THE oProMETRES'rS' ASSOCIATION WANTS BILL FOR A COMPUL- SORY LICENSE. i ._______ Local optometrists waited upon Hon. Dr. Pyne and Hon. 1. B. Lucas at the Parliament buildings yester- day morning, asking that those prac- tising their profession be brought un- der the control of the Department of Education, and that a bill which they have submitted be passed by the Legislature making it compulsory for all practising optometrists in Ontario to obtain a license. It was pointed out that such legislation was in force in Quebec and Manitoba, and that it was illegal in those Provinces to prac- tise optometry without a license is- sued by the Association of Opto- metry. Dr. Pyne suggested that the opto- metrists had really at their disposal the machinery of the University of Toronto to educate these men for their profession and issue to them certificates of qualification. Hon. Mr. Lucas said: "This looks like what some newspapers call a close' corporation. You are starting in with organization without having the means of turning out Opticians." l Mr. W. R. Carvell acted as spokes-4 man for the deputation, which was introduced by Mr. E. IV. J. Owens, M.P.P. A letter was read by Mr. Carvell trom the Retail Merchants' Associa- tion of Toronto, and addressed to the Legislature, asking that the legisla- tion sought by the optometrists be not granted. I =-"r-'T-"e'y-"d.=.ere.'L='.=rc't'er.