As Sir James Whiimgx row in reply to the vlmrm- u burst of applause vunn- from thc c'onsorvativ" lwnvhvs which was "(manned for snmv mimm-s and mm- ly broke out in luml rshtust's. Tho Premier asked tirst that thr (-hurgv of Mr. Proudl'mn lw [vim-ml in the custody of the t'lm-k of tho "muse. "Of course this is "n impnrtnnt mut- ter." tho Premier Wont, nn. "Una often tituis in this world. um- mums some good peuplv, and uno- moms abandoned wretc-hns of the worst Upo, without all ."(ll,\'t' ul' tit-m-IH'X, fair play and ss-lI'q-vspu-t." "Tho Houst- has the the hon. grutlnmnn. foot. Ire c-xmwtv" to, holim'u that t ruptly with referent-r wt " flat. Did he Hits It is not another hon. .ur'tt lluuse or thew is "at who knows m" in the Sir .htrurrud liiltvr IM-niul. This was mvruly " suiiluquy. monted Sir James. mhh'osw-ll lo who might lw Iistvning. James. ' And again when) the l that Sir James Pliny WI "illegally. vm'ruplly and caused the issue of llw fin Hero Sir James I'Q'IN'HUN ly false." "Mario who would risk surh " state- mont? (Laud applunsout "Tho hon. gontlvnmn. :cl'wg- con- siderahlv vogitutiun. has linnll)' taken tho plunge. and now this mutter will he followed In its "rid." ft'heers.1 With this brim introduction Mr. T'roiulfoot prom-Him] to ri-ud tho tur- mui Chaim). Thorn we'ro only two in- terruptions. and these " Sir James Whitney. Tho tirst was nth In- made thv slutmnont that "ll the mut- tm's had boon laid hel'nrn the l'rinw Minister I'vg'nrding tln- wanting of the flat. ' "Absolutely false." ('Hlnlilf'illml Sir Ion caug'animl by l "tttttttit um. position I took, unconsciously, in what I said the day before .vestsaruay." Continuing, Sir James Said .with reference to the vhurgv; "He (Mr, Proudfoot) will haw: tum time. hav- ing taken the grave responsibility of declaring that he believes the charge --ot which I do not believe he has a shadow of proof-rm). against a man in my position. _uttd my colleague here. He has taken that vesponsi- hility and ho will g0 through with it." (Applause) to investigate the matter be- fore the Public Accounts Committee, he said, but that had not been per- mitted by the nmjurity._and deferred to their opinion that t.ltrs House was the proper HUNT to lay his t'hargvs. "I did not want to brim: the malh'r up here. but, wnntvd tho comtuittrse lo deal fully 'witlt lhc- qlwsticms involv- cd. but. {ruling thut I had nu niht-r recourse. and fouling Hun lhw mutter is. one which, in Itl.i opinion, shnnld he dealt with, I 1lrsirrt lo rltsrtl:u;.ti it here. it." (Applause) Wary of thr uhsum-gnuf a direct denial being tnisconstruod, Sir James declared "more is not mu- atom of truth In these charges. (Loud Con- _ (Continued [mm Page: l, Col. S remim' wont on. "c mo in this world. 