Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Mar 1909, p. 1

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,3" - "a, le _ .. .1... 1P5fltr' _ ' vwr ', TT" I T"' , _ . C" . , ' TlliDAtr,""i'iMAWWt6s., . T." I " ' ' , --- ..,._ . . Wrong that they should decrease." There is too much of a tendency on .'", Jq' .1. . . - . . the.. part of Governments-and it ', _.. F ' _ .. . ll applies to this Government. too-to . _ " i l l , allow bills to slip by without due _ q . ' ' consideration." . ----. "Under the circumstances," con- , "-IV CITY'S Bl . , _______-.. , eluded Mr. McGarry. "I would be .CPAVSE' Gtiiiir, D OFLL Mii At I ' remiss in my duty if I did not howl, __ ..' J E . - ' . . . as gracefully as I can." (Laughter --r---- Pro l retap Puts In and a iaus". . V Mial sec y. pp ( ) ( LegltMttrre'ss Committee is Aqrccabte-- ' Empty Document. Prohiblts Lengthy Franchises. f The Clause. Respecting Superans e l Hons Mr. Beck's Government hill? "nation of Police, May be Recon. - _-s-_-ir.----------. l resocctmg certain municipal lly-i'awsi sidered Very Soon. - and agreements was considered in itsi committee stage. The provisions: -_--t-t.---- I CHANGES F0RESHA00WE0. girtohibit J?a1,1CiP/elt",',s,s from entering" The "Old Fort" clause of the To-i Ti o con me S Ot' more than tlt) 'l, _ fi _ T rear without a vote of the [moment ronto bill oceaiioned another battle! ---- ...,..7~__.- The act will apply to waterworks, gas. . before the Legislative Private LUIS: Shh-item. 'lllgh't. nl:,",':", and power com-E Committee yesterday. Mr. J. Fi.! . . " 'ti a " S m or wor<s . r.. " .. _ . resentin the II (st End Government kills Many Bills Mr. H. Ellber (South Huron) askrtrl yfeyy1"ir,re? . .g -d l that an exemption ho made in furor Ratepayers Association, OPPOSC the by Private Members. of police village-s. wltrrre it was im- clause on the ground that a vote of l y,',',",',",,".::,, If,' :akenn vote. This was [the ratepayers should be taken before ""Dl'dSiZN )y '(m. A. G. Maci'- _ I . PV -e .-_- l who pointed out that other L',),".),); it was approved. Major.Collins, on! i 1,'"1"t,,.murht he tlt-tl'irnt-ntany affect- behalf of the Army and Navy Veter-l k Busy tray of Routine in the Legis- 'CI; 'lhe'gt-nei'al principle both mi-m- ans, stated that he had been inform-| Iatttro-otr. McGarrv Ht'ls a ,"ir-) " I's' hill, to h" p,oou. ed by the Manager of the T""""'-"; son in Puttv Discipline -.t-.. "I". An Exception for Brammrd. Railway Company that the railway; . ' , ' Hon. Mr. Heck said that the Gov- did not want to run through the. from] Protttiroot Asks l-urther "N""mL: fir'."////i',?,',t "I'a's manly t'ntnvipt the dif- only to secure an eastern entrant-e,l f . "S l.' u- m rot uction f' . _ ' _ . . . ' Information. f a clause eoveriiii.r the points raiso-'d. which could be arranged bl anotherf - --e_ ._---- I The Minis:yr of Pth-i- also attnrtttnruul route: The Major protested against; -e l 1f//.yyt,e, t/l'/,)tatr',rolgo,n, _/i-l),"",',",":,' tbrmolishing the stocliade. t . . t Po". .\ ' 'e' J .uci Ct '.. . Ed C.tut" i-. lion W. J. Hanna. lil" Prrrvitiiall, March 16. This it s "PF, if ha: It .15 absuld. to Itll/ about" (I I l ' i und i.t( sd, l. a molishmg anything I sau theie. putt se-tUry, inttuulutiu hir, (internment! 'il,")',?".),' Nihillt- atutht- request of Itrant- ir/Sr. Ferguson (G'tinvillc). "There! . . . i.... Ldgh . "I 0" In on." tat tho . '.- -a- . 7 ____. l lull in ill'lit'lltl lilt' littltnll lltt lint (Ht! (THU). illiltit' "d that "cic"1'.'in/',t at". was U" enough there to build a hen- 'rt l ." ' Iww,iu;laturo .hiF' CH'- t': . 