es e ~~Frecdognized the!importance _ in i~ Haun« Gives way.. . 3L_ -- f mnmn' of the kind in leaving !Mr. m m m "';7 ae-- it to the married woman herself to \__The next "'g"fl'"'! A comply . with say if she wanted her husband to . claring that failure to ding one vote on the property. the provistons 0f the, Pretednination "Such a clause is already prepared shall not invalidate the no!!:1 ced to amend the election act by a mem-- after it has been received an awas ber of this House," samid Mr. Hanna, \ upon by the Returning Officer, _ 2C weferring to the Macdiarmid bill. "I abandoned by Hon. Mr. HanN¥ 8° 7. think that clause gives to every mar-- f \some argument. R. H. Eilber (C"' raey 4 ried woman the option to vyote on Huron) and W. Proudfaot (Cen her own property if she as prepared HMuron) led the attack. fed to exercise it," explained Mr. Hanna. | __J. J. Preston of East PDurham t!l" Mr. Rowell remarked that Mr. |\ hard to have the subsection dea n]% Hanna's argument had no relation to with resignations and declarations &A qualifications of the municipal act. tered. At present candidates in ur.bffl; Mr. Hauna replied that the pro-- | municipalities had to file declaration posal would involve a considerable | as to their qualifications, s t'l}e departure from the municipal act, and l townships it works the other way. NO the matter would have to be dealt declaration as to qualifications is NC~ with in a sep@rate bill and incorpor-- cessary, but the man who is nominat-- ated with the revised act after it had ed and does not desire to run for of-- ; passed out of the committee stage. fice must file his resignation. Mr. Rowell, on the other hand, "But the man who intends to run thought that similar radical changes will be at the meeting any way," said were being made in bills sent from | Mr. Preston the Statute Revision -- Commission,| | f;'ir .I;ime.;s Whitney contributed to and the House had before it the very} 'thp' di-:oussAion with 'a humorous de-- section that would bring about thei| $# "t'" hat the man who was change Gesired. . The clause \\'uuldl elaration . HLal ' itizens when not disqualify married men from hold-- honored by his fellow C rillin ing office on property that stood in not at the meeting shou!d a on a 4 their wife's name, as that principle to pay for that honbr like _filipg NC might be dealit with in subsequent sec-- | claration of his qualifications. tions of the act. But the Provincial Secretary ('0;""1 not see the need of a change in the Put Husband on "Indian List." present law, and his "carried" put an The Opposition _ leader persistodl end to the discussion. that so long as the act remained as f A }t was there was no power to al-- The Settler Suffering. ow a married woman to vote. It o ce a~-- would be quite possible to deal with CppaRihe ie a b?x()u;{ '?(.'(g_flmodgl the qualifications of husband to hold tion on the T. & N. l pal .mjm o office on property owned by his wife the subject of an exchange of views later, but the effect of the Govern-- on the floor of the House when the ment's proposal was to do away with orders of the day were called yes-- the right of a husband to vote by terday afternoon. giving notice to the assessor, and put Mr. Rowell called the attention of him on the "Indian list." On the the Government to a telegram that other hand, it would be better to re-- he had received from -- Matheson, peal the clause and allow married which read: 'Settlers are in a serious women to vote, unless notice was condition for want of box cars, Thou-- ot'.herwlse given that the husband |sands of cords of pulp--wood in bush would 'represent the .property. In 'and on siding. Over eight thousand cases where both husband and wife cords to ship, only a few are delivered were joint owners, the same _ rule As hy im n (, ctR; ; s mpigad y o daily. Can you do anything to bring could apply as where a farmer and bef he H 7" (S1 d) D his son owned the same property o p . the House?" (Gigned) O jointly, and if it was of su!'fl(-ionbt JORHSO_n. j value, both would be entitled to vote. It is a rather strange thing and Mr. Elliott called for the yeas and a matter to be regretted that the nays, but the motion was lost on a di--| very earnest correspondent of the vision . ' hon. gentleman did not think it fit ¥ 3 I to make fnquiry from the proper To Change Nomination Day, | '(marter, rather than bring it up in a Another attempt was made to have | | political way on the floor of this . nomination day in municipal contests iHnuse," commented Sir James Whit-- fixed a fortnight earlier in order to| i ney. remove the of. civie strife from | "I am sorry the Prime Minister the peaceful ('hrlstmas season. wW, | takes that view," said Mr. Rowell. McDonald Uf.( entre Bruce suggested | "Perhaps my hon. friend seeing that the chftnge when the nqmmat.wn sec.--| there is no election pending may con-- tions came up for consideration, and | sider that there need be no reply to much to his surprise found Sir James: the telegram." * Whitney agreeing with him. The | ' Te Yaus ol hpt ntavaa. j 6 & | Before adjournment Hon. J. O. Prime Minister declared that it was| Re: lied by reading With' a great deal of hesitation thai| ieaume replie $ y reading a letter| he put his opinion against that of thei from_the T. &' N. o. Commission igoed majority of the House and the people |mammg the cause of the shortage in | "But I still hold the opinion-- '\\it'ha. box cars at Matheson. The letter sug--| good deal of timidity of ecourse--that .;:'osted that th'e complainant should a more inconvenient choice could not inguire from. his empial on e S easily have been made. Still as we geon Falls Pulp and Paper Co., for ; live in a democratic country I am the case. The company failed to un-- prepared to cheerfully give way and load cars as they were delivered by| support the proposition as it is here the C.P.R. and' demurrage was in-l and has l)o'en in the past." curred. The result was that the C.P.R. The section was passed unchanged. several times during the past two .An importunt concession to the months had been ohbliged to place an criticism of private members was! embargo on shipments from the T. &l made when the section dealing with N. O. to that Company with the result the making of nominations in writing that loads were not taken off their was taken up. It was suggested that 'hands. there was a loss from the in-- the mover and seconder of a nomina-- activity of locomotives, and annoy-- ;i;;nzl:g:}]c: be presgm- ddlt'ina"y-V;n ance with the C.P.R. at North Bay was made adding: "Who & ic c rea. _ !shall be present at the meeting." bfiia'w.'jli ?i_fiimm ea.. !