'rlih. NIP-('15 peuplw, and on" moms wretrhns of the worst ; the sl.umm-nl ot mm. \Ir. Prund- 1"" tho House , :u-tml vor- m-r to the issuing ltit' Man that {hm-o . .ur'tttl'uttun in this nut .mnthor mun l'mvim'n of suvh a state- 'h:.ruv I't-n little)" lrn ilnlu'uw-rl) htuts. Tho thr chiir,vio "ul in the 1lssolutp vuln- those mud hard Sir James 1-xpluinwl Hm not used the remark with to Mr. Prundfuut. "T) worthy ol' the low and iun of the mun who oviviinatct thenv, lteuvy----utldiriu. " hon. frimul (Mr. Howell) nearly of the sumo opinion ('mnmiltw on Privilvg'vs tions, with full mum-1' to and (-xumino witnesses I mvnts. and the committm during any adjournment ml while the (harm's 1verc' In Hanna Welrorttes lnuuirv. Sir Jnrm-s then nu mvnt that tho chum Mr. Prouut'oot lm r0 tho: tan-t." he ZISSVI'N'IL "and, sir, hat me an}. and I say it in (Il'tlt'l' that it may nut go nut to-mnrt'nw that l have sat silent in this Ilnusv "ht-n any t'laarge was mudc- against me pvt'smr ally or against me in my public ('llr'F'C1' in this l'rnvillt'n (if f)ntario, that I did tint at that 'tinte say one wot-U. (mv week :tgu if anymw had said to Itle that thott was a charge against "10 personally or against my "Ulldlll'i in my dwnn-tmont T would sorvative applause.) They are worthy of the low and ignnhlu mind of the mun who has put thvm out iwrnro the Publie." , "ls that vurlitoentury lungllugv'." asked Dr McQueen. und Mr. Howell ruse to ask the Speaker ir such F'N- In'ossiuns wmuld lH' w'rmiltwl. Did Not Itvikw 10 Mr. l'rmullnul. I'Mury (-nuld gm ( vaukvr." " [want lmws, "I NSF to I and this IjoNintu, (Hip mmm-nt shirk _ 9310 nth-s of th tustttruvr.l wolvumv' are making lhvsu (-hux'gms 'hrough with what thr'y I shall mukv till uh: qualilh'atiun ttr' rvsm'vntit am through Ihvro will m of minu that will I'Nlcwl an my lmnm' or intvgrit runle-t of my dopm'lnw puhlic lifn in this l'rnvh I will he mmvm to loan" nut-m of "rot'Y fair-mir this l'rmuu-e." will» it lilm-kmuil Mr. Howell fulluwvd. "I submit, Mr. Summer." ho hogan. "that having ro- tram) to the position of this important mattt'r and in the intvrest of all pur- ties concerned it would he holler that the mutt?!" should lu- dealt with by the matter should ho dealt with by " commission of twn Judgvs of tho 'StHrtintt' ("MINCE 1t'rics of Nh'. no.') TIW, Liberal loudor [minted nut that. the Judges would be nmmiutml by tite, Lieutenant-Governor upon the I'N'unh nwnt tn-night to the Hons Hon. Mr. Hanna in conclusion Mr. Itowtsit Asks SDN'iul Cottttuirsiou. Th" :Ipplnn James "hon l r'quullmi only Hon. 1lv. HM to mukv " st: minuh what the ( the hon. gmlllvl hurgos did 1101 k: "wt." he "SM-110d "hit-01mm Inquiry 1mm- which n hv ruse ly by tho ttV, Hzmna whvn stntmnr-nl. luro- the l' SN PM: suvhm'gms to-d, what thry haw- till unswvl' . rosorx'nliun. , pro will not he All lt . Hnlnm dH'lul'Pd c "hluclirtaail." that "k'll'd to for upwards half, hm ltts knvw Pnllvmvn who made 101 know. "That is u-I'tm], "and, sir, let it im 'tmvnl. ttr' nn my I'M'im-v; and this "'r1N'6' to thv jung- -mindvd man in )\'('(l hvurlng. "My. in 1iispussiottst) unw- this Hons." al I 'lo lint 1hr!" ansLigutinn un- llnusw. ()n tho Whon thus.» who vml his unwnd- 'H proforma by erred to the h gl'vvu'd Si] to spot) "351 {Minn uvvnrdt-d n In» prm'eedm} II si orlnt that luv lmd ith I-ul'cl-u-lwe "l'he-y were immhlc mind Med theirs"----. " think my II) is Iriu'tt.y in a n .V way . trl' on thy t, ()l' n!) my 'r',' and this um! Elec- investigate nd docu- mi,Tht sit tho House forts it. ll us withnu Wlum tttlt' 2". SUN] _h't't, "WI l' SH)