't ' D 'r." q . r"..', . -b coop. . . ill. llililh' ll the C'.,'/Cl'1 . TI t" . at." 1(i.t Pouun toinpaiu shall not ht Mr. w. H. Troyln (North Ontario)! .lm, "hen intiiowrtl in H " ctrstl. - .. . . . . ll Mr C' . . c, . . farmed the clause on the giound than tiloln- suiisi-queniiv the ."illlslt'l' r'tiltl . on. . '3 'yihrayy"t. Cm C't'nrrtrnt - ur; 1 rconstiturmcirs Were interest-i '- . 'tlift ml,- hill amending the Burlington Reach .ne_rd d v, ii iiiiti// thou h he ad 7 he was not yet lilt'llilit'll to "I" ' I; . not was put through committee. Cd m the Exh ).1 'mn gthatl tie lic any of its provisions. ll. tittriri- mspitt. tho Dl'tltr-st of Mr. D. Reed herml to {13$}?th \'(ot1' upon it it, . . _ . v. . . . 'ct s s i ., l . Dated the hill "onld i'I'lllaiill blank for (,:1.'yf/,', thl)1"/,,tpg',ttl,/noph/s, claimed "1'ila1'ifi'd Rankin said he favorca) . T , ", - - _ . I" . " . _ some days and li itl-xt .),),_y,"r',.',t /i' was being fairly mg" with. cum l "so eastern"?ngtralngi'qgtiii'tmhrSVictllr'liygfrg. forthcoming nuti ii" yirA'1t I "i __ t e Dr nap J Cs " - ( . ' ' " Some Insurance M tins . .-- . f l . co lc. I if ' ' i othinp, to " (I... tote o tie I) It . . lug. Mntntuni it. hid ill t 3.. _ ...., . Mt: E. Biggai', for the Ifistoriual say concerning it. Hi: lioudi'oot has gin-n notu-e that is Giiv styokit tm the same lines. _' Is; proviottsly intimated in Thc Lat-trill) "/fi"Jit'"i',; a return i"/ Ill, "W, ' "fl'",',),,,,'? iirir; - and examined the? . * . .' " tes' t I' t'6' insurance WI l ortrign _ " . . . " . . w f Globe, it is believed some of tin pre- unregistered corporations. insurers or ground. ("and ;l',,t)"g,Lrgit5. 2',.t,0:tt,i-/' visions of the new hill will he of u radi- undorwvitors, issued since the sew-n- ton), and a m tl", a ' Id In" . ' bdr l h . . C. o neglected spot does not exist Within a cal WNW"? and nrrl.U itilmlrs thrs, I'ii'lnlti] l") mi hidmh' ry,12. with" sh" hundred miles of Toronto." l . . . _ , q N 't Ut' Cru'.'.) 'iir timer see on .'t'a - 's," "a, -_. , standardization Hi "W'H-'W' 1icriols. a of the Ontario insurance act as .Mr. w, F. ';)?c1i,1,'ie,f,,"cai1riitctt, Dir-r grappling with the temperance hotel amended hy ll. Edward VH.. chapter POW" the. 98:31:: un 0'8 a vote of the; problem in local option districts and le, and IV. Edward Vila chapter 15. pegtph'atmiv "36'er t'gouth PM»! ' . -iscir for the PvaL and of all letters and applications in I 7"" fr- . .. . li] H" mu- iii 'd . l 7 'l a possible. pro\l.lm PIN wept-ct of which such Di'l'lllits were frew) strong} . r amp one t". . l.o-, -.t authority. I'hr. iss " V clause. After seeing the Fort, how izing of inrnsiug i ind. id l ould cc no possibility f . .-tif .. .. tion =cL=C=cc=r=zc-rr-------------.-_, "-r-e, ""---- sat . " f' Ctr' . M . rt ' nun-h tiebled tht" C fifths local up , 'fi"--'--'------'--"--"~W----; idesetration, "There is too mu h clause will remain. sentimental hypocrisy." hr: saitl.' in l'f'slpnnyl- io the inquiry of Mr. V "Too muchtaiking and too litie; . y. . ("litre Huron) tho ELEGT ALL BY B t action." . . i Wm. 2C"/')1l'j1,/1s',", ted tho fiorept1- ! Miss FitzGirmon, leading " _rrnuta-l Attornoy-Gr"m '."l . " _'. , C., ak g -._.-.t-.-- tion of the Daughters of the Empiraf ment 1readco_ns"""T"yt"".".'""""'i kin- fultANGEMEN'S PROPOSAL FOR Ispokeda'gainst the clause on patriotic I' tho Royal C'otrttitsrsion on. - l ' , c . ta' . ' , groun s. Enrabnce in 1906, hill that no legisla- i BOARDS 01 EDUCATION. _ ( Mrs. Nordleimrr also Spoke hi the tion resulting therefrom was contour V .-------- i, .saine cause. U platr'd at present. (Want Separate School Itrpresetttatives, (K'Ii'iliocfofiisoivpihbgaill?epd.::iix'v\lIu.a;~l.