Y ou f f because the majority of the commit:-- t;e"le Witht Mackenzie & Mann and [ § h s s i en come to us. $ j ) ; tee were of the opin.not'x that th.e' city Mayor Hocken--Toronto must get 4 < i already has authority to purchase}p, power to purchase as a prelimin-- § > the electric light interests. The mat--| ary. I have a statement from Sir 3 ='[ f 4 ter will now have to be submitted to| William l\vlailcken:;ie that he would io d COFE ; ro sections, or by. | Sell, which is confirmed by a cable. 3A 8 $ the electorate in iwo Section 199 Mr. Crawford--I was in the City } | t gg [ laws. Council once, and unless you get a . ,g-, P \ Mayor Hocken explained that Sirlsigned agreement first you will get | K. William Mackenzie has stated that| left. | J o \ 3 he would not sell one without the| Will Obscure Advantages. i es A , other, and if the people vote only fO"|~ yayor Hocken--I am firmly con-- & vaok the railway, the whole scheme will| vinced that the advantages of this' . 4 drop through. '"We have a chance purchase will be obscured by the op-- n +Ct to purchase these concerns which wejbonents of the proposition, who will' 'li f will not have a year from now, and|fight the purchase of the T.E.L. 'I'hisl * ?f'jg%if-kw" e thatis why we come to you at this will spoil the chances of purchasing| t e 3. C . hour," said he. "It is imperative| the railway. | > that you allow us to submit one by-- Mr. Crawford--Can you expect a law only, as the exigencies of the situ-- g'mnmittoe of this Mouse to legislate A_. e ation call for it." lln al mazner that will affect .your . ud egal and moral positi ith © | oe * One Point for Legislature. Ugdro? position with _ (he | oX "So far as the bill is concerned, the Mayor Hocken--Tme bill says that 1 . \wi t s only portion which affects the Legis-- )\;e must satisfy the Commission first. U t s $ lature is: Will it hurt the other muni-- | Toronto has made more sacrifices for _ ;' P cipalities which have an agreement the. Hydro than any other munici-- d es with the Hydro--electric Commission?" | pality in the Province. %e : E declared W. K. McNaught, M.P.P., Chairman Lucas--We are aware of 1 i. father of the bill. "If it did hurt|the clause which protects the Hydro. ols /. would not be here to sup-- Aro Mn« in | 3 % ;};et:'r'nnl 17 1 tnought it was a breach Hydro Must Spend Millions. -- Te - of faith I would be the last person in At this point there was consider--| [ s d t Ontario to ask you to pass on it.. able discussion as to why the bills| | . w "The Ontario_ Power Commission | should not be divided. Mayor Hock-- i "~ must approve of the contract, and| en stated that Sir William Mackenzie therefore its interests are safeguHFd' had been approached through some o ed. _ A previous bill was passed which" | inf@uential financial wen, on his (the .. e did give the city power to purchas®] yyayor's) initiative, because he Saw the Toronto Electric Light, but tD€l ns absolute need of Toronto control-- conditions are different now. "B°| ling the transportation -- facilities of "'ifi awners will not sell one without 't'he the city. '"'We must spend at least other; that's what brings us her'e'- cd nine million dollars as soon as pos-- 'Should we vote on the ;,"""" sible,"" said. he, "and this does not [ »DI'OD(;)SmOf"S-Cr:}:'\"i'](L Mr. erg48°" | pjiminate the double fares. The | member or tLrenviilie. Hydro will have to spend $2,000,000 | .{}i h: "Yes, the agreement must be cnm; in the near future, and the purchase| [ * A ol bined. I have seen the agr®eM®N!| of the T.E.L. will save it. Let us -- ai d purchase price, and everything X'y5 y i 7 ; waees and p Th a i idea. of the bil send the whole thing to the people [ o . s is all right, and Lic e the| in one by--law and explain the advan-- w w is that the citizens should have t i: a disadvant § a th 6 3 fullest acquaintance of the facts. [ | lages and aisadvantages, an C Cage ' o r bbi people will decide. We are not going 18 ~ f tel! you that if is no Sm;':k -'{3 ml.?ig; to force anything on them. The «} [*% f 3t ;;n';:erf%(}]t(t);n;;ear(«::;(%vgn,rodve :?sked: Toronto Electric Light Company will l "Would it not be better if you went| NOt acl,l\l\onwrg;dt\galbf;x,wlres underneath | y . T 9e > parties and obtained an agree-- | 0 j ays. o fl "i'g },';eme S.den come to us for confirma-- Hon,. Adam Beckw\\hf;t do you [ % tion? There bhas been no offer. You want that $2,000,000 for ? a:»;» seem to be beating abc.u'lt t'he bush. 1 Have Only a Few Thousands. | © +3 have read an interview with the j 'f manager of the concerns, and he says Mayor Hocken--We have a very [ is 'it is up to the city.' Where is the of-- | small amount of capital left, only a fer in that?" few thousand dollars, and if we are s to increase the service we must have B cs} -- Offer is Made., more. s o. ~ e Mr. McNaught--The offer has been| The continued interruptions of the made. Mayor's speech by Hon. Adam Beck | s Mr. Crawford--Has a price been|brought forth a call to order from . h stated ? Chairman I. B. Lucas. t . .. ' Mr. McNaught--I understand that Mr. G. H. Gooderham, M.P.P., de-- 1| ~ en e the price has been quoted at so mucih| clared that he was not wholly against \ * . % per company. the scheme, but thought the promot-- ' i -- ie' 4 Mr. T. W. McGarry, member for| ers were putting the cart before the i' J South Renfrew, asked why the Mayor| horse. He was for the purchase of . & wanted them bound together, and Mr.| the Toronto Street Railway, but not B & McNaught reiterated his statement| the Toronto Electric Light. "I have TE that the sellers wouldn't divide them.| been told that the T.S.R. and the e . Mr. Ferguson--If the electors say | T.E.L. were backing the Niagara 1 . ~ B 'no' to one of the propositions, will| Power Company's bonds in London, 1 :# the proposition drop through ? and if this is the sort of complica-- g Mr. McNaught--Yes. tions you are up against what will 1,:1';;? Mayor Hocken--This is an excel--| happen when the franchise falls into t lent opportunity for Toronto to clear| the hands of the city in 1921?" ' up her corporation difficulties at the f fln war 4 p?esent time, and if it is deferred for Demand for Railway Service. i a year the city will lose it. We have "If there is not good ground for « nb i had considerable trouble with the rail-- | our request, then we will withdraw way company and the Toronto Electric]|it," interjected Controller McCarthy.! + M Light Company. "I assure you that we won't deal '€ "What kind of trouble have »you| lightly with the Hydro. There is had with the Toronto Electric Light]| $5,000,000 of our money in the city y »

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