Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Apr 1909, p. 2

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7' ,V _.'~ nun-IV... llln by-law would also have to be tsubmit.. ted to tho people at the annual mu- nicipal election. and the bill provid- ed that no employee of any company giving a Sunday car service should work more than six days a Week of ten hours o-ach. Hon. A. G. MacKay-The taking of Pe census is merely a precautinnnmr a majority of the vieotors qualified to vote at municipal elections had voted in the attirmative, The question. how- ever. should not be submitted to the electors until after tho Lieut.-uovex- nor in Council had declared that the population was over 50,000. and bo.. fore that was dorm a special census might be required to be taken 'mm Mr. D. J. McDougal (East Ottawa) advocated a sliding salo of duty under which disputes on ostatos within tho assossmont zono would be obviated. If, ho pointed out, tho estate Wore valued at $4'J,000 it paid no duty; if. on tho othor hand. it Wore valued at $50.000, it paid duty on the whole amount. Ho swgp,vsttul that the $50,000 be oxomptod and all (nor that amount bu assessed on n largor sliding scale. The Provincial Troasuror smilingly shook his head. "It would causo a big falling oft in roVonuo." he oh- served. Still the suggostions would subsequently be considered by tho Government. Mon. Mr. MaoKay's Bill. Mr. McDouguI thought tho invas- ure a step in tho right din-mien. but on the understanding that the whole question would ho taken up next ses- sion he consented to the withdrawal of the measure. Hon. A. G. Mackay oxnlainml at length his hill to amend tlw Division Court act. The Premier usloul that the bill should he. withdrawn. Hr) felt that it would 1w at le-ast wiry- to see what would he thv rosult of the increase of jurisdiction givvn to county and district mung undrr the Government? law reform moasurv. Personally ho was of opinion that there was no desire on the part of the people to have the jurisdiction of the Division Court inct'mlsml, as tht, bill suggested, for it always followed that when jurisdiction was itu-rvam-d the cost of litigation also incrvasml. He thought it would be wrll to lot the bill stand ovor until next Sos- sion. been svvoral moasurns brought for- ward dcallng with Sunday cars. The city of London dcsh'cd to have Sun- day cars within tho, limits of the city, and Port Arthur and Fort Wil- liam (lcsircd similar privileges. Tho Southwestern Traction Company also desired to run cars from London to Port Stanlc); but with that the Gov- cl'nmcnt could not sm- its way clout. to agrm'. Tho Government did think. howow-r. that in rcgard to tho question of cars running in cities on Sunday it would be better to introduce a public bill amending the law than to haw: a private bill for each place. The bill that he now introduced providvd that Sunday a" services might ho ostablishnd in cit- ies of oyor yyo in population after _Among the legal mr-mlwrs of tho House a loarnml discussion tank place with rug-(1rd to tht- proposal ol' Mr. I. B. Lucas" hi" to makn- a class of f'X-"Hit'il' lwnt-hvg'rs for thv Law Society. opinion was c-vcnly divided as to the nwrits ur tlmno'rits Ist" thr, moasnrv. and it was givon a twelw months' hoist in ordor that tho pru- fvssion might more fully consider tlu- whole proposition. The Sunday Car (gm-snout. "More tho [mgislaturo arljnurnml for dinner tho Ptimirt. made what practically amounted to a declaration of policy with rogard to tlw Sunday oar nuostion. Sir James in introduc- ing a hill to amvnd the railway act reminded tho House that boron: tho Private Bills Committee there had Hon. A. G. MacKay oxprrssed tho hope that the increased revenue thu'4 secured would enable tho Gowrnmont to relieve small estates loft to brothers or sisters in the family. Ho instanvml a. bequest of $10,000 to a sish-r. His Urged the Government to put such family bequests on the same status as a. lineal bequest. latter was madam committee unuer which the superintendent is denied a Vote upon any question. The Succession Duties. Hon. Mr. Matheson's amendment to the law relating to the payment of Succession duty occasioned sump dis- cussion. It provided, as previously indicated in The Globe, an increase of duty when largo bequests are giv- en_to single individuals. m .. Tiyomrhittiro, unge'i' The taking of precautionary In the Public Accounts Committee yesterday morning Mr. D. C. Ross, the Liberal member for North Middlesex, asked that the com- mittee should be supplied with some information in regard to the expendi- ture last year at the Rondeau Provin- cial Park. The total expenditure. as shown in the public acCounts,amounts to $7,1ys2.'i'6,hut of that amount $4,815 is for the erection of a dock. The Lilr. eral members of the committee regard this cxpenditurn as being excessive, and are. therefore, asking for an ex- planation. At the next meeting of the (-nmmittee. which has been called for Tuesday morning. Mr. T. w. Gibson. Deputy Minister of Mines, will be. ex- amined in regard to the expenditures in connection with the Provincial mine on the Gillies Limit. measure ? V Sir James Whitney-Yom The bill was read a first time. The Public Accounts Committee. LAND AND MONEY N BUILD ROADS. Four New Subsidies and Three Renewals Proposed. THE PREMIER'S STATEMENT Many Railways to Secure Assistance From the province-Ontario to Appoint Royal Commission to In- vestigate Milk Problem-Dieu' Pro- vim-ial Loan. Mammoth Gifts to Open Up the North Land. Before the Iwgislature adjourned last night Sir James Whitney intro- duced not only the bill under which tho land grant of two million acres is to he made to the. Canadian North- vrn Railway in regard to the con- struction of the line from Sellwood through the clay belt to Fort William, hut also the renewals of grants to the Algoma Central, the Central Ontario, and other lines of railway. In introducing the Canadian North- ern Railway hill tho Premier recited the, conditions on which the grant was made and its terms, which were the same as he had already outlined, to the House. The railway is to 2iil eeive a land grant of five hundred acres a mile in alternate blocks oil one township nine miles square, any "cficiency in the acreage to be made up as the. Lieutenant-Governor inl Council 'might direct. "The work ot) construction of the said line of rail-I way shall be commenced within one: year of the passing of this act, shall proceed with the utmost despatch and: shall he completed by the 31st of Dec-; ember. 