(t1:'1). Lessons in Party "isciplinr. I Chosen by Secret Maui-Learns-l YOURS" _ . h 'u... 4 The Government spont a cousid- ' tire Battle Over School Bills Likely Mr. John Shaw (North Toroutoj erabie portion of the afternmm l -Mittistcr Was Interviewed. ; asked for a reopening of the tiaus killing off a number of l',",',",','."';,'",":' l ! . I go grant superannuation to police trl l hills on the order paper. _liun. ' r. l, ------ ( CPl'S. ' . Hanna was the chief f,",'.,'.,"'??,').""',",,",:,.:',',).,) ; That in all cases of Boards of Edu- j IHon. sham 11:23:11?" '.;'iiiSiti)i [that] V , .. .i..rt . 4"B' )3. . ..~ cs ' t t ..i win??? ah/i1mv/1'ttigl"dvuoJi')ij)l') act Tm" .cation formed under tho, ncw logisla- 35:1: \i'itifltlintil the Premier rhad be: Mr. Brewster's bill to amend tho actl Ition introduced by Hon. Dr. Pyno, consulted. _ , respecting companies for supplying! Minister of Education, the rpm-c. The 1,iQ1etltP,.p"1-',idf,) that untr- il,',?""?,; tht'."",:, ('/'"'rt/,?11,tiuT.nat"ral tttiF', 'stsmtatives olctetod thereto shall bts I',"')',') 'J/,'oupenlt1""o/odec'i'i1y: Prlr'l l '"'id.".'"l,t.' wg. Met'iarry made a Pt'o- chosen by ballot. is the essence of Mayor Oliver expressed lumen: § . test against the condemnation of his 'the proposals submitted to the Gov- WON 1319353"! Tith IT action of thr, ', hill to sf",':',,.,,",',',',.',',',')",:,:,',:,,"':'," Jc, ',))/ (ernment yesterday by a representative 2:31:33; i',',i1tasfs'gTtihty',' o",'),.'.,,,?",, {Wig-i t . i s ' t" - . _ . .' e t' . '.' " {ggfrgi'tetez tannins? A"/ the Minister ldeputation of Ontario Orangemen and city's hill relating to {he F%thtirrt, ' insists on my withdrawing the hill I 'eo-operating fraternal organizations. street bridge; His Worship raid 1'rel suppose PM have to," said the mem- "; ..., . . . . city would. start In at 1?iiCl' to Tn-. her for South Renfrew. "Hut there J?/e,Lt,','t; J",'.)'),',",',.',! all" o','C'l"t"it,ti) sti'net tho bridge. as it was uoyimd ,' is necessity for tho bill and not a tr '/J/V','d e tequire to if)" their to have tho_eaetorn entranw to 21"" word has been advanced against it." t I,',",',)"..'," 3V1]? some on 'the e'et,n,yyoli.-. Exhibition grounds completed in Mr... Sir James Whitney said it would , ti": 'Odrd " ballot. (l?,',,",,,',','?'?,?,'?,.,.?," to be used during the next Iu'shibi-, he dangerous to "extend to every im- f " amen Y?f'n.t was formal" pr'es?nt- tion. He intimated that the talk of' agiiiable association of pooplo the ("Tag 'lt 1).1.iytrt/T 9f 'f,1eet,e,'t I lthe G.T.rt. and c.P.n "Umllal'li's'r right to take away the property of to '.'le'iv1'"',1,e.,t,2,t: "I P?.tn.f,'ytyrt? in-l elevating the tracks at Bathurst, their neighbor at a fair valuation." Il e"?' pirsonalh thovarious mom- street two foot. in (-onuwtion 'xitli', hers ot the House Interested. East- 7 " r . ' _ V F, . tion Not Fair . em 0 tr: i , . l te, the viaduct plans, would um stop the _ "em" . - Jn f" o s roprmqentat on l.ts' hreat. city proceeding to construct the Flath- ', "I had received no intimation that Irl by Grand M-ysttr Jam" .fiutmts, urst street bridge. The bridge is to .'i the measure was to be dealt with this kingstong T. P. Collins. Millbrook: Cogt $105.000. I way," persisted Mr. McGarrv "1 Duncan Munroe: Cornwall. and A. E. "fr-trr-rr-Tritt------ t think it is not fair to wipe it out McLean. Ncwcastio, while western, __-_- - - ----- . without consideration." [ 21t.t"1eye,s, Wm. Lee. Toronto, and; F The Premier gave assurance thatl Rttv. M" "5'" Aurora. They t1lsoi the Government had considered it.; took exception to the bills of Messrs. "Reco1leet this." sold Sir James, "that; 9.113.01310 (Russell) and T. ly. Mc- the duty of the Government is nol Garry (South Renfrew). enlarging the light olte. The proportion of bills) present powers of the separate school. objected to by the Governments in; :-"Se.r.-"dd.etTrc.errte=ez: "wear is being decreased, and it ist

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