IST,' .... r ' ' . ' _' ' '", N, . , Tr -..'...... ,, . M] 'i-rarn ' "'"r'M'rt'-", ._,." T". " 'Fru' -e,rr I I draw l e 1inii.' it . - I - - l Wr't'iaiiiae'iee-- ."iCal, V. " "it to, T _-" W'/e Il er y e alatlon. ' said Mr. .- H. my - _ I Jaus toi ' Bi"'- W' 'ci'ie2al, 1.7; _ - _ aid "iiiicra . C56eeee::roa, ' i "3 Yer (East Kent). -itt urging hit ttti) , "W." W'."'-fw'q;.' - " -----"'--- i" \' toi amend the pharmacy act try Pd!" () p ' ug..:¢7:";~a.' Cr.? '; . . 0 . . T m tting country merchants to sell V q T . .": 1 . '; 'ttfelt',",',',,:",',','.',','""',',", 'iteltf"I' before il serene Henry to Gentle Ja/mes. 0 ' I t e essat re uncpal Commit-- ', , tee yesterday morning. Hon. w. J. g) . 8 " Hanna. presided. ) . , . Mr. G. E. Gibbard. on behalf of the "d . . ' - . . I _ poms" of pharmacy, opposed the', "3%. While bes4owing a few love taps on ihr.rilt_etvift Light, 0 l _ 'J,'il'lu,fifid le, 't'ih",o't"'cz,'xpt,'tt,1s1,t"i, ""ompany at the big Torv rally in Riverdale Rink on Monday 0 (owe e . -. , , y-l ' . -.. . . _ . t '. . . t ', _ ing on the measure. He declared: *lit the Premier oi Ontario suddenly tunnel his attention to 0 i t the danger in {hf "Hr If"? 'I W?! O Bic. llenry O'l3rien, KC., the eonipany's solicitor. and a dis- 0 .. _ } f,,'r',11i,t,'l"Vuonus'll,rJduTfi'"2t'2'anlfntoht,.t O iinguished Conservative, and eharcred that, III the columns of if , contents of 'IP",),' Tate.','," sold. l, 0 The Canada Law Journal. of wliieh he is editor. he had made all 8 , l l ws/i/ip",')),'.',)',?,-,,?,','.' 1goG"artnionout,2/ attempt to destroy. or at, least lllJlll'l'. the finaneial credit of the l , tiered the information that the re-.' Government lroeauslt the Government, insiittsd .on ('al'l'ymg 0 '. l tail my.chaqis or tho Frown" we": through tile llvdvo-Eleiie projeet. Mr. O Brien asks The O I a not asking for the hill, and thereby; l . . .' Cl . g . thrust his head into a hornets' no"; 0 (Jolie to publish the following ieply C--- 0 I. q "You don't knowlwnut if"??? I/gl/si-d 0 "Mr attention has been ealled to a statement made at a O ', a . ,. . r. a -l . . . . I' ' lg . ' I ._ q 'i/eu"."""' tttortttt k' H f on l () roeont, political meeting by hu- Jamos "liltney in roll-retire () i, l "Hear. hear." put in Capt. Machini 0 to me as the editor of The Canada, Law Journal. I do not 0 T* " (litmorn ). i .' T A' . . 'rt ' . .. s:i " . i. I "I know that tho Wm" morvhams. desire to refer to the language used on. til it (I(l.d\l()ll iiiithor , in my constituency are unanimously: 0 than to say that Mr James apparently forgets the responsibil- O , 'l', I, favor of it," put lit Mr. 1""me 0 ity of tho tliymified position which ho at present oeeupies. fl ,- i! '" :1'i's"t',in',i,tai, merchant myself. I? 0 Sir James might have. seen. if he had taken the trouble to j know they are," added Mr. McCart; look. that tho artielo in question was not. written by me. but 0 "l,o/yo,,nrte'c,,nderan, of opinion in? contributed by one eminently tptalified to dismiss the sillijoet. 0 " _ tho committee was in fatten; orhlho6 O in its legal aspeet. When a man of sueh high standing. re- 0 t bill. on the suggestion o thet? air-i, ' c. . ._. . . ho . . r . ' .- io . 'ut. "t . man. however. before any ttnal draft,' legalized dillllh) and learning .in constitiit ,lld'l matters and O vcasairprovpd,a special committee Cot1-', O extensive Parliamentary experience as Col. C) Brien sent us 0 . si.cting of Messrs. Bowyer, llacmar" an article, on this suhioet we were 'leased to give our readers / mid. Nickle, Keeley and MJJihtiy "23;. 