1913, unless prevented by!' causes beyond the comptuty's control,.' in which case the Lieutenant-Gotrer- nor in Council may grant such ex- tension as he may deem advisable for the period of the said delay." May be Future Changes. The lands are to be sold at such time, under such conditions and at such price as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall order from time to time. "I desire to say here," said the Premier, "that possibly this section may have to be changed before we ask the hill to be passed finally, because it is of the utmost importance that we f]..t.trt guard the interests of the Pro- Foe "'0 Alamina Central. Tho Premier also introduced a bill r..- sptscting tho Algoma Central & Hud- _srrn's Bay Railway Company. Its oh- .h-c't was to tht'lld the charter and {want which was made a number of WHY-5' ago. The extension provided for Was to the 3lst December, 1911. Tho House would remember that the rail-i le.?!?,,' was constructed for a distance-m ,seventy miles and graded for one ly Itired miles moro in a mirthorly dint-- ition from Sault Sto. Mario: lhn 4'Hlldl_ .tions on which the (-xtonsinn would .1C granted Wore that tho Lalo.- Mun-'I'wr Corporation on the oxtonslun and hot- torment of their suhsidiory minimum. expend $1,500.000 by tho Mst "l' TM cun- ber. 1910; that tho railway mmpmn' lar, gins survey. cxploration and 1urt,isctt",lr'- tion work before lst May, Will. :Hul from that diltt" on spends $51M" J) month until the main lino and in? Michipicoten branch woro completed. Tho. Crown reserved the right to own 1.439.000 acres of land along tho lino of railway for settlement and m'osprvtmn.' All minerals. with tho 's.Ncr'ption in iron, coal and niokol. hoing hold by tho lGovernment as the property ol tho rail- 'way company. to ho handml'oy-Jr to them at tho completion of 1i1Cll' run: tract, providing they live up l IC' agreement. The crown also has Ill; right to permit settlers to go ',.l.r"1.l1, f, L 1land and to accept money for the sci-n.- such money to be paid over to tho rm?- nany when they have complied with the Iterms embodied in the act. _ {Extension to Central Ontario. Vince imrrMrtMfttiiir"tti' "hetm lands. and, it is Just as, important that we safeguard the interests of the com- pany: and when it is said that the lands shall be strtd under such condi- tions as the Lieutenant-Governor shall direct, it must not be undPrstnod that after an order in Council has been passed fixing tho mmditions; a future order in Council may no nassm] varying the terms. Wo will do no- thing of that kind, because it Would not be fair." - The lands. Sir James further ox- ulained. would ho granted in foe simple, the Crown reserving all min- m~nls and pine timber. saw jack Dino, on land not suitable for agri- r'ulturea and also such timber as: shall ho actually necessary for bridge work and other construction. On land tit for ugrir-ulturo tho setth-r should haw the right to nut and use such timber, not rosr'rvod by tho Crown. for buildings and fonttos. Altorations, hp explained. might also he marln in 'hcsh provisions in ordor to make than more explicit. In tho bill was itworporatotl the Government's :rmc. mont with tho G. T. P., and provi- sion was math» for the survey of all :msurvoyod land by the Crown Lands Ttopal-tment. 1Vhero any block of land includes land alrvady taken up by settlers such land will not ho in- rludml in the grant to tho vompam'. tht, deficiency being made up vlse- whoro. The 'Premirt---Betweeti three hun- mlrrad and thch hundred and fifty miles. Tho lino is shown on the map filed with tho department. and which I showod in the House the other day. Thi- bill having received its first reading. tho Promior then intrnduoed a bill rt'spuctintr the Manitoulin & North Shore- Railway. This. he ex- plained. was the case in which he nonaidprt'd tho Govt?rnmont warp just- itied in departing from their usual policy of not making subsidies. and in making a substantial grant in order that tho pcoplc of Manitoulin might. harp a road to get out from the island at all times of the year. They proposed to rout-w tho grant math- u fvw yvars ago under which this railway was to he built from Littlo Current to Sudhury. thirteen milcs of which had already boon built. An vxlcnsion would be grant- od under the bill to the that of Do- "embcr. 1911, on condition that the company commenced its survey before tho 1st of May. began construction bc.. fore the lst of July. and Pxprmded $15,000 a month on construction for tht? following six months. and thon 335.000 a month until tho lino was 1'omplriad, A cash 2mm nr (than Railway in the Clay Bell. Ilton. A. G. MacKa.v--Nrhat 'f'ngtlHQf line in the clay belt tumult-tad. A cash grant oCrr,iiiii; would also In: given. In respect to the Central Ontario Railway running north frum Picton, which had already received grant" and to which renewals had been extrno i, it was proposed to again extend the time for the construction of forty miles of the railway, on which only iwrP1t..fs,te had been ébmnleted in the NacKar--What is the -s'isii'ciiied h 3:?

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