8 'i'i'e"/i,'ii(iit of it J I t I 0 _ flrd) was appointm to con or w, I F '.' _ " . , . . . . the druggists and roport. l 0 '%ir James Whitney s acquaintance with constitutional 0 ' Timed This Hm. l O matters is necessarily limited, and his opinion as to the time. 0 _- Tho [.ngislntive Municipal 1:om-l, lions and provmeo of legal journalism is of little value as eoin- O mittoo .vostotula.v l"rooming 2231:8331)" pared with the opinion of those who have been engaged in 0 . . . Mr.K.H.Fr r 'o. , . . .fo.. _ tty,,'?,,',',",',,].',,).,?,',;,,'?;,.,,",?"?)') control of such Journalism for half a lifetime. it. ought to he iinneoos- O _ the erection of' all billboards. f) sary to say that a legal Journal is not, only ooneernod with the () ' ' rr""-","""."."",")'"'","",-,""-'. U diselission of matters of practieo and ease law. but also very ', . "i,riijiA./,r,n,_a, C x It O properly deals with the larger siibJoots of international and 0 ' [ "l BtU19 2 IL' " . ' . " 0 eonstitutional law. Not the least, important. of its t'iinetions O ';ocicgatiou From Port Arthur Will' 0 is tile ei'itieisni of statutes whieh. as everyone knows, are too O , 3 Ask CioxvrtttttCtit to do Bo. l 0 often erude and ill "ousidered. Of sueh statutes we have. in 0 t E mm paramount endeavor here will; 0 the legislation discussed in that article. a striking illustra- 0 . the to show to the Ontario Government) 0 tion. O ' if . . . . l . . . if, ' lhmv imlH'l'z'itiYe it is to open up that: "A gentleman who with reckless ghbness characterizes . 4 _ tum mm of land m Now Ontario 1y- 2 men who are, to say the least, not less respected nor less highly 0 ',1 ll ""t' b, "TT.'.""" iu',1h','Jii'),y,. "dim" esteemed than himself, as 'a, bunch of fakirs' would soureely 0 ' l ---. .. .er ; o 2s X ' ' . . - - .' ' I " tT.1.i ol PM . Ittlit m extent 0 seem to he a person fit to be trusted with the enactment of O . -1il';u'IlI'illl,\' uninhabited. and not serv- . . . . _ .. . . . . c, ' sul tt "mm hv my railroad .. This 0 legislation of the oareiul and deliberate deseription whieh is ' t I a ' . . c _ . . ' . . . . . l 'cwnmm was mum. to Tho, Globe]! O vequiss'ittu if the public are to be adequately protoeted. In the l he; Harm M Mr. Fl ll. Roofer, Port 0 judgment of the writer of the article referred to (with whieh () ll Arthur's solicitor. who is one of a I thoroughly agree). our damage whleh the 'finaueial erodit 'l ,.l,.u-; " i'.. ' a', '. , , , . g ,', k, . . C, . . l :3, , 1i'u'.1)j)"1"/.h1tc"tittitc,1.'h.a'igt1r/is. 0 ol Ontario has sustained is really due to the improVident, and. O J. ti. King. Hln'ilkillg of their mis- O as many think. unfair legislation oi which Mr James Whitney 0 _ ' r 'il')), $1113"! 'i,'.e.'iitt/y,,rixsyl"/r,ipft", "that gift 0 is the author. I'nder these oireunvsiances ll is preposterous () I " iiili tlt' ' "dh' l." " tr . . . . '! a ,~....k-i,.mm1 xi..." lino of Lake Su-; O to lay that damage to the charge of those who have eritieized o " iii-riot NIH" tho Grand Trunk Pacitie 0 suelrltv:islation and exposed its true oharaoter and tendenev." ( {a was being constructed away hack on; ' . J , tht, might of land. In between the WOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC l , tcrritory opened by these roads was i a gl'well eluy hell. rieh in mineral wealth and timber. It was in this dis.. triet that the cunadian Northern Co. .: .int-m'ix-d cotvrtructing a connecting ' link lrrstwrssn their western and On-' '/ torio lines. The revenue. to the Pro- lil virus, he thought. would easily warrant i: the opening up of the enuntrs'. and . (ll the more met or its being a through g traiisporlulioii road in no way dis- it ]il;ll_'l'(l its usw as a colonization road. I unit-own ii,' that road he. not built ii :i f',"' :iI deal of grain and general truf- L lie will go through by American roads. i ,\\'x- are in favor of the C. N. it. or . ll "my UliIl'l' eompziny getting a liberal ' subsidy at the hands of the Province. hi i ---r------- n, -- -" "'t-----_-t- --_--t--_---- g is. , I'; t il [ l E Ili , l E ll" 'l I ll ' *